The term for the Delhi Legislative assembly is schedule to end on the 15th of February 2025. Previous assembly elections in Delhi were held on 8th of February 2020 in which Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) had won impressive 62 seats out of 70 by getting more than 53% of votes to regain the power with full majority for the second consecutive term. BJP had then got 38.51% votes share and could manage to win only 8 seats. But since 2022 the political landscape of Delhi state has changed drastically as many AAP leader, including the Chief Minister himself, has been arrested by the ED (Enforcement Directorate) in liquor policy scam and other corruption cases.
In May 2022 Delhi Health Minister Satyendra Jain was arrested by the ED and he hasn’t yet got the bail in that money laundering case. Later in year 2023 Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia and senior Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh were both arrested by the ED in liquor scam case and they could manage to secure bail only in the year 2024. This year on the 21st of March 2024 ED has arrested Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal after the High Court refused him interim protection and since then he is also in Jail though in-between he got the interim bail by the Supreme Court.
{Note: – This article of mine was published in the December 2024 issue of Modern Astrology Magazine. The same has been reproduce here for the readers of my blog}
Chart 1. Delhi State : February 1, 1992 at 00h. 00m. at Delhi at 77 E 13 and 28 N 40 with a balance of 17 years 9 months 10 days of Venus Dasha at birth.
In the horoscope of Delhi State (chart 1) the Libra lagna is rising and the Moon is in Sagittarius. The horoscope of Delhi State is cast for the time when the state came into existence as the National Capital Territory (NTC) after the 69th amendment of the constitution implemented. In the horoscope of Delhi State, the lagna and 8th lord Venus is in ‘Samagama’ Yoga along with the 10th lord the Moon. The Moon and Venus are in the degree conjunction and their declination are also the same. The two feminine planets the Moon and Venus are afflicted by their conjunction with Rahu and also the 7th lord (sex crime) Mars showing high rate of crime against women and promiscuous behaviours of many anti-social people in the state. As per the data of the National crime record bureau, Delhi top the list of 19 major cities of India in the list of crime against women in year 2022 {Refer link – }
In the Maha Dasha of the Moon, which ends in November 2025, and then 7 years long Maha Dasha of Mars to be followed we don’t expect Delhi to become a better city for women on astrological basis. The aspect of the 3rd and 6th lord Jupiter on this combination of the Moon, Venus, Mars and Rahu is also not helpful in the foundation horoscope of Delhi State.
In the current Moon Dasha and Venus Anter Dasha from September 2023 to May 2025 many senior ministers of the ruling AAP government will come under trouble and there will be political upheavals in the state. Venus the Anter Dasha lord is taking the 8th lordship in Rashi chart and in Navamsha Venus is in conjunction with the 8th lord the Moon. During the upcoming elections in Delhi state the matter of rising crime against women will be a big election issue, and it can be damaging for the BJP as the law and order is the responsibility of the center here. The Delhi police come directly under the Home Minister of the Centre and the chief minister in Delhi has no role to address the law-and-order situation in Delhi.
Chart 2. Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) : November 26, 2012 at 12h. 00m. at Delhi at 77 E 13 and 28 N 40 with a balance of 17 years 5 months 28 days of Venus Dasha at birth.
In Capricorn lagna horoscope of AAP (chart 2) the lagna and 2nd lord Saturn is exalted in the 10th house and is conjoined there with ‘Yogakaraka’ Venus and also the 9th lord Mercury. This major Raja Yoga and Dhana Yoga has made AAP a national level party in just after 10 years of her formation. It has state government in Delhi since February 2015 and recently they came into the helm of the affairs in Punjab state assembly in year 2022.
Bandhana Yoga in AAP horoscope
The noticeable point in the horoscope of AAP is the presence of Mars in the 12th house which is getting the 3rd aspect of Saturn from the 10th house. Mars in the 12th house can give a ‘Bandhana Yoga’ (imprisonment) as per Brihat Yavana Jataka. In the foundation horoscope of AAP Mars is in the 12th house of Rashi , Navamsha and also in Dashmasha . In all the three charts Mars in the 12th house get the aspect of Saturn. Thus classical ‘Bandhan Yoga’ is very prominent in the foundation horoscope of AAP. Interestingly AAP came into existence after an anti-corruption movement but since it has came into power with full majority in 2015 as many as 16 of its leaders have been arrested in corruption, criminal and other cases {Refer link- }.
Enigmatic Venus-Saturn Dasha
At present Venus Dasha and Saturn Anter Dasha is running in the horoscope of AAP from March 2023 to May 2026 which can help them to overcome the crisis situation which has emerged due to its three senior leader’s recent imprisonment on corruption charges in liquor excise policy case. Notice here the close degree conjunction of Venus and Saturn. Their declination is also within one degree; thus, they are in ‘Graha Yuddha’ here. In Navamsha both Dasha lords Venus and Saturn are in the 6th house of court cases but in Dashmasha chart they have improved their placement which gives some hope.
Venus Dasha Saturn Anter Dasha and the Sun Antra would be running from 20 November 2024 to 17 January 2025 which would be challenging for AAP. But next Antra would be of the Moon which is strongly placed in the 4th house of ruler’s throne which can help them to retrain power after a closely fought election.
Favorable Ashtakavarga Scores
In transit the Saturn from Aquarius get 34 points in Sarvashtaka Varga and 4 points in its own Bhinashtaka Varga which are good. Saturn is transiting in the 11th house from the Moon and 2nd from the lagna. Jupiter is transiting in the 2nd from the Moon and 5th from the lagna. Both Saturn and Jupiter jointly aspect the Scorpio which is 11th house of the gains in the foundation chart of AAP which is good.
Chart 3. Arvind Kejariwal : August 16, 1968 at 07h. 30m. at Bhiwani, Haryana at 75 E 36 and 28 N 54 with a balance of 4 years 7 months 13 days of Sun Dasha at birth.
In the Leo lagna horoscope of Arvind Kejriwal (chart 3) a Vargottama 10th lord Venus is in the Janma lagna along with the 5th lord Jupiter which is a good yoga for getting a powerful position. Then the conjunction of 2nd and 11th lord Mercury with them is a good Dhana Yoga. In December 2013 he become chief minister of Delhi for the first time in Jupiter Dasha and Mercury Anter Dasha in Vimshottari but he resigns from his post after 49 days only. He went to jail in the last week of May 2014 when he refused to get the bail in a defamation case filed against him by BJP minister and senior leader Nitin Gadkari. In Jupiter Dasha Mercury Anter Dasha and Rahu Antra from March 2014 to July 2014 his party AAP performed poorly in general elections in 2014 and he was in jail for more than 14 days due to his adamant decision for not taking bail from the lower court. Notice here the placement of Rahu in the 8th from his Janma lagna and 12th from the Moon.
During Jupiter Dasha and Rahu Anter Dasha from November 2021 to March 2024 many of his party leaders got arrested in liquor excise policy scam case. Although during this Dasha Anter Dasha only his party won an assembly election in Punjab in February-March 2022 and become a national level party. Anter Dasha lord Rahu is in the 8th house from his Janma lagan but its depositor Jupiter is in good position. Moreover, Rahu is strong in Navamsha as it is associated with benefic planets only. But since Rahu is in the 8th house from Maha Dasha lord Jupiter so its sub period gave him lots of troubles also. He received 10 summonses from the ED but didn’t appear for an investigation. As a result, he didn’t get any anticipatory bail from the High Court and got arrested on the 21st of March 2024 when he was under Jupiter Dasha Rahu Anter Dasha and Mars Antra. The Antra lord Mars is in the 12th house with the Sun. Both the Sun and Mars are in Sarpa Dreskkan which is highly inauspicious when you have a ‘Bandhan Yoga’ in a birth chart. Mars in the 12th house create a ‘Bandhan Yoga’ here thus he has to face an imprisonment during this period.
Bandhan Yoga and Neecha Bhanga Yoga of Saturn
A special reference to Bandhan Yoga has been given in Chapter number 14 of Prashna Marga from Sloka number 106 to 114. I am referring here to the translation by Dr. B.V. Raman of Prashna Marga (Part I) at page number 487. Although, these yoga’s given are mentioned with respect to the Horary or Prashna Kundali but we can also apply these on the natal horoscopes. The stanza number 112 of Chapter Number 14 of Prashna Marga says, “if Saturn occupies the 5th, 9th, 4th, 8th or 7th identical with a malefic owned Rashi and is aspected by malefics, one suffers prison for life.” If Saturn is in movable sign, the person will be liberated from prison soon; if a fixed sign, he suffers a long-term of imprisonment; and if in a common sign, the period will be neither very long nor very short.
The above mention yoga applies in the horoscope of Arvind Kejariwal (chart 3) as Saturn is in the 9th house in the Rashi of natural malefic planet Mars. The Saturn is in conjunction with the 12th lord (imprisonment) the Moon, and the Moon is in Rashi Parivartan (sign exchange) yoga with Mars which is in the 12th house. Now put Mars in the place of the Moon as they are in the sign exchange, thus the Saturn also comes into the association with a natural malefic Mars in the sign of malefic which construct ‘Bandhan Yoga’ as per the Prashna Marga.
But Saturn is also Vargottama and is involve in a good ‘Neecha Bhanga Yoga’. Saturn’s sign lord Mars is in the Kendra from the Moon. Also, Saturn’s exaltation sign lord (Uccha Naath) is Venus which is in Kendra from the Janma lagna. Saturn is getting the aspect of the 5th lord Jupiter and by its association with the Moon involve in sign exchange it get the influence of the 9th lord the Mars. Thus, Saturn is associated with both the 5th lord and also the 9th lord so it makes a good ‘Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga’ as per the rule of ‘Phala Deepika’ and ‘Jataka Parijata’.
In Dashmasha Saturn is debilitated but is strongly placed in the 3rd house. Now we will study the ‘Dasha Pravesh Kundali’ of Saturn for Arvind Kejriwal as per the rules of Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra and Jataka Tattwam.
Chart 4. Dasha Pravesh of Saturn for Arvind Kejariwal : March 29, 2024 at 16h. 42m. at Hissar, Haryana at 75 E 43 and 29 N 10
In the Dasha Phala Adhyay, chapter number 48 of the Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, at stanza number 5 & 6 Sage Parashara says that “during the beginning of any Dasha if the lord of the Dasha is in the lagna, in its sign of exaltation or in its own sign or in its friendly sign, gets the aspect of a benefic planet then this Dasha period gives good results. But on the contrary if the Dasha lord in transit is moving from the 6th, 8th or 12th and/or in its sign of debilitation or from its enemy sign at the time of the beginning of Dasha then it will give bad results”.
The above-mentioned principal is known as the study of ‘Dasha Pravesh Kundali’. The method of casting the Dasha Pravesh Kundali (chart) is very simple. All we need to do is to check on which day any specific Maha Dasha is starting in a horoscope. Then cast a chart for the start of the day of Maha Dasha by taking the rising sign same as the ascendant and also taking the same place of birth. The rules to study the ‘Dasha Pravesh Kundali’ has been explained in more details in the ‘Dasha Tattwam’ chapter of the classical text ‘Jataka Tattwam’ which is the last chapter of this book.
In case of Arvind Kejariwal the Maha Dasha of Saturn started on the 29th of March 2024 as per the ‘Chitra Paksha Ayanamsha’. On that day the transiting Saturn was in Aquarius in its own sign along with the Yogakaraka Mars and the 10th lord Venus. But the Moon was in Scorpio getting the aspect of 6th and 7th lord Saturn was inauspicious. Thus, he is still in jail but since the Maha Dasha lord is strong in the Dasha Pravesh Kundali so he didn’t resign from his post yet and can also get re-elected in the upcoming assembly elections on the state.
Now coming back to the horoscope of Arvind Kejariwal (chart 3) the Saturn Dasha Saturn Anter Dasha and Mercury Antra from 18 September 2024 to 21st of February 2025 is expected to give good results for him. The Antra lord Mercury as the 2nd and 11th lord strongly placed in the Janma lagna is good. In Navamsha it is in the 10th house in own sign and in Dasha masa it is in the 9th house in mutual aspect with the lagna lord Saturn. He is likely to get released from the Jail anytime after 18th of September this year. And he will also get reelected as the chief minister in the upcoming assembly elections in Delhi state.
As per Jaimini Chara Dasha a favorable Dasha of Aries and Anter Dasha of Aquarius would be running from 15th of November 2024 to 14th of February 2025. Amatayakaraka the Moon is in Aries sign and from Jaimini aspect it influences the Anter Dasha Rashi Aquarius. The 10th Pada is in Scorpio which is in the 10th house from Anter Dasha Rashi Aquarius. Thus, this period will help Arvind Kejariwal to get reelected as the chief minister of Delhi again.