After the defeat in West Bengal assembly elections the upcoming polls of Uttar Pradesh (UP) has become more crucial for the Bharitiya Janata Party (BJP). Prime Minister Narendra Modi and UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has recently inaugurated scores of big infrastructure scheme for this most populated state of India. UP has a population of 215 millions people (more than 20 crores) which is larger than the population of many of the countries in the world. In the last assembly elections in UP , BJP had won with a thumping majority and had made Yogi Adityanath the chief minister of the state. The horoscope of CM Yogi Adityanath available with us has a major ‘Sanyas Yoga’ along with some very good Raja Yoga’s which has made him a very charismatic leader and according to some a prospect for the future prime minister of the country. But as per my humble understanding the difficult maha dasha of Ketu in the horoscope of Yogi Aditynath may not give him full majority in the UP assembly elections and it is highly likely that he may have to form an unstable government with the help of some smaller parties. We will discuss the horoscope of UP chief minister in the last part of this post , but first look at the charts of Congress, BSP (Bahujan Samaj Party) and main opposition party SP (Samajwadi Party) leaders at the beginning.
{Hindi} योगी आदित्यनाथ या अखिलेश यादव, कौन जीतेगा उत्तर प्रदेश का चुनावी रण ?
Horoscope of Priyanka Gandhi
Born: 12 January 1972, at 17 hours and 05 minutes, at Delhi (77E 13′, 28N 40′) with a balance of 8 years 1 month and 28 days of Saturn maha dasha.
In the Gemini lagna horoscope of Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi the lagna lord Mercury is in the 7th house along with 7th and 10th lord Jupiter and the 3rd lord Sun. As per Brihat Jataka of Acharya Varahamihira if the Janma lagna get the aspects of Jupiter, Mercury and/or the lord of lagna then it gives a special Raja Yoga as the native’s birth ascendant get lots of strength. In case of Priyanka Gandhi this condition gets fulfilled and apart from this her Mars also aspect the Janma lagna making her a very dynamic personality. But then her Moon is badly placed in the 6th house getting the aspect of Saturn from the 12th house which is a ‘Visha Yoga’ considered to be bad for health and can give emotional setbacks.
A bad exchange between 9th lord Saturn and 12th lord Venus is also giving her struggle in the initial phase of her political career. During Venus maha dasha and Saturn anter dasha (from January 2017 to March 2020) she was made the Congress in-charge for UP state , but she was not able to achieve anything as her party could only manage to win a single Lok Sabha seat from out of 72 in the general elections of 2019. Now at the time of the UP assembly polls she is undergoing Venus-Mercury-Rahu period from 9 October 2021 to 13 March 2022. Her anter dasha lord Mercury is good in both Rashi and Navamsha but the Pratyanter dasha lord Rahu is badly placed in the 8th house of birth chart. So she could only manage to get a little higher share of votes for the party but will not be able to achieve anything significant from these elections. A noticable point here is that her sub-sub period lord Rahu is transiting in the 12th house from her Janma lagna and over her natal Saturn which is bad.
Until her Sun maha dasha starts in March 2024 we can’t expect any major success in her political career. Sun is Vargottama in her chart and is strongly placed in most of the Varga charts.
Horoscope of Mayawati
Born: 15 January 1956 at 19 hours and 50 minutes at Delhi (77E 13′, 28N 40′) with a balance of 4 years 4 months and 10 days of Mars dasha.
The Cancer lagna horoscope of former UP Chief Minister Mayawati amply explains why she has remained unmarried yet. The aspect of Saturn on the Sun, Moon and Mercury in the 7th house has denied her marital comforts. During the maha dasha of Saturn (May 1994 to May 2013) she was at the peak of her political career as she become the chief minister of UP on four occasions. Saturn is making a special yoga in the horoscope of Mayawati. In Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra Chapter number 49 (Vishesh Nakshatra Dasha Phala Adhyay) stanza number 14 and 15 a special condition regarding Maha Dasa of 6th, 8th and 12th houses lords has been discussed. As per this Sloka the Maha Dasa of ‘Dusthana’ lords (6th, 8th and 12th houses) can be auspicious if they are associated with trine lords i.e. lord of the 5th house and/or the 9th house. In case of Mayawati her Saturn is in the 5th house in conjunction with 5th and 10th lord Mars in her Cancer lagna chart. In Navamsha Saturn is the lord of 12th and 11th house and is in conjunction with 9th lord Mars and 5th lord Moon. So Saturn is making this association with 5th and/or 9th house lords in both Rashi and Navamsha charts of Mayawati.
Mercury maha dasha of Mayawati
Ever since the Maha Dasha of 3rd and 12th lord Mercury has started from May 2013 Mayawati’s political career is on the declining phase. Her party failed to win any seat in the Lok Sabha during general elections of 2014. Later in 2017 UP assembly elections, when Mayawati was under Mercury-Venus period in Vimshottari, her party could manage only 19 seats out of 403 though her party has got 22.23% votes. This time when UP assembly elections will take place in early 2022, Mayawati would be running under Mercury-Mars period (November 2021 to November 2022) in Vimshottari. The anter dasha lord Mars is Yogakaraka in her birth chart and is strongly placed in the 5th house. In Navamsa Mars is the lord of 9th house and conjoined with 5th lord Moon. In Dashamsha, which is not given here, Mars is strongly placed in the 10th house of power along with 9th lord Sun. These yoga’s indicate a better performance by Mayawati during upcoming UP assembly elections. She will not become chief minister as her Maha Dasha lord Mercury is not involve in any Raja Yoga but still she will play an important role in formation of the new government.
Birthday Blunder of Akhilesh Yadav and Astrologers Confusions !
As per the official records the birth date of former UP chief minister Akhilesh Yadav is 1 July 1973 but that is not correct at all. I was not aware of it until recently i got some very strong evidences that his actual date of birth is 24 October 1972 only. I had used the wrong horoscope for Akhilesh Yadav in many of my articles including the recent one for Navbharat Times online newspaper site and also for an astrological magazine, for which i sincerely apologise to my readers. As per the news report in Indian Express, link is given below, Akhilesh Yadav birthday is on October 24,while July 1 is wrongly mentioned as his birthday in official record. The error occurred when Akhilesh was first admitted to school back in Etawah, and was never corrected.
Refer link : Lucknownama Birthday Blunder
I had also asked one of my friend to get confirm the real birthday of Akhilesh Yadav from Sunita Aron who had written his biography ‘Winds of Change’. Again a confirmation was received that Akhilesh Yadav’s birth date is 24 October 1972 only.
Balance of Dasha in Vimshottari : Sun 5 years 3 months 12 days
Gulika in Sagittarius at 21 degrees 59 minutes
The horoscope of Akhilesh Yadav is cast with details 24 October 1972, 06 hours and 25 minutes at Etawah (79 E 01′ , 26 N 46′) with balance of 5 years 3 months and 12 days of Sun maha dasha. This horoscope appeals to be correct as it shows an early illness of Akhilesh Yadav’s mother as Saturn as the 4th lord is in the 8th house . Her mother was into serious illness since 1986-87 when Akhilesh Yadav’s Moon maha dasha (1978 to 1988) was about to end.
Akhilesh Yadav married on 24 November 1999 when he was passing through Rahu maha dasha and Jupiter anter dasha in Vimshottari. Rahu is in the 3rd house along with Jupiter which aspect the 7th house of marriage in his Libra lagna birth chart. From Moon the 5th lord Sun is in the 7th house and the 7th lord Venus is in the 5th house is the yoga for love marriage in his chart. In Navamsha the anter dasha lord Jupiter is taking the lordship of Navamsha lagna showing his marriage during its anter dasha.
In Rahu maha dasha and Saturn anter dasha from June 2000 to May 2003 her mother was in vegetative state and later died in May 2003. Her father and former UP chief minister Mulayam Singh Yadav married for the second time after the death of his wife in 2003. Affliction to the 3rd house, which is 7th from the 9th house of father, shows second marriage of his father.
Akhilesh Yadav become the chief minister in year 2012 in Rahu maha dasha and Mars anter dasha after the victory of his party in assembly elections.. In year 2017 during the difficult dasha of functional malefic Jupiter and anter dasha of Saturn, which is in the 6th house from dasha lord, he lost the election and become the opposition leader.
Enigmatic Jupiter-Venus dasha of Akhilesh Yadav
Now Akhilesh Yadav is under Jupiter maha dasha and Venus anter dasha which will run from December 2020 to August 2023. Venus the anter dasha lord is strong in the 11th house and is in exchange with 11th lord Sun which is a good Dhana Yoga. In Navamsha Venus is in some malefic associations which is not favorable The assembly elections will take place during Jupiter-Venus-Rahu from 3 December 2021 to 28 April 2022 which is decent. But in Jaimini system the Chara Dasha of Taurus is running from which his Amatayakaraka Moon falls in the 12th house of losses. It is highly likely that he may miss the chance to become the chief minister with a very slight margin. But he will surely shine as a strong leader in the national politics and have a very bright future ahead as the transiting Saturn from Aquarius sign from April 2022 onwards will be good for him.
Horoscope of Yogi Adityanath
Born on 5 June 1972, 10 hours and 54 minutes at Pauri (78 E 47′, 30 N 09′) with balance of 9 years 5 months 16 days of Jupiter dasha.
There are two different horoscope of Yogi Adityanath in circulation ever since he has become chief minister of UP in 2017. The horoscope given above is taken from the Hindi book “Kundali ka Dusara Panna” by senior astrologer Shri Suresh Chandra Mishtra. The other horoscope is in circulation s a different date of birth (29 December 1971) with Cancer lagna rising which does not appears to be correct as it do not have any yoga for remaining unmarried till now.
The Leo lagna chart amply explain his bachelorhood as Moon is in Kemadruma Yoga in the 7th house of marriage and get the aspect of its sign lord Saturn. The 12th house (Bhoga Sathan) has Ketu gettingt he 3rd aspect of Saturn also gives yoga for no marriage. In Navamsa chart the lagna and Moon both are hemmed by malefic Mars and Saturn showing lack of marital happiness. He was born in a Thakur family of Pauri Garhwal region of Uttarkhand. He left home in early 1990’s and joined Ram temple movement. It was during the Maha Dasa of Saturn (from November 1981 to November 2000) when he took ‘Sanyas’ (renunciation) in 1993 during his Saturn-Moon Dasha in Vimshottari. He was given Diksha by Mahant Adityanath the chief of Gorakhnath Math. Yogi Adityanath formed his own ‘Hindu Yuva Vahini’ and in 1998 (Saturn-Jupiter period in Vimshottari) he won the Lok Sabha election on the ticket of BJP from Gorakhpur. Later he retain this Lok Sabha seat by winning all the elections during his Mercury maha Dasa (November 2000 to November 2017). Mercury as the 11th lord is in the 10th house and is in exchange with 10th lord Venus which gave him great rise in politics at a very young age. Notisable point here is that Mercury and Saturn both are combust by lagna lord Sun.
He became chief minister of UP, against all odds, on the 19th of March 2017 during his Mercury-Saturn-Rahu in Vimshottari. The maha Dasa of Ketu started in the horoscope of Yogi Adityanath from 21 November 2017. Ketu is in the 12th house in Rashi chart and in Dasamsha it is in the 8th house because of which he has to face many difficult situations during his tenure as the chief minister of state. As per the media reports the senior BJP leadership also tried to force him to resign from the post after the high number of deaths being reported during the second wave of COVID pandemic in the months of April-May 2021. This was the period of Ketu-Rahu in Vimshottari from October 2021 to November 2021 in the horoscope of Yogi Adityanath. Rahu is in the 6th house shows strife and opposition for him. But at the time of UP assembly elections he would be under a little better Vimshottari Dasha of Ketu-Jupiter from 8 November 2021 to 15 November 2022. Jupiter as the 5th lord is in own sign and is in mutual aspect with Yogakaraka Mars which is in the 11th house of gains.
In Navamsa chart the Bhukti lord Jupiter is exalted and is in conjunction with Sun and Mercury.
As per Jaimini’s Chara Dasha a difficult period of Aquarius-Capricorn from 4 December 2021 to 4 September 2022 would be running in his horoscope. Aquarius has the Atamakaraka of Yogi Adityanath but it is the 10th house from his Karakamsha lagna Taurus. The anter Dasha Rashi Capricorn is the 6th house from lagna and 12th house from his Atamakaraka Moon which is not very favourable.
So Yogi Adityanath can led BJP to become the single largest party in the UP assembly but may not get the full majority. If no party get full majority in UP assembly then Mayawati is likely to play the crucial role to back BJP in forming the new government. In any case Yogi Adityanath will become the chief minister of a weak government in UP assembly after the elections but may not be able to complete its tenure as his Maha dasa lord Ketu is not favourable in his horoscope.