During my days of studies at the Institute of Astrology Bharitya Vidhya Bhavan , New Delhi, I got familiarized with some exciting innovative techniques of Jaimini Astrology by our teacher Shri Naval Singh. This write-up is a demonstration of one such method of Jaimini for predicting career in judicial services. I learned it from my teacher way back in year 2009.
The following parameters have been used in the ensuing case studies of persons working in judicial services.
- Two Charts cast as per Lahiri Ayanamsha
- Birth Chart
- Navamsha Chart
( B) Houses Involved
- Tenth house (career)
- Ninth house ( judiciary)
- Sixth house (disputes and court cases)
( C) Planets Involved
- Jupiter ( judiciary )
- Saturn ( law )
- Mars ( logic and law enforcement)
( D) Chara Karak Used
- Amatayakaraka -As a Karaka for tenth house it represents professional inclination.
- Bhatrikaraka – As a Karaka for ninth house it represents Judiciary.
- Ganatikaraka -As a Karaka for sixth house it represent court case.
( E) Aspect used
Jaimini’s aspects between the Rashi’s only.
( F) Dasha used
Chara dasha calculated as per the method of
Shri K.N Rao.
- P.A.C (placement, aspect and conjunction) relationship of 10th, 9th and 6th houses and the influence of Jupiter, Saturn and/or Mars on these houses/ lords in the birth chart and navamsha is to be studied first.
- The mutual connection of Amatayakaraka, Bhatrikaraka and Ganatikaraka and their relationship with 10th ,9th and 6th houses in the birth chart and navamsha is carefully studied.
- Also notice the influence of Jupiter, Saturn and Mars on the Amatayakaraka , especially in the navamsha chart.
- Application of chara dasha on the birth chart to see the timing of the fructification of promise in the chart.
- Jaimini Raj Yoga’s present in the horoscope should also be consider.
Case 1. Female: 14 February 1977 , 2 hours 35 minutes at Gwalior (M.P)
Longitude : 78E 10’ and Latitude: 26N 13’
Joined Judicial Services – March 2006
Karakamsha is Sagittarius
This is the birth chart of a lady who has done B.Sc in Criminology , L.L.B and also L.L.M .She joined Chattishghara judicial services as assistant judicial magistrate in March 2006. In the birth chart the 6th lord Mars is giving Jaimini aspect to the 10th house and the 10th lord Sun is giving Jaimini asepct to the 6th house.
Jupiter the planet of judiciary is placed in the 6th house and giving Jaimini aspect to the 10th house of career. Saturn, which is also Amatayakaraka here , is placed in the 9th house of Rashi chart. The 6th, 9th and 10th houses lords have mutual P.A.C. link here and are influenced by Jupiter, Mars and Saturn. The Ganatikaraka, signifying court cases, is Moon here which is the 9th lord and is in mutual aspect with Bhatrikaraka Venus.
In Navamsha Amatayakaraka Saturn is conjoined with Bhatrikaraka Venus and is in mutual aspect with Ganatikaraka Moon.The lord of 6th (Moon), 9th (Venus) and 10th (Mars) in the Navamsha are in dual sign thus they are in mutual Jaimini aspect with each other. Additionally the Amatayakaraka is also conjoined with Jupiter and aspected by Mars indicating her career in judicial services (law related field).
Chara Dasha- At the time of her joining the Chattishghara judicial services she was running the dasha of Gemini-Aries( September 2005 to April 2006) was in operation in her horoscope.
From Gemini the tenth house has an exalted Venus and eleventh house has Jupiter the karaka for judiciary.Similarly, the anterdasha rashi Aries has an exalted Mars place in the 10th from it and the eleventh house is getting under the Jaimini aspect of Amatayakaraka Saturn.
Case 2. Female
04 December 1972 , 17 hours and 25 minutes at Lucknow (U.P.)
Longitude 80E 55’ and Latitude 26N 51’
Joined Judicial Services- November 2002.
Karakamsha is Leo
This is the horoscope of a woman who has done B.sc(biogroup) ,L.L.B and L.L.M from Delhi University. She joined Delhi judicial services as an assistant metropolitan magistrate in November 2002.
In birth chart Saturn the 9th and 10th lord is giving Jaimini aspect to the 6th house and it’s lord Venus.In turn Venus(sixth lord) is also giving Jaimini aspect to the Saturn and also the 10th house. So there is a strong P.A.C link of 6th , 9th and 10th houses/lords in the Rashi chart. Now see the relevant Jaimini karaka as per our hypothesis. The Amatayakaraka Sun is conjoined with Ganatikaraka Moon and both of them are giving Jaimini aspect to the 9th house of Judiciary. Mars is the Bhatrikaraka here which is giving Jaimini aspect to the 10th house showing the promise of a career in judicial services. The role of Jupiter is missing in its relation with either of the relevant houses i.e. 6th , 9th and 10th. But in the Navamsha Jupiter has make-up for this deficiency in the Rashi chart.
In Navamsha chart the things are more clear as Amatayakaraka Sun, Mars and Jupiter are in mutual Jaimini aspect for being place in the dual signs.There is also a P.A.C link of 6th , 9th and 10th houses/lords in the Navamsha chart. The Jupiter becomes the 6th and 9th lord in the Navamsha chart and it is in mutual aspect with Mars which is the 10th lord place in the 9th house. Adding to it the Amatayakaraka and Bhatrikaraka are influencing the 6th and 9th houses by their mutual aspect. The Ganatikaraka Moon is giving Jaimini aspect to the 10th house in Navamsha, thus confirm our hypothesis.
Chara Dasha- When she joined the Delhi judicial services in November 2002 , she was running into the dasha of Sagittarius-Gemini (December 2001 to December 2002). Sagittarius is the dasha of rise or fall in life. Having Putrakaraka Jupiter in the rashi, which is giving Jaimini aspect to the 10th from Sagittarius , it proved a good time for her education and career. The anterdasha rashi Gemini has a strong 11th house receiving the Jaimini aspects of Amatayakaraka Sun along with Moon and Mercury.
Case 3.Male horoscope-
22 April 1976 , 13 hours and 15 minutes at Kaithal (Harayana)
Longitude: 76E 23’ and Latitude: 29N 48’
Joined Judicial Services in March 2007.
Karakamsha is Sagittarius.
This native has done his B.com(H) , L.L.B and L.L.M from Delhi University. He joined the Delhi Judicial Services as an assistant metropolitan magistrate in March 2007.
In the birth chart the 6th and 9th lord Jupiter is placed in the 10th house. The lord of 10th house is Mars which is giving Jaimini aspect to the both 6th and 9th houses. So the connection of 6th ,9th and 10th houses/lords in the Rashi chart, as per our hypothesis, is amply clear .
The Amatayakaraka Venus is placed in the 9th house and is in mutual aspect with the Bhatrikaraka Mars. The Bhatrikaraka and Amatayakaraka in the Rashi chart are giving Jaimini aspect to the 6th house.Sun the Ganatikaraka is Placed in the tenth house. So in this way the 6th ,9th and 10th houses are influenced by Amatayakaraka ,Bhatrikaraka and Ganatikaraka in the Rashi chart.
In Navamsha chart 6th lord (Moon) and 9th lord (Venus) are giving Jaimini aspect to each other. The Jupiter, Mars and Saturn are influencing the 6th ,9th and 10th houses .The Amatayakaraka and Bhatrikaraka are giving Jaimini aspect to the 6th and 9th houses in Navamsha. Moreover Amatayakaraka Venus is under the Jaimini aspect by Jupiter and Saturn which confirms our hypothesis.
Chara Dasha- He joined Delhi Judicial Services in the dasha of Pisces-Cancer ( January 2007 to December 2007) in march 2007.In Pisces has Amatayakaraka Venus placed in its exaltation sign.From anterdasha rashi Cancer there is a Jaimini Rajayoga of Atamakaraka and Putrakaraka in the tenth house.
Case 4. Male horoscope
14 March 1946 , 12 hours and 05 minutes at Almora (U.P)
Longitude: 79E 40’ and Latitude: 29N 37’
Joined U.P Judicial Services –December 1975
Karakamsha is Gemini
This man is a graduate in humanities and has also done L.L.B . He joined the U.P judicial services as assistant judicial magistrate in December 1975.
In the birth chart 6th lord Mars and 9th lord Saturn are conjoined in the lagna. Both of them are aspecting the 10th house of Rashi chart.Jupiter the 10th lord is giving its Jaimini aspect to the 9th house.There for there is a P.A.C connection of 6th ,9the and 10th houses/lords here. The Amatayakaraka (Saturn) ,Bhatrikaraka (Mars ) and Ganatikaraka (Venus) are in mutual aspect with each other. They are also making connection with the sixth, ninth and tenth houses in the birth chart.
In Navamsha chart 6th and 9th lord is Mercury , which is in mutual aspect with 10th lord Venus as both are in dual signs. The Amatayakarka Saturn is getting the Jaimini aspect of Jupiter in navamsha.The Amatayakaraka and Bhatrikaraka are giving aspect to the tenth house and Ganatikaraka Venus is influencing the 9th and 6th house.
Chara Dasha-When he joined the U.P Judicial Services he was then under the dasha of Aquarius-Leo (July 1975 to March 1976). Aquarius is the dasha of 9th house from the lagna as well as from the Karakamsha. The Amatyakaraka , Putrakaraka and fifth lord( Venus) are influencing the eleventh house from both the dasha rashi’s Aquarius and Leo fructifying a great Jaimini Raj Yoga.
Case 5 – Male horoscope
06 July 1956 ,11 hours and 10 minutes at Shillong (Meghlaya)
Joined Higher Judicial Services- July 2000
Karkamsha is Cancer
This is the birth chart of a native who after doing L.L.B in 1988 practiced as a lawyer for some years. Then he cleared the exam for higher judiciary and became judge in Delhi High Court in July 2000.
In the birth chart 9th lord Venus and 10th lord Mercury are conjoined in the tenth house. But there is no link of 6th house/lord with these houses.The Bhatrikaraka the karaka of 9th house of judiciary is placed in the 10th house. However, the Amatayakaraka has no link with the 9th house. So the readers must have notice by now that in the rashi chart of this native , who become judge after practicing as a lawyer for more than a decade , the combinations which we had discuss above are not clear as they were in the four horoscopes discuss before this. The earlier four horoscopes were of the persons who cleared the examination for judicial services immediately after their education in Law (L.L.B. or L.L.M.).
Now see the Navamsha chart in this case where 6th lord Mars and 9th lord Saturn are in mutual Jaimini aspect with each other. The Amatayakaraka Mars is conjoined with Bhatrikaraka Sun in the Navamsha and is getting the Jaimini aspect of Ganatikaraka Saturn. Both Amatayakaraka and Bhatrikaraka are giving Jaimini aspect to the 6th and 9th houses in Navamsha.
Chara Dasha- He cleared the exam for higher Judiciary in the dasha of Aries-Capricorn ( from March 2000 to January 2001) and became high court Judge in July 2000.
Aries, which is the 10th house from Karakamsha, is receiving the aspect of Amatayakaraka Mars and 5th lord Saturn in the rashi chart. Jupiter the key planet for judicial services is also giving aspect to the Aries and tenth house from it. From anterdasha rashi Capricorn the 10th house is under the Jaimini aspect of Amatayakaraka Mars and Atamakaraka Moon.
{Note: This article of mine was published in the August 2016 issue of Modern Astrology magazine. The same has been reproduce here after some editing. }