The effects of solar and lunar eclipses are mostly studied for famous personalities and nations as per the classical principals of Medini Jyotish or Mundane Astrology. Sun and Moon, which get eclipses by nodes or the shadow of Earth, are the significant of royal persons, top government officers, political class, famous personalities and high ranking officers in big companies. The eclipses affect them the most and indirectly its effect comes on the general public also. In Brihat Samhita’s Rahu Chaar Adhayaa at Sloka number 37 the effects of an eclipse in Gemini sign has been given. A solar eclipse in Gemini had occur on 2nd of July 2019 and now it will also be visible in India tomorrow on the 21st of June 2020. Interestingly after one month of the solar eclipse of 2nd July 2019 two famous Indian ministers of ruling BJP had suffered untimely death from serious illness. Smt. Sushma Swaraj and Shri Arun Jaitly had died in August 2019 just after one month of that solar eclipse in Gemini sign. The coming solar eclipse of 21st of June 2020 is also very dangerous for India from many aspects.
{Hindi} China may attack India’s borders after solar eclipse on June 21!
The Brihat Samhita says “that an eclipse in Gemini sign gives trouble to the persons with royal emblem, famous women, high ranking government officers, war-lords or high ranking army officers, artists, people living near the bank of Yamuna river (in present times Delhi-NCR) “etc.
This eclipse is falling in the lunar month of Ashadha about which Brihat Samhita says ” that an eclipse in the month of Ashadha bring calamity from water, it break the boundaries of well and pounds, rivers change their route after heavy rains. People who grow fruits and vegetables get trouble the most (this could be because of rains destroying their crops). Gandhar (present Afghanistan) , Jammu & Kashmir and China get troubled the most”.
So the eclipse in Gemini sign in the month of Ashadha is not only bad for famous persons but it also bring very heavy rains and flood. Last year the south-west monsoon was delayed but after the solar eclipse of 2nd of July it picked up the speed and eventually heavy rains brought 110% of the rainfalls which was higher than the normal. Based on these principals i had forecast more than normal rains this year during the south-west monsoon season 2020.
Why Solar Eclipse of 21 June 2020 is sensitive for famous personalities of India
The solar eclipse of 21 June 2020 will fall in the Gemini sign where in the foundation horoscope of country Mars is placed in Mrigshira Nakshtra at around 7 degrees. Mars is the ‘Maraka’ being the lord of 2nd house from the lagna of the foundation chart of India which shows destruction in war, troubles in foreign relations and death of important persons.
Chart 1. Horoscope of the solar eclipse of 21 June 2020
Chart 2. Foundation Horoscope of India
In the horoscope of solar eclipse of 21 June 2020 you will get the position of planets with degrees. Now superimpose them on the foundation horoscope of India. The eclipse falls in Gemini where Sun is transiting in Mrigshira Nakshtra. Put this Sun on the Gemini sign of India where Mars is placed at the 7 degrees and 27 minutes. The eclipse point is dangerously placed to the natal Mars of India which is the “Maraka” the lord of 7th house and also 12th lord a functional malefic for India. In the foundation chart of India the Vimshottari dasha of Moon-Saturn-Ketu runs till 5th of July. Ketu is in the 7th house of war and afterwards the sub period of Venus will come which is also the lord of 6th house of border clashes. So while there is a danger of war from China there is also fear for famous personalities in India who may get troubles in their health and security matters.
The outbreak of corona virus will also reach at its peak in India as transiting Mars from Pisces aspect the Gemini sign where Sun is eclipsed by Rahu which is Karaka for virus and bacteria. Some of the famous personalities in India will be tested as corona positive. Many of the famous CEO’s, including women, will lose their jobs due to economic recession in next few months.
The solar eclipse of 21 June is more sensitive for ruling party of India
The solar eclipse of 21 June will start at 09:16 am on Sunday and it will ends at 15:04 hours in the afternoon as per Indian standard time. Now the noticeable point here is that the eclipse falls on Sunday which is ruled by Sun the significant of ruling class, high ranking government officers, top business heads etc. The day of the eclipse, lunar month and its totality is also very important which is many a times ignored by astrologers. The eclipse falls in the Mrigshira Nakshtra of Mars which signifies army officers. The totality of eclipse will come at the time of mid day at 12 hours and 11 minutes. Now see the chart 1 given above which i have cast for the time when Sun and Moon are at the exact degrees and eclipse reaches at its maximum or totality. It is very rarely you could find such an eclipse which reach at its totality at the exact mid noon. From this aspect this solar eclipse of 21 June 2020 is very rare and highly sensitive for the ruling class of India.
Chart 3. Foundaiton Horoscope of BJP
Now superimpose the planetary position in the chart 1 (solar eclipse of 21 June) right over the planets of chart 3 which is the foundation horoscope of the ruling party BJP (Bharitiya Janata Party). The eclipse fall in Gemini at the ascendant of the BJP. It is in their 8th from from the natal Moon which is in Scorpio. The BJP is under the Maraka dasha of Moon which has given them loss of many serious leaders since mid of 2018. The transiting Saturn and Jupiter are in Capricorn which is the 8th house of the ruling BJP. The 8th house is the house of mourning or death of important leaders. The Vimshottari dasha of Moon-Rahu till March 2021 is sensitive for the BJP and indicate loss of important personalities. Moon is the lord of 2nd house (Maraka) placed in the 6th house of illness or accidents in the foundation horoscope of BJP (chart 3). Rahu the sub period lord is conjoined with 7th lord Jupiter in ‘Chandal Yoga’ which is bad for the ruling party BJP.
This solar eclipse falls in the 8th house from the Janma lagna of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi which is also inauspicious as he will get trouble from both China and Pakistan. The 8th house is the house of conspiracy and humiliation. The eclipse will give mental tensions to Smt. Sonia Gandhi who’s natal Moon is in Gemini. The solar eclipse is also bad for religious leader Dalai Lama who has his rising sign Gemini. Similarly this eclipse is also difficult for many chief ministers of our country. Punja Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh born in Dhanu lagna and Orissa Chief Minister Shree Naveen Patnaik born in Gemini sign also get trouble after this eclipse. The bad effects of this solar eclipse will be felt for next 6 months till the end of this year.