Supreme Court in India can form a commission to Probe Electoral Bond Scam
About 30 years ago, the conjunction of Mars and Saturn had took place in Aquarius on February 27th in 1994. At that time, there was a conjunction of Mars, Mercury, Saturn, the Sun and Venus in Aquarius. Due to the effect of the conjunction of these five planets, on March 11, 1994, a landmark judgement of Supreme court came in the S.R. Bommai vs. Union of India. The Supreme Court interpreted the article 356 of the constitution regarding the dismissal of state governments and said that if the Central Government dismisses the elected government of the state, then the Supreme Court has the power to review and even reverse its decision. In this judgement, instructions were also given to the Governors that ‘The decision of whether any state government has majority or not should not be taken in the Raj Bhavan (Governor house) , but it should be decided in the Legislative Assembly only. The landmark judgement of the apex court is considered as one of the most quoted verdicts in the country’s political history.
Now, the Saturn-Mars has again conjoined in Aquarius at the 8th house from the natal Moon of the foundation horoscope of India.
Saturn-Mars Conjunction will be tragic for Russia
Religious disputes, political scandals and violence foreseen
Above Normal Temperature and Scorching Heat in April-May Foreseen
There will be record breaking heat in April month this year when the planets Jupiter and Mercury will be transiting in the fiery sign Aries, which will be under the third aspect of Saturn transiting in Aquarius at present. Due to the effect of Saturn’s aspect on Aries sign there will be above normal temperature during April-May months in many countries of Northern Hemisphere. The effect of more than normal heat will be seen in April-May months.
In the western part of India, some parts of Gujarat, Rajasthan and Maharashtra and in Assam affected by Aries, there will be more heat than normal in April this year. Along with the weather, politics heat waves will also be felt strongly in North India. The temperature will remain high in the month of April. There will be turmoil in the stock market and health of big leaders will be in danger. The conjunction of Saturn-Mars in Aquarius indicates some initial upswing in the stock market but later some major upheaval after the eclipse of the April 8th is foreseen. This conjunction, being formed in the eighth house from the Indian zodiac sign Cancer, may indicate some major political scandal. In the horoscope of USA, the Moon is in Aquarius, on which the transit of Saturn-Mars is creating the possibility of violent incidents in the month of end of March or April. There will be a major trouble in the health of America’s President Joe Biden. There will also be a decline in the health of Indian Home Minister Amit Shah during the period of Markesh Jupiter in his horoscope of Virgo ascendant. The combination of Saturn and Mars being formed in the sixth house is not auspicious for his health during the ongoing election campaign.