In the Chapter number 14th of the Prashna Marga some yoga’s for imprisonment or Bandhan Yoga’s have been given. One such yoga in stanza number 112 says that if Saturn is placed in the 5th, 9th, 4th, 8th or in the 7th house in a sign of malefic and is associated by malefic then it can give imprisonment. The duration of imprisonment depend upon the placement of planet causing Bandhan Yoga in the fixed, dual or movable signs. The Jharkhand Chief minister Hemant Soren has this Bandhan Yoga mentioned in the Prashna Marga in his Dhanu (Sagittarius) lagna birth chart. In the horoscope of Hemant Soren Saturn is in the 8th house in conjunction with the Sun which is in the Sarpa Dreskkan. Hemant Soren is facing a lurking danger of his arrest in a alleged purchased and sale of a tribal land by forging documents during 2020 to 2022. The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has conducted raids recently on his South-Delhi and Ranch based homes to confiscate large amount of cash, documents and a luxury car.
Horoscope of Hemant Soren

On the contrary Hemant Soren has an image of a soft leader which we can see from the Vargottama Jupiter giving aspect to his Janma lagna. Apart from this 5th lord Mars also aspect his Janma lagan making him an intelligent ruler.
Hemant Soren’s Marriage and Personal life
Hemant Soren married bit late considering the tribal background from which he comes getting married at the age of 31 for a men is a case of delayed marriage. See the ‘Paap Kartari Yoga’ across the 7th house of Janma lagna. Mars and Ketu are in the 6th house and Sun-Saturn in the 8th house flanking the 7th house of spouse. In Navamsha we have Moon in the 7th along with malefic Sun, Mars and Ketu. He got married on 6th of February 2006 when he was passing through Rahu-Ketu period in Vimshottari. Rahu and Ketu are covering the 1/7 axis of his Navamsha chart. He had two sons from his wife Kalpana.
Hemant Soren had become the chief minister for the first time in July 2013 during Jupiter-Jupiter dasha in Vimshottari. He lost his position in Jupiter-Saturn dasha during December 2014. Saturn is in the 8th house of humiliation. In Navamsha Saturn falls in the 12th house of losses.