In Rajasthan Vidhan Sabha there are 200 seats. Since 1993 the BJP and Congress has been in power in the state alternatively. The BJP’s Vasundhara Raje and Congress party’s Ashok Gehlot has both held the post of chief ministers twice since 1998 one after another. The incumbent chief minister of BJP Vasundhara Raja is facing a tough challenge from the anti-incumbency factor and the disillusionment of people from the policies of Narendra Modi led government at the center. Astrologically the horoscope of Vasundhara Raje is at present under weak dashas when compare to the horoscope of his Congress opponent Ashok Ghelot.
It is well know that BJP’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi has never been in good terms with Vasundhara Raje who along with Sushma Swaraj and Shiv Raj Singh Chauhan had supported the Lal Krishna Advani’s ambitions to become prime minister candidate from BJP in 2013. So it was no surprise when Modi can into the helm-of-affairs with a thumping mandate in 2014 he started trampling his opponent within the party as he had earlier did while his rule in the Gujarat as chief minister for 12 years. In political circles it is rumored that the ‘Vyapam’ and ‘Lalit Modi’ controversies in 2015 were deliberately given prominence in the media so that the trio of Shiv Raj Singh Chauhan, Sushma Swaraj and Vasundhara Raje can be made weaken. Since 2015 the Vyapam scam has made Shiv Raj Singh Chauhan unpopular in Madhya Pradesh. The Lalit Modi controversy gave a huge setback to the image of Sushma Swaraj who later submitted to Modi’s authority in the party.
But it is Vasundhara Raje who seems to be the only satrap in the BJP who has not given-up to the authoritative powers of Modi-Shan due in the BJP. However, now the prime minister Narendra Modi himself is facing direct charges of nepotism and supporting crony-capitalist by his policies , so there emerges a possibility that after a big loss in the assembly polls in 2018 some voices against him can be found raising within the BJP. The Rafael Scam , meddling in the CBI and bad effects of demonetization on Indian economy will be the biggest cause of concern for the BJP in coming assembly elections in 2018. Now see a comparison between the horoscope of congress chief minister hopeful in Rajasthan Ashok Gehlot with the horoscope of Vasundhara Raje for the astrological forecast of possible outcome in Rajasthan assembly polls.
Horoscope of Ashok Gehlot
3 May 1951, 09:50 am at Jodhpur , Rajasthan
Longitude: 73 E 01’ and Latitude: 26 N 117’
Balance of Dasha in Vimshottari: Saturn 1 Years 3 Months 9 Days
The Gemini lagna horoscope of Ashok Gehlot has three planets in own sign ( Jupiter, Mars and Venus) and one planet (Sun) is in its exaltation sign. It is no surprise that he is one of the most famous and successful CM in Rajasthan ever. The rise of Ashok Gehlot was a surprise for many political Pundits as his cast Mali (Saini) has very negligible base in Rajasthan a state dominated by Rajput’s , Jat and Gujjar communities. Ashok Gehlot is a science and law graduate. He has done MA in Economics which is clear from the aspects of Mars, Sun and Mercury on the 5th house in Rashi chart. He got married on 27 November 1977 in the Vimshottari dasha of Venus-Venus and since then his political career has been very decent.
His second tenure as the Chief Minister of Rajasthan during 2008 to 2013 (Moon maha dasha) is remembered for work in the area of drought management and primary health care in villages. He lost elections during the Modi wave in December 2013 when the transiting Saturn and Rahu where in Libra at the 8th house from his natal Moon in Pisces. But the maha dasha of Mars from August 2012 to August 2019 shows why he has remain so active in the politics playing an important role more recently during the Congress party’s campaign in Gujarat assembly elections in November 2017 when they gave BJP a ‘run for their money’. He is a member of Congress think-tank that is working with Rahul Gandhi for the revival of party.
Now the Vimshottari dasha of Mars-Sun from 6 September 2018 to 11 November 2019 shows that he can become the chief minister of Rajasthan for the record third time. Mars and Sun both are in the 11th house of gains with the lagna and 4th lord (seat of ruler) Mercury showing astrological possibility for the gain of power. Mars and Sun are in the company of benefic planets in the Navamsha chart.
In Jaimini Chara dasha the period of Libra-Gemini is running from June 2018 to January 2019. The Amatayakaraka Mars is giving Jaimini aspect to the 11th house from Libra showing gains. The sub period sign Gemini is the 10th house from Karakamsha which is Virgo here. The 11th and 10th house from the Gemini is very strong showing great possibility of his becoming the chief minister during its period.
Horoscope of Vasundhara Raje
8 March 1953, 16:45 hours at Mumbai
Longitude: 72E 49’ and Latitude: 18N 58’
Balance of Dasha in Vimshottari: Mercury 11 Years 9 Months 17 Days
The Cancer lagna horoscope is of Vasundara Raje Scindia who comes from the royal Maratha family of the Raja’s of Gwalior. The beautiful exchange between the 9th lord Mars and the 10th lord Jupiter is a great Raja Yoga here. The 4th lord Venus in conjunction with the 9th lord Jupiter at the 10th house is another yoga that shows her royal emblems. In Navamsha the Pisces sign is rising with a great Yoga of lagna lord Jupiter in the 9th and the 9th lord Mars in the lagan. She is a graduate from economics and political science. The 5th lord Mars in the Nakshatra of Mercury and in conjunction with it explain the study of economics. She got married on 17 November 1972 during her Venus-Venus period in Vimshottari. Venus is in mutual aspect with 7th lord Saturn. But her marriage with Hemant Singh, of the ex-royal Dholpur family, did not last longer and the couple separated after one year.
Her 7th house from the lagna has Rahu and the 7th lord Saturn is retrograde and get the aspect of Mars. The 7th house from Venus the Karaka for marriage has retrograde Saturn showing why she didn’t get happiness from her marriage. In her Vimshottari dasha of Mars-Venus in 2013 she got elected the chief minister of Rajasthan when the BJP won election under her leadership with a thumping majority by getting 163 seats and Congress was left with only 21 seats in the assembly. The dasha of Rahu-Jupiter is now under operation from September 2017 to January 2020. The sub period lord Jupiter is in good Raja yoga as explained earlier. But it is in the 6th house from the Moon and get the bad aspect of 8th lord Saturn. In Navamsha the dasha lords Rahu and Jupiter are in 6/8 from each other.
If we see her chart from the Jaimini angle then we find the Chara dasha of Libra ( March 2015 to March 2021) current is not very good for her as it is the 8th house from her Atamakaraka Mars. Libra is the 8th house from her Atamakaraka and Karakamsha both. Ever since this period of Libra has started in her chart her popularity has been going down consistently. Now the assembly polls will be conducted when Vasundhara Raje would be under Libra-Gemini period from September 2018 to March 2019. The Atamakaraka Mars in the 10th house from Gemini shows that she will give a tough fight to her opposition. But since the dasha Rashi Libra is not good from Karakamsha and Atamakaraka so she is likely to lose the advantage. Her horoscope is weak when compare with her opponent from Congress Ashok Gehlot who stands better chance to become the chief minister.
The transiting Jupiter in Scorpio will be over the natal Moon of Vasundhara Raje and Narendra Modi both. As per a South-Indian classical text of astrology ‘when the Jupiter transit over natal Moon of a native it purify the mind after giving him a feeling of guilt due to the unearthing of some past sins (bad Karmas) ‘. Now it will be interesting to see if Vasundhara Raje and Narendra Modi, both having Scorpio Moon, will able to shed their ego’s and make-up with each other during this assembly elections campaign in Rajasthan ?