It has been observed by many astrologers that Jupiter-Venus and Venus-Jupiter Dasha periods gives very enigmatic results and, in many cases, it brings a transformation in life. Jupiter and Venus in their mutual Vimshottari Dasha periods have also been found to be giving death of family members, emotional turbulence and sometime death of the native himself if the ‘Maraka’ period has come. One has to carefully observe their Dasha periods in Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius and Pisces lagan’s especially. As per ‘Naisargik Maitrai’ (natural friendship) of planets Jupiter consider Venus as its enemy while Venus consider Jupiter as her neutral planet.
In Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, Dasha Phala Darpan and Bhaargava Naadika some interesting results for Jupiter-Venus and Venus-Jupiter Dasha periods in Vimshottari has been given. These are the three primary classical texts which gives detail results of various Dasha’s and Anter Dasha’s of all the 9 planets.
{Note: This article of mine was published in the January and February 2024 issue of the Express Star Teller Magazine. The same has been reproduced here for the readers of my blog}
The legendary astrologer Dr. B.V. Raman in his autobiography ‘My Experiences in Astrology’ in Chapter number 31 at page 294 gives a brief mention about his own Venus Anter Dasha in the Maha Dasha (major period) of Jupiter.
Case 1. Dr. B.V. Raman
8 August 1912, 19:42 hours at Bangalore, Karnataka
Longitude: 77E 35’ , Latitude: 12N 59’
Guliak is in Taurus
Kakakamsha lagna is Leo
As per Dr. Raman “Contrary to the views held in some quarters, Venus in Jupiter bestowed on me mostly favorable results, but for one event, considered calamitous then, viz. birth and death of my 4th son, Sri Krishna. Venus the sub-lord in association with Mercury, lord of the 5th, in Makha ruled by Ketu, who occupies the 5th from the Moon caused this event. In fact, I had anticipated it astrologically also. However, this being my first experience of the death of an issue disturbed me and Rajeswari quite badly but we soon recovered from the shock”.
Then in the book “Dr. B.V. Raman Jottings from his astrological diary and more…..”, in the chapter number 2 at page number 15 Dr. Raman has mentioned about his Jupiter-Venus periods in the following words. “ From July 1944 to May 1947 (Dr. Raman has used his own Raman Ayanamsha), I was running Venus Bhukti in the Dasa of Jupiter. During this period, the graph of my reputation did show a good rise but there was no inflation of my ego. According to some classical words, “events to take place in the sub-periods of Venus in Jupiter Dasa and vice-versa, will not be generally good”. In my case, things were different. Jupiter, as lord of the 2nd and 11th, occupies the 10th in the Nakshatra of the Ascendant lord Saturn. Venus, as Yogakaraka, is situated in the 7th with Mercury, lord of the 5th and Mars, lord of the 10th. Both the Bhukti and Dasa lords are in mutual Kendras.
In the Aquarius lagna birth chart of Dr. Raman Jupiter Dasha and Venus Anter Dasha was running from April 1945 to December 1947 (as per Lahiri Ayanamsha) when he had already become world most renowned astrologer after making a series of correct war time predictions during World War II. An important thing in his horoscope is that Moon is in degree conjunction with Gulika and is also with Saturn because of which he lost his mother when he was just 2 years of age only. He was brought up by his grand father Prof. B. Surya Narayan Rao who himself was the most renowned astrologer of his time. Now coming back to Jupiter-Venus period in the horoscope of late Dr. B.V. Raman, it has to be good for him professionally as Venus is involve in a good Raja yoga from both lagna and the Moon.
What Sage Parashara says about Jupiter-Venus Dasha Periods ?
In Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra’s ‘Jeeva Anter Dasha Phala Adhyay’, chapter number 57 the results of various Anter Dasha in the Maha Dasha of Jupiter has been given in details including the results of Anter Dasha of Venus which is the area of our interested here. In this chapters sloka number 39 to 50 results of Venus Anter Dasha in the Maha Dasha (major period) of Jupiter has been given with lots of details.
As per Sage Parashara the anter dasha of Venus in the maha dasha of Jupiter gives good results if Venus is in Kendra (quadrant), trikona (trine), 11th house or in his own sign under the aspect of a benefic planet then person will get happiness from vehicles, luxuries, material comforts, high position and honor from the king.
But if Venus is in the 6th, 8th or 12th houses from Janma lagna and/or from Dasha lord Jupiter or it is in its sign of depression (Neecha Rashi) then it can give terrible results especially if it is also associated with Saturn and/or Rahu. If Venus is the lord of the 2nd and/or 7th house then also it can give bad results especially if it is afflicted by malefic as it can give accidental death or death due to a women or death by consumption of a wrong medicine.
The classical text Bhaargava Naadika and Dasha Phal Darpan also give the similar results for Jupiter Dasha and Venus Anter Dasha. But interestingly Hora Ratnam and Mansagari give bad results during Jupiter Dasha and Venus anter dasha. However, Jataka Parijat gives mixed results for Jupiter-Venus Dasha periods as it says that this period gives happiness from vehicles, financial gains, royal emblems but trouble to wife and also from public image.
Case 2. Uddhav Thackeray
27 July 1960, 10:14 hours at Mumbai, Maharashtra
Longitude: 72E 50’, Latitude: 18N 58’
Gulika is in Virgo and Karakamasha lagna is Gemini
The Virgo lagna horoscope given here is of former chief minister of Maharashtra Uddhav Thackery who was recently under his Jupiter Dasha and Venus Anter Dasha in Vimshottari from 27th October 2020 to 28 June 2023. It was very traumatic period of his life as he was undergoing a cervical spine surgery on 12th of November 2021 in Jupiter-Venus-Rahu period in Vimshottari. He was in the hospital and was also on bed rest for few months around that period when COVID Pandemic was also creating a havoc in Maharashtra.
He had become chief minister on 28th of November 2019 in Jupiter Dasha and Ketu Anter Dasha in a most surprise manner as his party had to part ways from the BJP who were their three decades long ally, and had joined hands with her arch rivals Congress and NCP. Ketu getting the aspect from 11th lord Moon and also from 5th lord Saturn gave him this Raja Yoga in adverse situations. But then subsequent Venus Anter Dasha in the Maha Dasha of Jupiter proved worst for his health and also for his political career.
The Jupiter Dasha, Venus Anter Dasha and Jupiter Prayanter Dasha from 6 March 2022 to 14 July 2022 proved to be the most difficult time in the political career of Uddhav Thackery. He had to resign after a major rebellion in his party which was instigated by BJP only. He resigned from the post of chief minister on 29 June 2022 and on the next day Ek Nath Shinde, a key member of his own party, sworn-in as the chief minister of the state from the support of BJP. Later Uddhav Thackery also lost control over his party Shiv Sena when the Election Commission first freeze the symbol of party, and later on gave it to the Eknath Shinde by its order on 17th of February 2023. All these major set back in the political career of Uddhav Thackery came during his Jupiter Dasha and Venus Anter Dasha only. Interesting thing to note here that both Jupiter and Venus are in 6/8 from each other in birth chart. Venus is in its enemy sign Cancer and is afflicted by Mars in the Navamsha chart. Jupiter the maha dasha lord is strong in his own sign in Rashi chart but is afflicted by malefic planets in Navamsha chart.
Uddhav Thackery’s troubles are only likely to end during Jupiter Dasha and Moon Anter Dasha from 15th of April 2024 to 15th of August 2025 during which his party can give a satisfactory performance in Lok Sabha and also in Assembly Polls both.
Case 3. A senior IT professional
9 September 1972, 07:20 am at Pathankot, Punjab
Longitude: 75E 39’ , Latitude: 32N 17’
Gulika is in Leo at 22 degrees 57 minutes
Karakamsha lagna is Leo
The Virgo lagna horoscope given above is of a senior IT (information technology) professional who is in this field since 1991 and has worked with top multination’s, government and non-profit organization in his long career. During Jupiter Dasha and Venus Anter Dasha from February 2016 to October 2018 he was job less and had to suffer from family troubles, financial crisis and depression. Notice here Jupiter and Venus are in 6/8 from each other just like they were in the horoscope of Uddhav Thackery discussed earlier.
As per Sage Parashara in such a case Jupiter Dasha and Venus Anter Dasha gives very bad results. Venus here is with Ketu and get the aspect by a natural malefic planet Saturn which gave him depression and anxiety due to which he was hospitalized twice for a brief period of two days only. The saving grace for him is the presence of a good ‘Gaja Kesari Yoga’ from both lagan and the Moon. Remember as per Sage Parashara Jupiter in Kendra from Janma lagna or from the Moon forms the ‘Gaja Kesari Yoga’ if Jupiter is not in its enemy sign, debilitated or combust {Refer Vividha Yoga Adhyaya, Chapter number 37 Sloka number 3-4 of Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra}. Thus, he was able to come out of his problem of depression and hypertension without much medication. In Jupiter Dasha and Sun Anter Dasha he resumed his IT related work.
Case 4. K.N. Rao
12 October 1931, 07:55 am at Machillipatnam, Andhra Pradesh
Longitude: 81E 08’ , Latitude: 16N 10’
Gulika is in Capricorn and Karakamsha lagna is Leo
Venus is in Mrityu Bhagh degrees
The Libra lagna horoscope in case 4 is of my teacher Shri K.N. Rao who is one of the greatest astrologers of all time. He is founder of the ‘Institute of Astrology Bharitiya Vidhya Bhavan’, which is now being named as ‘K.N. Rao Institute of Astrology’ in this year only. He has written more than 28 books on astrology and have tought more than thirty thousand students at his astrology school in Delhi. In his book ‘Enigmas in Astrology’ in chapter 5, ‘Jupiter-Venus & Venus-Jupiter periods’ he mentions, “Jupiter-Venus period interested me most because it was the beginning of a change for which I was not prepared. The transformation that took place in my life has often led me into a type of introspection”.
My teacher Shri K.N. Rao was in his Jupiter Dasha and Venus anter dasha in Vimshottari from September 1959 to May 1962. He lost his father late Shri K. Rama Rao on 3 March 1961 during his Jupiter-Venus-Jupiter in Vimshottari. His father was a freedom fighter and was also founder Editor of the ‘National Herald’ newspaper, Rajya Sabha member (1952) and he was a one man institution himself in the field of journalism who trained successfully many journalist then. A postal stamp was issued in 1997 on his name by Indian Government to celebrate his birth anniversary. In the Dwadamsha (D-12) chart of Shri K.N. Rao Jupiter is the lord of 7th house a ‘Maraka’ for parents. Venus the anter dasha lord is in the 6th house with 2nd lord (Maraka) the Moon, and then they get the aspect of a natural malefic Saturn which astrologically explain the sudden loss of his father for which he was not mentally prepare then.
After the demise of his father Shri K.N. Rao met his great Guru Swami Paramananda Saraswati in the same Jupiter Dasha and Venus Anter Dasha. Jupiter in his chart is in excellent ‘Gaja Kesari Yoga’ as it is in Kendra from both lagna and the Moon, and is also blemishes due to its non-association with any planet. In Navamsha Jupiter is the lord of 9th house (Guru) placed in the 11th house of gains in Aquarius which is a spiritual sign.
On 4th of December 2021, Amavasya Day, Rao Sir permanently shifted from Delhi to Bangalore close to his late younger brother’s family living there. It was Venus Dasha and Jupiter Anter Dasha in Vimshottari from December 2020 to August 2023 in his birth chart. In Venus-Jupiter-Mercury he left his Delhi home permanently which was another major transformation in his life. In the field of astrology Delhi was his ‘Karma Bhoomi’ as he had established a big institution here and had produces scores of research-oriented books on Jyotisha. Many of his students from Delhi-NCR, including me, had met him before leaving from Delhi which was very emotional and also a memorable moment for us. Thus, both Jupiter-Venus and Venus-Jupiter were the periods of major transformation in the life of Shri K.N. Rao which perfectly explain his own research on these dasha periods.
Venus-Jupiter can make one gain his lost wealth or position
In the Chapter number 61, ‘Shukara Anter Dasha Phala Adhyay’, of Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra the results of the Anter Dasha periods of all the planets in the Maha Dasha period of Venus has been given including the Anter Dasha Phala of Jupiter. In this chapter’s Sloka number 54 to 59 the results of the Anter Dasha of Jupiter in the Maha Dasha of Venus have been explained by Sage Parashara. As per this chapter in the Venus-Jupiter period, if Jupiter is in its sign of exaltation, own sign, in Kendra from lagna or in trine (i.e. 5th or 9th) then native regains his lost kingdom, gains luxuries, choicest of food and clothes, gains from friends, financial gains and respect from King is also obtained. Notice here that Sage Parashara mention that if Jupiter is favorably placed then it can give native ‘regain of lost kingdom’ in its Anter Dasha in the Maha Dasha of Venus.
I have found similar results of Venus-Jupiter period given in Bhaargava Naadika’s chapter number 10 Sloka number 140 to 142. But, if Jupiter is placed in the 6th, 8th or the 12th house, which happens to be its debilitation sign or is combust or is conjunct with a malefic planet then these classical texts proclaim that during the Anter Dasha of such Jupiter in the Maha Dasha of Venus native suffer extreme danger, trouble from robbers and danger from fire. Destruction of wealth and suffering to wife and mother has also been mention in such case.
Hora Ratnam and Maansagari give good results for the Venus Dasha and Jupiter Anter Dasha. But Jataka Parijat gives mixed results for Venus-Jupiter period like it is in the case of Jupiter-Venus in the same texts. In Jataka Parijat Venus-Jupiter periods are good for wealth creation and financial gains but they give trouble to wife, son and also mental agonies.
Case 5. N.T. Rama Rao
28 May 1923, 16:43 hours at Gudivada, Andhra Pradesh
Longitude: 80E 59’, Latitude: 16N 27’
Mercury and Rahu are in Mrityu Bhagh degrees
Gulika is in Virgo and Karakamsha lagna is Cancer
The Virgo lagna horoscope given here is of N.T. Rama Rao who was super start of Telugu cinema and was also chief minister of Andhra Pradesh for 7 years over 3 terms. In his Libra lagna horoscope Jupiter and Moon are making a very strong ‘Gaja Kesari Yoga’. Both Jupiter and Moon are in mutual aspect with lagna lord Venus which make this ‘Gaja Kesari Yoga’ doubly potent and gave him a great charismatic personality. He was widely recognized for his portrayed of mythological characters in movies and was worshipped like ‘God’ by Telugu cinema lovers. His charisma was so great that within 2 years he made his Telugu Desham Party (TDP) a formidable force in Andhra Pradesh and defeated Congress Party which was led by Smt. Indira Gandhi then who was worshipped as ‘Amma’ (mother) in the state.
In Ketu Dasha and Mercury Anter Dasha he become the first non-Congress chief minister of Andhra Pradesh after winning the assembly elections in 1983 with 2/3 majority then. In December 1989 during Venus Dasha and Moon Anter Dasha he was voted out of power due to an anti-incumbency wave in the state. Venus and Moon are making a 6/8 relation in his Dashamsha chart.
Interestingly he returns to power for a third and final time in December 1994 in his Venus Dasha and Jupiter Anter Dasha (February 1994 to October 1996) after winning the state elections in which his party got 226 seats out of 294. Here, Venus-Jupiter period make him win lost kingdom as mentioned by Sage Parashara in the results of this Dasha periods which I have explained earlier. But then Venus is debilitated in his Dashamsha chart and is placed in the 6th house of enemies.
But Venus and Jupiter are making 6/8 relations with each other in his Dashamsha chart. So, he lost power very early in the same Dasha period of Venus-Jupiter in September 1995 when his own son-in-law Mr. Chandra Babu Naidu intrigue against him. It was Venus-Jupiter-Venus in Vimshottari from 18 June 1995 to 27 November 1995. In an interview with Reuters, N.T. Rama Rao compared himself to Sahah Jahan, a 17th-century Mughal emperor who was imprisoned by his son, and pledged to make a comeback.
But N.T. Rama Rao died on 18 January 1996 in Venus-Jupiter-Moon period in Vimshottari. So, in a way during his Venus-Jupiter Dasha the great N.T. Rama Rao first regained his lost position as chief minister after winning the elections but then he was ousted from power by his own son-in-law and later he lost his life also in the same dasha period.
It has been found that path breaking and life changing events take place particularly during Jupiter-Venus-Jupiter and Venus-Jupiter-Venus Dasha periods which can bring major transformations in the lives of a person. But if Jupiter is in ‘Gaja Kesari Yoga’ and is unafflicted by any hard malefic planet then it can give native a saving grace and protect him from a crisis.
Enigmas of Jupiter-Venus and Venus-Jupiter Dasha periods – II