As per Hindu astrology Jupiter as the Guru of Gods lays emphasis on righteousness and good moral conduct. While Venus, as Guru of demons, doesn’t hesitate to adopt tactical violation of moral conduct to achieve desired objects. As per the ancient religious texts both Jupiter and Venus are enlightened scholars and guru’s who emphasis the need for the spirituality in life. The Brihat Parashara Hora says that both Jupiter and Venus have ‘Brahmin Varna’ i.e. qualities of a teacher or Guru. But since both of them are from two different group of planets, and their significations are very opposite to each other so in their mutual Dasha periods a person sometime undergoes tremendous emotional crisis. It has been observed by scholars of the subject that in many cases during Jupiter-Venus and Venus-Jupiter Dasha periods in Vimshottari a native have to bear an emotional trauma due to the death of some family member, which eventually bring a transformation in his life with a sense of responsibility. In many cases native himself fear death or death like condition if the span of life is ending and a ‘Maraka’ period has come as per other Dasha systems alongside Jupiter-Venus or Venus-Jupiter Dasha in Vimshottari.
In the first part of my article ‘Enigmas of Jupiter-Venus and Venus-Jupiter Period’ I had mainly discussed the Dasha period of these planets in the light of classical texts. Now I will be taking few more cases to explain the above mention observation of senior astrologers regarding Jupiter-Venus and Venus-Jupiter periods proving fatal for the family members and for the native himself.
Case 1. Mahatama Gandhi
2 October 1869, 08:24 a.m. at Porbandar, Gujarat
Longitude: 69 E 36’, Latitude: 21 N 38’
Gulika in Virgo
Balance of Dasha in Vimshottari: Mercury 1 years 8 months 15 days
The Libra lagna horoscope of Mahatama Gandhi is a classical example of a great ‘Gaja Kesari Yoga’. In the birth chart Jupiter is in Kendra (quadrant) from the lagna and the Moon both. This Jupiter is getting the aspect of two natural benefic planets Venus and Mercury which make this ‘Gaja Kesari Yoga’ unique and makes him an immortal human being.
During Venus Dasha and Jupiter Anter Dasha from August 1888 to April 1991 major transformations happened in the life of Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi. On 29th of September 1888 he reached at Southampton England. It was his first foreign journey of his life, which was just 4 months after his first Son Harilal’s birth in June 1888. M.K. Gandhi joined Law collage on the 6th of November 1888 and this was the time when he was making conscious efforts to adopt the dress and the manners of the English in order to fit into their society. He became a lawyer in 1891 in the same Venus-Jupiter Dasha period and it was the first time when he began to develop his political views. During his stay in London he also joined a vegetarian society and was introduced to Bhagwat Gita which had a deep spiritual influence on his life in later years.
Jupiter is placed in the Kendra from the Maha Dasha lord Venus, which is involve in Raja Yoga in birth chart, has to give him good results during its Anter Dasha as per the Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra. In birth chart Jupiter get the aspect of Mars (law) and the 9th lord (higher education) Mercury and in the Navamsha it is in the 9th house in its own sign. So, Venus-Jupiter period setup a great learning experience for M.K. Gandhi which helped him to become an influential figure of civil rights and freedom movements across the world.
Interestingly, during Jupiter Dasha and Venus Anter Dasha 30 April 1947 to 29 December 1949 he first saw his mother land getting freedom on the 15th of August and later he was assassinated on 30th of January 1948. It has been observed that for Libra, Taurus, Sagittarius and Pisces ascendants Jupiter-Venus and Venus-Jupiter periods proves very dangerous if the span of life is coming to an end. In case of Mahatama Gandhi Venus is the lord of lagna and also the 8th house of death. Venus is closely associated in degrees with lord of 2nd and 7th house Mars a ‘Maraka’ (killer) for the Libra lagna chart. A Paap Kartari Yoga to the Janma lagna by Saturn and then Sun is a dangerous combination which gave him a violent death.
Case 2. Gopinath Munde
18 October 1949, 08:35 a.m., Parali, Maharashtra
Longitude: 73 E 15’, Latitude: 19 N 43’
Balance of Dasha in Vimshottari: Ketu 2 years 3 months 23 days
Gulika is in Sagittarius
Jaimini Hora Lagna : Sagittarius
The Libra lagna horoscope given above is of the former BJP leader from Maharashtra late Gopinath Munde who was famous for destroying the underworld in Mumbai during his tenure as Home Minister of the state from 1995 to 1999. He had won the Lok Sabha election in 2014 during his Jupiter-Jupiter-Venus period in Vimshottari 28 February 2014 to 8 July 2014. But within a few days of his becoming the minister in Narendra Modi government he died in a car accident on 3 June 2014. He had become the minister of 26th of May and died a week later on the 3rd of June, all happening during the Pratyanter Dasha of Venus in the Anter Dasha and Maha Dasha of Jupiter.
As per the Jaimini system it is a “Madhya Ayu” horoscope. From Parashari perspective Jupiter as the 3rd and 6th lord is in the 4th house of vehicles. Saturn the 4th lord aspect the 8th house of death. Jupiter the Maha Dasha and Anter Dasha lord also aspect the 8th house. Venus the Pratyanter Dasha (sub-sub period) lord is in 2nd house a Maraka Bhava and is getting the aspect of 2nd and 7th lord Mars which is a ‘Maraka’ planet for Libra lagna chart. In Navamsha the Dasha lords Venus and Jupiter are placed in the ‘Dusthana’ houses.
Case 3. Tulsi Tanti
2 February 1958, 17:10 hours at Rajkot, Gujarat
Longitude: 70 E 47’ and Latitude: 22 N 18’
Balance of Dasha in Vimshottari: 10 years 3 months 25 days
Gulika is in Gemini
Jaimini Hora Lagna: Aries
When the span of life is ending then Jupiter-Venus or Venus-Jupiter period’s can become ‘Maraka’ (killer) in the most surprising manner. The Cancer lagna horoscope given here is of Indian businessman who was the founder of Suzlon group and was famous as the ‘wind man of India’ for his work in the area of wind turbine manufacturing. The Cancer lagna birth chart has lagna lord Moon in its friendly sign Gemini getting the aspect of 9th lord Jupiter and 5th lord Mars which is a major Raja Yoga in this chart.
As per the Jaimini system it is a ‘Madhya Ayu Kundali’. He died of a heart attack on 1 October 2022, at the age of 64. It was Jupiter-Venus Vimshottari Dasha in his chart running since July 2021. The death happened all of a sudden when he complained for a chest pain while coming out of a press conference in the car. He asked the driver to take him to the hospital but he died before reaching there. It was Venus-Jupiter-Ketu in Vimshottari at that time. Venus as the 11th lord is a functional malefic planet for Cancer ascendant. It became ‘Maraka’ here due to its placement in the 7th house along with 2nd lord Sun and 12th lord Mercury. The death happened in the Anter Dasha of Jupiter which as the 6th lord is in the 4th house of chest along with malefic Rahu. The transiting Saturn was in Capricorn at the 8th house from his natal Moon in Gemini.
In Trimshamsha (D-30) Taurus lagna is rising where Maha Dasha lord Venus is the lord of 6th house (disease) and the Anter Dasha lord Jupiter is the lord of 8th house of death.
Case 4. Female (family tragedy)
15 November 2004, 10:45 am at Delhi
Longitude: 77 E 13’ and Latitude: 28 N 40’
Balance of Dasha in Vimshottari: Ketu 4 years 2 months 22 days
Gulika: Aquarius
She has one younger brother and one younger sister. I saw the chart and asked if her education got disturbed due to a family tragedy after 2019? I was told that she lost her father in 2021 due to COVID. The point of family tragedy has come to my mind when the Vimshottari Dasha of Venus-Jupiter (April 2019 to December 2021) in her chart strike my attention. In Sagittarius lagna chart Venus as the 6th lord is in conjunction with lagna and 4th lord Jupiter and get the aspect of ‘Maraka’ the 2nd lord Saturn. Then in Navamsha chart Libra sign is rising for which the Venus-Jupiter period has to be sensitive as Venus is the lord of lagna and 8th houses, and Jupiter here is a functional malefic taking lordship of 3rd and 6th houses.
Mother is only working part time to run the house and now she was looking for a job. She had lost her father in Venus Dasha and Jupiter Anter Dasha. In the birth chart the 9th lord from lagna is the Sun which is debilitated. In Navamsha the 9th house has the Sun and Rahu getting the aspect of Mars. These afflictions to the 9th house and the Sun proved fatal for her father during Venus-Jupiter Vimshottari Dasha as both Dasha lords are in the 10th house which is the 2nd house (Maraka Bhava) from the 9th house of father.
Case 5. Male (Marketing Professional)
10 October 1967, 20:15 hours at Allahabad, UP
Longitude: 81 E 49’ , Latitude: 25 N 27’
Balance of Dasha in Vimshottari: Venus 3 years 2 months 15 days
Gulika: Pisces
There are some cases where Venus and Jupiter take the lordship of 6th and 8th houses from both Janma lagna and Chandra Lagna. In such cases the lagna and the Moon has to be in either of the Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius or Pisces signs. In the case 5 of marketing professional Janma lagna is Taurus and the Moon is in Sagittarius. As I had mentioned in the beginning of this article that Venus-Jupiter and Jupiter-Venus Dasha periods in Vimshottari are the most sensitive for Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius and Pisces ascendant natives. This chart given here is of a marketing professional who was jobless in India and during his Jupiter-Venus Vimshottari Dasha (November 2019 to July 2022) he took the bold decision of setting into Mauritius with his wife and children, after selling his house here.
He sold his house in 2021 and went to Mauritius along with his family in December month when Jupiter-Venus-Saturn in Vimshottari was running in his Taurus lagna birth chart. Jupiter as the 8th lord is in the 4th house along with 6th lord Venus is sensitive for the property matters. He had brought 50 Lakhs in Mauritius after selling his house and was surviving on that money only. He was unable to settle any business in Mauritius and later went to Canada on Tourist visa to explore new opportunities in early 2023. During his entire Jupiter-Venus Dasha from November 2019 to July 2022 he remains jobless and had to suffer lots of losses and depression. The noticeable point here is that both Jupiter and Venus are in enemy Navamsha. They are also not making any good Yoga from the Chandra Langa.
Case 6. Male (Yoga Teacher)
25 March 1977, 09:20 a.m. at Delhi
Longitude: 77 E 13’, Latitude: 28 N 40’
Balance of Dasha in Vimshottari: Moon 9 years 7 months 17 days
Gulika: Aries
When Jupiter and Venus are the lords of ‘Dusthana’ (6th, 8th and 12th houses) from both lagna and the Moon then in that cases their mutual Dasha periods become very sensitive. In such horoscopes of the rising sign of important divisional charts like Navamsha, Dashamsha, Trimshamsha etc. is ruled by Jupiter or Venus then the situation can be very painful at times. The case 6 given here is of a yoga teacher who had to suffer the most difficult time in his life during Jupiter Dasha and Venus Anter Dasha from September 2019 to May 2022. He was personal yoga instructors for rich businessman in Delhi-NCR working in this field since last 20 years. But during COVID (2020-22) he was almost unemployed as all of his clients refused to take personal yoga classes at their homes. He had also started a business of A/C repair and maintenance in partnership which closed down. He had troubles with his brother-sisters in the family and also faced great financial constraints. All this happened during the enigmatic Jupiter-Venus period in Vimshottari (September 2019 to May 2022) in his Taurus lagna chart.
Interestingly, both Jupiter and Venus are involved in a Rashi Parivartan yoga which here is an exchange between the lagna and the 11th house of gains. But still he had to suffer from acute financial troubles and unemployment during his Jupiter-Venus Dasha in Vimshottari. The reason for this is the lordship of Jupiter and Venus from Janma lagna, Chandra lagna, Navamsha lagna and Dashamsha lagna. In all the 4 lagna’s either of these two Dasha lords are taking the lordship of 6th or 8th houses. From Janma lagna and Chandra lagna Jupiter is the lord of 8th house and Venus is 6th lord. Jupiter also get the aspect of “Maraka” i.e. 7th lord Mars in birth chart.
In Navamasha chart Jupiter and Venus are in 2/12 from each other. Venus as the lord of 8th house has to be inauspicious in family matters. In Dashamasha both Jupiter and Venus are badly placed as they are at 6/12 axis of Dashamsha lagna. Venus as the lord of 8th house in Dashamsha is in the 6th house created troubles in his career.