(This article of mine was published in the BVB Journal of Astrology September-October 2014 issue.A part of that article is being reproduce from there)
The United Kingdom (UK) is gearing up for its general elections schedule to be held on 7th of May 2015. David Cameron is the incumbent prime minister of UK leading the Conservative Party, which won 306 seats in the House of Commons in the last general elections held in year 2010. Nick Clegg is the deputy prime minister, in the coalition government, who is leading the Liberal Democratic Party that gave support to David Cameron for forming the government after no political party got absolute majority to form a government in the 650 members lower house of the parliament. The Liberal Democrats have 57 MP’s in the House of Commons (lower house of the parliament). The Labour Party is the main opposition party at present led by Ed Miliband who is the successor of Gordon Brown who lost mandate in the last general elections held on 7 May 2010.
In the multiparty political system of UK the Conservative Party and Labour Party have been the two biggest parties since 1930 giving country all the prime ministers from that period. Labour Party, having center-left ideology, was in power during 1997-2010 under the leadership of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown. The Conservatives colloquially referred to as Tory Party or the Tories in Great Britain, came into the helm of affairs in May 2010 under its charismatic leader David Cameron. The economy of UK is since then is recovering from the global recession of 2008. After the Germany, in the group of seven industrialized nations (G-7), the UK has shown perseverance in fighting the global economic crisis of 2008 among the western countries. The credit of this goes to David Cameron’s staunch support of free trade and open economy. During his tenure, David Cameron reduced taxes on employment and wealth creation to enhance economy’s competitiveness. However, David Cameron’s critics accuse him for the appeasement of some orthodox elements in his party who were demanding for anti-EU and anti-immigration measures. David Cameroon is promising that he will conduct a popular referendum by the end of year 2017, if he is reelected, on the issue of UK’s membership in the European Union. Cameroon was also under pressure during his tenure to cut out the benefits for immigrants that were proving costly for UK’s economy in the post-recession era.
On the other hand, Labour party, led by Ed Miliband, in its election campaign is promising to reduce the cost of living by providing cheap housing and energy by increased investment in the social sector. In the present political scenario of UK it is anticipated that either David Cameron or Ed Miliband can become the prime minister after the general election of 7 May 2015.
I have taken the charts of these leaders from the astro data bank of Lois Rodden.
David Cameron
9 October 1966, 06:00 hours, London England
Longitude: 00 W 10’ , Latitude: 51 N 30’ , Day Time Saving: 1 hour.
Rodden Ratings : A
Balance of Dasha : Saturn 4 years 7 month and 22 days.
In the Virgo lagna chart of David Cameron the striking feature is the presence of an excellent and an untainted ‘Gaja-Kesari’ yoga in the eleventh house. The Jupiter in this yoga is taking the lordship of fourth house the throne of politician and seventh house of public image of a leader. Jupiter is exalted in the eleventh house of gains with its lord Moon place there. In the Rashi chart of David Cameron the fifth lord Saturn is well place in the seventh house and it is in mutual aspect with ninth lord Venus deposited in the ascendant. As per Bhrihat Parashara Hora Shastra the fifth lord in a horoscope is the ‘Minister’ and the ninth lord is the ‘King’. Their mutual relation confers a good ‘Raj Yoga’ to the native.
David Cameron was very lucky that he got the Vimshottari dasha of ninth lord Venus in May 1995 when he had just spend a few years working for the Conservative party. Venus is the best planet for Virgo lagan as per Parashara. In the Rashi chart of David Cameron, the Venus is in ‘Neech-Bhanga Yoga’. The depositor of Venus and its exaltation sign lord (Uccha-Nath) are both are in ‘Kendra’ (square) position from Moon making a good cancelation of its debilitation as per the principals given in ‘Phaladeepika’. The depositor of Venus is Mercury, which is in the fourth house from Moon. The Venus goes exalted in the Pisces so its exaltation sign lord is Jupiter and it is in ‘Kendra’ from Moon by conjoining with it.
David Cameron became the prime minister of UK in his Venus-Saturn dasha in Vimshottari in May 2010. Now at the time of general elections on 7 May 2015 he will be under Venus-Ketu-Mercury ( 14 March 2015 to 14 May 2015) period. It is the ‘Dasha-Chiddra’ in the horoscope of David Cameron, as after this the Vimshottari dasha of Sun will start from 14 May 2015. The point to note here is that Ketu is in Mrityu-Bhag and is in conjunction with Mercury, which is the sub-sub period lord here. David Cameron is having butterflies in his stomach these days as opinion polls in UK are showing a nail bighting contest between his Tory Party (Conservatives) and the Labour Party of Ed Miliband. The UKIP led by Nigel Farage is also attacking David Cameron relentlessly over his feeble immigration policy.
However, since the depositor of Ketu is Venus that is in good Raj Yoga so astrologically we can say that he has a definite chance to reelect for a second term in office. In Dashamsha chart Ketu is well place in the eleventh house of gains. Mercury, the sub-sub period lord, is strongly position itself in the seventh house of Dashamsha chart.
For a reconfirmation, we can see the Jaimini’s Chara dasha at the time of elections. It will be Capricorn-Aquarius-Gemini ( 24 April 2015 to 20 May 2015). Amatayakaraka Venus is well place in the ninth house from Capricorn though it is giving aspect to the twelfth house from it. From Aquarius the Amatayakaraka is place badly in the eighth house although it is giving aspect to the eleventh house from this rashi. This show a bit of concern David Cameron having now for his position. However, the Pratyanter dasha sign Gemini is the tenth house of Rashi chart. Gemini sign and the tenth from it are under the strong influences of Atamakaraka Sun, Amatayakaraka Venus and Darakaraka Saturn. This confirms that David Cameron will get success in the general elections of May and he will get a second tenure to serve as the prime minister of UK.
Now see this chart of Ed Miliband who is the main challenger of David Cameroon for the post of UK’s prime minister.
Ed Miliband
24 December 1969, 14:00 hours, London (England)
Longitude: 00 W 10’ , Latitude: 51 N 30’
Rodden Rating : B
Balance of Dasha in Vimshottari: Rahu 2 years 7 months and 28 days.
Ed Miliband elected as the leader of Labour Party in September 2010 when he was under Mercury-Ketu period in Vimshottari. In the chart of Ed Miliband Mercury is the functional malefic planet for being the lord of third and sixth house in Aries lagna. However, it is place well in the ninth house along with fifth lord Sun and seventh lord Venus. The mutual aspect between the fifth lord Sun and fourth lord Moon is the only Raj Yoga in the Rashi chart of Ed Miliband. The exchange between lagan lord Mars and eleventh lord Saturn is good but the Saturn is in debilitated condition. The debilitation of Saturn does not get cancel properly as its depositor Mars is not in ‘Kendra’ position from lagna and/or Moon.
Now during the general elections Ed Miliband will get the Mercury-Moon-Saturn ( 4 May 2015 to 25 July 2015) period in Vimshottari. The period of Mercury-Moon or Moon-Mercury can bring defamation due to false allegations as per a research of Shri K.N. Rao. Therefore, these periods should be watch very carefully. In the horoscope of Ed Miliband the Moon is in Kemadruma Yoga which is not desirable for a stable career. Moon is the lord of twelfth house in Navamsha chart. In Dashamsha though the condition of Moon improves. However, since Mercury is a functional malefic for Aries lagan and the sub period lord Moon is badly trapped in a Kemadruma yoga so we can’t expect Ed Miliband to get the position of prime minister this time.
It is better always to cross check with another dasha preferably Chara dasha of Jaimini. In Chara dasha system it will be Scorpio-Capricorn-Cancer ( 2 May 2015 to 10 May 2015) period for Ed Miliband during the elections. Scorpio is the eighth house from the ascendant and it has Amatayakaraka Moon falling in eight from it that is not desirable at all. From Capricorn the Amatayakaraka is in the sixth house and giving its aspect to the twelfth house of losses. The Atamakaraka Mercury is also badly place in the twelfth house from Capricorn. The sub-sub period will be of Cancer from where the Amatayakaraka Moon falling in the twelfth is putting his stamp on the astrological possibility that Ed Miliband’s dream of becoming prime minister of UK will be shattered this year.
The Labour Party got the 258 seats in the general elections of 2010 in UK. This year their number of seats is going to reduce from 258 as the chart of their leader Ed Miliband shows a bad phase for them.
David Cameroon will again become the UK Prime Minister leading a coalition government with Liberal Democrats Nick Clegg again.
Sachin Malhotra
5 May 2015