The Election Commission has announced the polling dates in four States and Union Territory of Puducherry. The assembly elections will be held in two phases for 120 constituencies in Assam, viz., April 4 and 11. In West Bengal, these elections will be held in six phases for the 295 assembly seats. Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Puducherry will go for polls on the May 16th . The counting of votes will be held on May 19th and the results are expected to come by May 21st . Over 17-crore voters will exercise their democratic rights in 824 constituencies. The terms of these five assemblies are ending in April and May.
The BJP, which is the ruling party at the center, doesn’t have strong presence in any of these states as they are not even a principal opposition party in any of these legislative assemblies over there. The BJP is ruling party at the center and they enjoyed a great run under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi after winning the general elections in 2014. The BJP had formed governments in Maharashatra, Haryana, Jharkhand and Jammu & Kashmir states in 2014 after performing well in assembly polls there. At that time they were under the favorable Vimshottari dasha of Sun-Jupiter in their Mithun lagna chart given here. Jupiter and Sun are in exchange of houses. The exchange between the 10th lord Jupiter and 3rd lord Sun is an excellent Raj Yoga as per Bhavartha Ratnakar.
Horoscope of Bharitiya Janata Party (BJP)
6 April 1980, 11:45 hours at Delhi
Balance of Dasha in Vimshottari: Mercury 5 years 0 months 12 days
Till November 2014 the transiting Saturn was in Libra in the 5th house from BJP’s ascendant and 12th from its Moon. But as Saturn came into Scorpio, over the natal Moon of BJP, the party start running into great troubles. The sheer arrogance of its leaders and their vehemence towards opposition parties was disliked by general public. The controversial statements by BJP and RSS leaders had become an order of the day. The BJP suffered huge defeat in the assebmly elections of Delhi and Bihar during the Vimshottari dasha of Sun-Saturn in 2015. The Sun is in the 10th house of power but it is in Mrityu-Bhag giving this party an authoritarian way of working. The BJP also suffer tough situation in the parliament when the opposition got united against the issue of land Acquisition bill, Vyapam Scam, Lalit Gate Scandle etc. The anter dasha lord Saturn is in inimical sign Leo in Rashi chart and in Navamsha it is falling in the 8th house of humiliation.
Now the party is running with Sun-Mercury period from 4 February 2016 to 11 November 2016. The Mercury is in the 9th house of religion in the Rashi chart along with Ketu showing sectarian violence. As soon as the Mercury sub period came the party tried to initiate the Ram temple movement in U.P. but failed to gather the momentum. Mercury is combusted here and is the weakest planet in Shadabala.
Later the BJP leader start using nationalist sentiments to propagate their agenda of Hindutava as evident from the JNU controversy surfaced in the month of February-March 2016.
The anter dasha lord Mercury is strongly place in the ascendant of Navamsha and in Dashamsha it is in the 10th house. But since Mercury is under Rahu-Ketu axis so its also indicates that party leaders will fall into scandles and controversies involving religious issues. The BJP will try to polarize these assembly polls on religious grounds and this situation may led towards violent riots in the states like West Bengal, Assam and Kerala where there is large population of Muslim community.
The transiting Jupiter and Rahu in Leo are hovering over their natal position in the horoscope of BJP. As per a Bhrigu principal the 36th year is going to be a real tough for this party. The Congress (I), formed in 1978, was in its 36th year in 2014 when it suffered a great set back in general elections. Now it will be the turn of BJP to bit dust and suffer humiliation in its 36th year of foundation.
In the Varshaphala for 36th year the Kanya (Virgo) lagan is rising with Mercury in the 8th house showing a serious setback for the BJP. There is exchange between the 7th lord and 12th lord in the Varshaphala chart showing a sex scandals, sting operations and various scams surfacing in which BJP’s top leadership will get trapped.
In Jaimini Chara dasha the period of Aquarius-Capricorn suggest the same. The concentration of malefic planets in the 8th house from Capricorn in the Rashi chart of BJP is very bad.
The horoscope of BJP president Amit Shah ( 22 October 1964 , 05:25 a.m. at Mumbai) is also showing a very difficult time for him and his party during the summer of 2016.
Now see the horoscope of Congress Party
Horoscope of Congress (I)
2 January 1978, 12:00 hours at Delhi

Balance of Dasha: Moon 6 years 2 months and 2 days
After suffering huge defeats in the assembly and general elections in 2013 and 2014 respectively the Congress party has started recovering now. Earlier in 2013 and 2014 the Rahu had eclipsed the 8th house Libra and the natal Moon in Virgo one after another moving into its usual retrograde motion. Now the transiting Rahu from Leo in the 6th house is giving this party zeal and zeast to stage a political comeback.
Earlier in 2013-14 the transiting Saturn from Libra was afflicting the 8th house of Congress party giving them humiliating defeats. Now the Saturn is transiting from Scorpio the 9th house of the Rashi chart which might turn the luck in their favor. In the Vimshottari dasha of Jupiter-Ketu from 8 February 2016 to 14 January 2017 is going to prove good for this party. The Jupiter as the 10th lord is giving aspect to its own house. The sub period lord Ketu is well place at the ascendant under the aspect of 5th lord Moon.
In Jaimini Chara dasha the period of Leo-Pisces is running at present. The Amatayakaraka Sun is well placed in the 10th house from Pisces shows promise of some success.
Now see the horoscope of Trinmoola Congress Party
Horoscope of Trinmoola Congress Party (TMC)
1 January 1998 , 11:00 hours , Kolkata
Balance of Dasha in Vimshottari: Moon 6 years 10 months 6 days
In the Pisces lagna chart of Trinmoola Congress party the Rahu-Mercury-Ketu period will be running from 9 April 2016 to 2 June 2016. The assembly elections in West Bengal are going to held in the month of April-May during this period only. The maha dasha lord Rahu is in the 6th house of strif but it is under the aspect of 9th lord Mars which is good. The anter dasha lord Mercury is in the 9th house in its enimical sign Scorpio. The pratyanter dasha lord Ketu is falling in the 12th house. So this situation will give ruling Trinmoola Congress a tough fight from the opposition.
In Chara dasha the Taurus-Gemini is running till 2nd of May 2016. The Amatayakaraka Mercury is falling in the 6th house from Gemini and giving aspect to the 11th showing gains after great difficulties. The concentration of planets in the 8th house from Gemini is horrible. Several leaders of this party will be charged for instigating violence during the elections.
These assembly elections in West Bengal will be remembered for destructive religious and political violence. The transiting Jupiter in Leo flying over the natal Rahu in the Rashi chart of Trinmoola Congress is another dreaded combination which indicates scandals and activities of violence in which the leaders of this party may get involve. Some of the party leaders are already facing court trials in the Sarada Chit Fund scam which may haunt them again during election days.
Now see the foundation Chart of India given here.
Foundation Chart of India
15 August 1947, 00:00 hours mid night at Delhi
Balance of Dasha in Vimshottari : Saturn 18 years 0 months 25 days
The solar eclipse of 9 March 2016 will be falling at the 10th house Aquarius and it is in the 8th from the natal Moon in Cancer in the foundation chart of India. This situation is frightening and may led country into a war like situation. During the time of assembly polls and after , the country may get divided on communal lines. The long stay of Mars and Saturn in Scorpio over the natal Ketu in the foundation chart of India is a clear indication of religious violence and a war with enemy country Pakistan later on. In transit the conjunction of Jupiter and Rahu in Leo also points towards the same. India is under the Vimshottari dasha of Moon which is the 3rd lord of border clashes and public opinion. The period of Moon-Moon-Ketu from 17 April to 5 May would be very sensitive and may result into great losses of lives and properties in some religious violence.
Now I will give a summery of my analysis about the possible assembly election resutls in various states.
West Bengal: The Trinmoola Congress has 191 seats in the 294 member state assembly at present. Now since they are under a weak dasha period so this time they will get only a simple majority or may even have to borrow outside support from Congress or other smaller parties. The left front and Congress will do better as compare to their telly in previous assembly polls in 2011.
Assam: There could be hung assembly in Assam with Congress becoming the leading party. The BJP may form the government though with the help of its alliances Asom Gana Parishada and Bodo Land People’s front.
Tamil Nadu: In the Vrishabh (Taurus) lagan chart of Jayalalita , 24 February 1948 ) at 13:07 hours Melukote, the Jupiter-Saturn-Venus period is running in Vimshottari at present. The Jupiter is 11th lord of gains, Saturn is yoga karaka planet here and Venus is in its sign of exaltation in the 11th house. The Jayalalita is likely to come back into the power in state after winning the election for her party. But later she might find it difficult to continue as chief minister due to some legal problems in the court cases she is facing for corruption charges.
Horoscope of Jayalalita
24 February 1948, 13:07 hours at Melukote , 76 E 39′ and 12 N 40′
Balance of Dasha in Vimshottari: Ketu 3 years 11 months 23 days
The Chara dasha of Leo-Cancer from 24 February 2016 to 24 August 2016 indicates this possibility. The Leo has Ganatikaraka Mars showing court cases. The Cancer has her Atamakaraka Saturn place in it. So despite winning the assembly elections the Jayalalita might run into trouble due to some legal problems later on. The solar eclipse of 9 March is falling at her natal Sun which is place in the 10th house in Aquarius.
Kerala : In Kerala the left front will do better than the Congress led ruling UDF (United Democratic Front). The BJP may fail to make any significant impact in the state.