At the time of Sun’s entry into Scorpio this year the close conjunction of Mars and Sun and the aspect of natural malefic Saturn on it is a yoga for less than normal yield during the winter harvest. There is no aspect of any natural benefic planet on the Sun so the winter season is likely to be moderate this year though in the month of February 2024 there will be lots of unseasonal rainfall due to the conjunction of 4 planets in watery sign Capricorn. As per the classical texts of astro-meteorology Sun, Mars and Saturn are dry planets. Moon, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter are watery planets. Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces are watery sign’s. Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Taurus are dry. Aquarius, Gemini and Libra also produce less rainfall or snowfall. The position of planets with respect to the Sun is considered very important for the forecasting of seasonal trends, rain or snowfall, temperature, winds etc .
Chart 1. Sun Enter’s Sagittarius
16 December 2023, 15:59 hours at Delhi
This year at the time of Sun’s entry into Sagittarius it will receive the aspect of Jupiter on it. As per Bhavishya Phala Bhaskar if any planet at the time of changing its sign get the aspect of Jupiter, then it gives rains. So, after Sun’s entry into Sagittarius on the 16th of December there will be some rainfall activity in the Southern Peninsular and also in the Himalayan region. In the horoscope of Sun’s entry into Sagittarius Mars is behind Sun in the watery sign Scorpio and is in Navamsha of Capricorn which is another watery sign as per the texts of Astro-meteorology. Mercury is ahead of Sun in degrees which will bring lots of windstorms in the Southern peninsular as the classical text Bhavishya Phala Bhaskar says that if Mercury is ahead of Sun, then it brings lots of winds.
Mars behind Sun in degrees is good for the rainfall activity so during this winter season the rainfall during the month of December is expected to be normal only.
Mars and Mercury changing sign will bring rainfall
On the 27th of December Mars will move into Sagittarius and Mercury in retrograde motion will come back to Scorpio from the sign Sagittarius. This important change of sign by both Mars and Mercury will bring some sudden rainfall activity in Southern Peninsula’s Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala. In North India many states will get light rainfall and cloudy weather. Himalayan regions will get more than normal snowfall activity which will bring chilly winds in the planes of North India especially in Delhi-NCR as Scorpio sign will have two watery planets Venus and Mercury in it. On the eve of New Year 2024 Moon will be in Cancer in trine from Venus and Mercury in Scorpio which will bring rainfall activity in many parts of the country including central India.
Case 2. Sun enters Capricorn.
15 January 2024, 02:44 hours at Delhi
In the horoscope of Makar Samkranti i.e. Sun’s entry into Capricorn there are yoga’s for less than normal rainfall activity as malefic Saturn and Rahu are ahead of Sun. As per the classical texts of astrometeorology should malefic be ahead of Sun then there will be less than normal rainfall. But since here Jupiter is in Kendra from Sun and the Venus is in the 11th house this will ensure the prices of essential commodities will be under control. The weather in North India will be very cold but there will not be much rainfall during the middle of January to middle of February.
During the month of January Mars will be ahead of benefic planets Venus and Mercury. As per Bhavishya Phala Bhaskar when natural malefic planets are ahead of natural benefic planets then there will be less than normal rainfall. So, the month of January will give a smaller number of cold wave days and there will be less than normal snowfall in the Himalayan region of India. So, the North and North-Eastern states will get moderate winter season in early 2024.
On the 28th of January 2024 Mercury will cross Mars in degrees in the Sagittarius sign which will bring some rainfall in the end of January and early February month. There will be some heavy show-fall in the Himalayan region in first week of February which may surprise meteorologist.
Mars in Capricorn will bring some rainfall
Mars entering into Capricorn sign on the 6th of February 2024 will bring some light rains in the central India and also in Northern parts of India. There will also be some rains in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. This may give some losses of crops to wheat and cotton farmers in Maharashtra and also in some other parts of central India.
Horoscope of New Moon
10 February 2024, 04:28 am at Delhi
On the New Moon of 10th of February 2024 as many as 4 planets will be in Capricorn sign in Uttara-Ashadha, Shravana and Dhanishta Nakshatra’s. As per Koorma Chakra these Nakshatra’s falls in North-West direction. There are very high chances for a couple of earthquake’s measuring 6.5 or more at the Richter scale which will affect parts of Iran or Afghanistan, Pakistan and also Northern states of India around the New Moon of 10th of February.
There will also be some unseasonal rainfall in many parts of India and Pakistan which will badly affect the wheat farmers in the region during the second half of February 2024.
Overall, the winter season will be moderate only with good snowfall activity in December 2023 and February 2024 . But in the month of January 2024 there will be less than normal cold weather due to less snowfall activity in the hilly areas of Himalaya’s. The production of wheat, sesame and mustard will be less than normal during the Rabi season in India and Pakistan.
Forecasting Trends for the North-East Monsoon 2023