Famous Indian actress Priyanka Chopra’s marriage with American singer Nick Jonas at Umaid Bhavan Palace in Jodhpur was in news in December 2018. This beautiful couple’s grand marriage was performed as per both Christian and Hindu customs. The Taurus lagna horoscope given here is of Priyanka Chopra who is India’s highest paid film actress. She […]
Astrology Yogas for delay Marriage
In modern urban society people are becoming more and more career conscious and choosy about marriage. Due to this sometimes they become overage for marriage or relationship. In many cases the marriage is delayed due to some other reasons like lack of financial stability, illness, badly located house or because of some family troubles […]
Jaimini Astrology and Marriage
The aphorism of Jaimini has given many principals for judging the quality of marriage or relationship in a horoscope, which if applied along with Parashari principals gives very good results. In Jaimini system the following parameters are broadly taken into account in a horoscope to find out the possible happiness or unhappiness from marriage. Darakaraka: […]