In a historic moment Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated new Parliament building on the 28th of May on Sunday at 07:59 hours (IST). As per the ruling BJP India needed a new Parliament building to shed the country’s colonial past as the old Parliament house was made during British rule. Interestingly this national event was boycotted by 19 major national and regional opposition parties for various reasons. As per the main opposition party Congress the Parliament is being inaugurated on the anniversary of Vinayak Damodar Savarkar who is the controversial Hindutva icon. Apart from this opposition parties were also protesting for not inviting President of India Smt. Droupadi Murmu. In the horoscope of Parliament Building Inauguration Muhurata the lord of the 7th house of opposition parties is Jupiter which is being afflicted by the close conjunction of Rahu and also getting the aspect of Saturn explain the story from astrological perspective.
Earlier also the opposition parties had boycotted the ‘New Parliament Building Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony’ which was done by PM Modi only as President of India was not invited on that occasion also. The New Parliament Building Bhoomi Pujan was done on 10th of December 2020 and was per the news report it was expected to get complete by 2022. But i had made the forecast on the basis of Muhurata chart that its completing by 2022 is not going to happen as there are some yoga’s for delay due to the influence of Saturn on the ascendant.
New Parliament Building Foundation Stone Laying Muhurata
The readers can go through that story which was posted on the 10th of December 2020. The link of the same is given above.
New Parliament Building Inauguration Muhurata Horoscope
Tithi: Shukla Ashtami , Vaar: Sunday, Nakshatra: Poorva Phalguni, Yoga: Harshana , Karna : Bava
Hora : Mercury , Gulika : Virgo
The Panchang Parameters are average only although there is ‘Chandra Shuddhi’ and ‘Tara Shuddhi’ because India’s foundation horoscope has Moon is in Cancer sign in Pushya Nakshatra. So the presence of Moon in Leo in the 2nd house from the natal Moon of India and in ‘Sampat’ Tara is fine. But we must not forget that Poorva Phalguni Nakshatra is ‘Ugra’ or aggressive Nakshatra which is not taken for auspicious events is a cardinal principal of Muhurata Chintamani.
Bad Vastu of New Parliament Building and its possible consequences
It is baffling to understand the Parliament building was made in Triangular shape and its inauguration was done in a ‘Ugra’ or aggressive Nakshatra prevailing on the day. A Triangular shape building is consider inauspicious as per Vastu (An Indian science of architecture) as it can bring fire accident and people living or working in it don’t have harmonious relations between them. As per my understanding this new parliament building will bring an era of coalition governments with rise in corruption and distrust among the member of house which will also indulge in fierce un-parliamentary speeches and gestures on many occasions which would be higher as compare to the period in Old Parliament building days. As per some this Parliament is of hexagonal shape but it it not true as in hexagonal shape all the six sides has to be equal. A hexagonal shape is consider good as per Vastu but here it is not so as its sides are not of equal dimensions as it appears more into a Triangular shape with wide front.
In the Muhurata chart the lagna, signifying ruling government, is strong as a natural benefic Venus is present there, while the 7th house of opposition parties is vacant only. But the lord of 7th house and also the 10th house (governance) is Jupiter which is afflicted by the close degree association with Rahu. This combination raises concerns particularly when the 9th house of ethics and morals is under the 8th aspect of 6th lord Mars. Although the good thing is the strength of lagna and its lord Mercury which will make the members of the both house to devote more time in the house in productive work. In Navamsha all the benefic planets Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Moon are in Kendra which is good. So the productivity of the parliamentarian and their staff will definitely going to be better in years to come is what we can see from our analysis of this Muhurata of the New Parliament Building Inauguration. However, the stability of the governments will not be good and the environment of the house will be disturbed due to heated arguments on more number of occasions as compare to the old Parliament building which was in round shape which is consider good as per Vastu.