On the March 25, at 16:21 hours at Lucknow, when Yogi Adityanath took oath as the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh for the second time, he was writing a new chapter in the politics of the state. Congress dominated the politics of UP till the assembly elections of 1985. In the nineties, due to ‘Mandal-Kamandal’ politics, the Congress weakened in the state, then the influence of Samajwadi Party, Bahujan Samaj Party and BJP went on for a considerable rise. But none of the Chief Ministers from any of these parties was able to return back to power in this state until Yogi Adityanath broke this record as getting re-elected for the second time by winning 255 out of 403 seats in this year’s assembly elections. In the oath taking horoscope of Yogi Adityanath the conjunction of the 10th lord Venus, the sixth lord Saturn and the Yogakaraka Mars in the 6th house is giving an astrological indication towards politics of ‘dominance’ and ‘strict administration’ in his second term also. Legal action against mafia and criminals in the state will continue just like it was happening which gave him the image of ‘Bulldozer Baba’ among the masses.
Oath Taking Horoscope of Yogi Adityanath 2.0
At the time of swearing-in of Yogi Adityanath, Friday, Krishna Ashtami Tithi, Purva Ashadha Nakshatra and Variyan Yoga was forming which is very ‘average’. The Nakshatra Purva Ashadha is a Ugra or aggressive Nakshatra which is not favourable for oath taking ceremonies. Hora of malefic planet ‘Saturn’ may make him more aggressive in his second term, due to which his conflict with Samajwadi Party in opposition will intensify. The lord of the sixth house of disputes and diseases is Saturn which is in conjunction with 10th lord Venus shows some epidemic giving trouble to the people during his tenure. This unfavourable planetary position is the astrological indication for the loss of public and wealth due to an epidemic and any major natural calamity in the state, which will happen in the next few months.
Venus as the 3rd and 10th lord is placed in the 6th house is hemmed between two natural malefic planets Mars and Saturn is a yoga that indicate increase in the ‘crime against women’ in the state will shock the administration.
The lagan lord Sun falls in the 8th house along with 2nd and 11th lord Mercury is getting the bad aspect of 6th and 7th lord Saturn which is very critical for the ‘chief minister’ himself. Yogi Adityanath will have serious conflicts with his own party’s top leadership which will make his position jittery. The 7th house is the house of opposition when a benefic Jupiter is good for the political future of Samajwadi Party in opposition which will get many chances to attack the ruling BJP in the state.
[Hindi] योगी आदित्यनाथ की शपत ग्रहण कुंडली से जाने कैसा रहेगी उत्तरप्रदेश में उनका दूसरा कार्यकाल !
Yogi Adityanath may bring common civil code
Mars is in the 6th house of Rashi chart and in the 12th house of Navamsha influence the 6th house which also indicate some emergency like situation in the state due to a law and order problem. Rahu sitting in the ninth house (religion and law and order) in Yogi Adityanath’s oath taking horoscope is giving an astrological indication of the implementation of a law like ‘Common Civil Code’ in the state in the coming few months. There will also be a possibility of opposition to this law by a particular community as Rahu by its communal nature shows. Mars from the 6th house is giving aspect to the Rahu which is placed in the 9th house of law and judiciary showing some major court cases which will trouble the government.
There will be special emphasis on higher education, tourism and employment
Moon is sitting in the fifth house in the oath taking chart , whose sign lord Jupiter is in the seventh house and is giving aspect at the ascendant. Mars as the 9th and 4th lord is also giving an aspect to the ascendant. The combine aspect of 5th lord Jupiter and 9th lord Mars on the lagan shows focus of government on education and matters of religion. In Mundane astrology, the fifth house is related to education institutions, fertility rate, entertainment industry and tourism, work of ministers etc. In his second term, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will make major changes in the Council of Ministers and will make a new policy regarding education, tourism and the population control in the state. Efforts will be made on the policy to reduce the rate of population increase in the state. In the field of education and tourism there will be major reforms. Employment will increase rapidly in Uttar Pradesh due to the policies of Yogi Adityanath government. The lagna of oath taking, which is Leo, is Vargottam and in Navamsha chart we have benefic Moon, Venus and Jupiter in Kendra which is good for the overall development of the state.
The Simhasan Chakra is given in the classic text
‘Narapati-Jaya-Charya’. The book “Time Tested Techniques of
Mundane Astrology’ also discuss this chakra. Twenty seven
nakshatras are used in the format of Simhasan of the throne of the
King which has five different units or Nadi’s in this chakra namely
1. Adhaar 2. Aasan 3. Patta 4. Simha 5. Simhasan.
The planetary position at the time of oath-taking is noted and then
the planets are place in the relevant nakshatras of the Simhasan Chakra.
In Simhasan Chakra the sitting arrangement is like a King’s court where
the highest position Simhasan Nadi is consider as ruler’s throne. The next
highest place Simha Nadi is reserve for the council of minister i.e. cabinet
of the ruler. The Patta Nadi is for the member of the ruling party. The
next Aasan Nadi is the seat for bureaucracy or the civil services. The
Aadhar Nadi is the place for general public of the state.
In the Simhasan Chakra of Yogi Adityanath government 2.0 the placement of Saturn and Venus in ‘Simhasan’ Nadi is an indication for welfare schemes being appreciated by people in general. Mars and Mercury in the ‘Simha’ Nadi is good for administration. There is no planet in the ‘Aadhar’ Nadi so many of the minister in the Yogi cabinet will start getting disconnected from the public.
Planets and UP Assembly elections 2022
Conflict may escalate with BJP leadership at the Centre
Born on June 5, 1972, at 10:54 am in the Pauri district of Uttarakhand, Yogi Adityanath was born in the Leo lagan and Moon in Aquarius sign in ‘Kemadruma Yoga’. Balance of Dasha Jupiter 9 years 5 months 16 days.
The aspect of Saturn falling on Kemdrum’s Moon, placed in the seventh house, from the tenth house (place of karma) made him a sannyasi at a very young age. At present the maha dasha of Ketu sitting in the twelfth house, the anter dasha of the Jupiter sitting in the fifth house Dasha is auspicious for them till October 2022.
But later, from 15 October 2022 to 24 November 2023, in the unfavourable anter dasha of Saturn in Ketu Maha dasha, Yogi Adityanath may face some controversies, due to which the central leadership of BJP may also get angry with him. The transiting Saturn from Aquarius sign in year 2023 and 2024 will be dangerous for the stability of Yogi Adityana’s position as the chief minister. Saturn’s transit on the natal Moon of Yogi Aditynath will create major disturbances in his political career during the remaining part of Ketu maha dasha which is ending in November 2024 in the horoscope of Yogi Adityanath given above.