BJP (Bharitiya Janata Party) is under her Moon maha dasha since April 2018. The party has lost many big leaders since then; the likes of great Atal Bihari Vajpayee (16 August 2018), Anant Kumar (12 November 2018), Manohar Parikar (17 March 2019), Sushma Swaraj (6 August 2019) and Arun Jaitley (24 August 2019) has left this mortal world during the Moon maha dasha of BJP. I had indicated this in many of my blog posts that Moon as the 2nd lord in the Mithuna (Gemini) lagna horoscope of BJP is a ‘Maraka’ planet. It is dangerous for the health of many of its senior leaders. More recently i had mention this in my post “Lunar Eclipse of 16/17 July 2019- How it will effect India and the world”
I had specifically indicated the possible deaths of some of the big leaders of the ruling party. The lunar eclipse of 16/17 July 2019 had fallen in the 8th house of national mourning in the foundation chart of India. It had affected the 7th house of the ruling party BJP. The Sagittarius is the 8th house of the Vrishabha (Taurus) lagna foundation chart of India. It is the 7th house of the Gemini lagna horoscope of BJP. A solar eclipse on 26th of December 2019 is going to fall in Sagittarius which will again give national mourning to our country. Then two more eclipses will fall at the Gemini-Sagittarius axis in the month of Jyeshtha (June 2020) in year 2020 with Mars giving aspect to the eclipse point indicating a dangerous war and threat for national security for India. There will also be danger to the health and security of many important persons till March 2021.
I had explained these points in my article on the oath taking horoscope of Narendra Modi government which was published in the July 2019 issue of the Express Star Teller Magazine. In the Scorpio lagna oath taking horoscope of Mr. Modi Mars in the 8th house with Rahu and Saturn-Ketu conjunction from Gemini is an ominous indication. Any astrologer could have sense this that this oath taking horoscope of government clearly indicate sudden deaths of important leaders in near future.
Horoscope of BJP
6 April 1980, 11:45 hours at Delhi
Now see the horoscope of BJP given above. It is under her maha dasha of Moon since 18 April 2018. Moon as the 2nd lord is in the 6th house of diseases. Moon is in Kemadruma Yoga as there is no planet on either side of it. But since the 5th lord Venus aspect the Moon so it become a ‘Karaka’ to give good results politically. Mars the sign lord of Moon is giving aspect to it has done a ‘Kemadruma Bhanga’. The Moon’s Rashi lord giving aspect to it gives Raja Yoga. BJP won the general elections in 2019 when Moon-Mars was running in Vimshottari. But the same period proved fatal for her two legends Arun Jaitley and Sushma Swaraj who left for their heavenly adobe during this Moon-Mars dasha. It is a huge loss for BJP as these two leaders were its finest parliamentarian and intellectual brains behind party’s great rise.
As per a news report Sadhvi Pragya has accused opposition of using ‘Maraka Shakti or Tantra’ to harm BJP leaders. Had Sadhavi Pragya knew astrology then she could have see that her party BJP is undergoing a ‘Maraka’ dasha period of Moon which is badly placed in the 6th house in Rashi chart. In Navamsha Moon get the aspect of Saturn from the 8th house and in Trimshamsha Moon again goes into the 6th house getting the aspect of Mars. So the dasha of Moon has to give untimely death to BJP leaders. Now Moon-Rahu period will run from September 2019 to March 2021 and then Moon-Jupiter period from March 2021 to July 2022 can also give 3-4 such bad news for this party specially around the time when eclipses will fall during these years. Rahu is conjoined with 7th lord Jupiter in the Rashi chart of BJP at close degrees forming a deadly ‘Chandaal Yoga’. In Trimshamsha the Rahu is in the axis of Saturn and Mars who are taking bad lordship of ‘Dushthana’ houses making it a potent ‘Maraka’.
If we see the Chara dasha then the picture is more clear. The Chara dasha of Makar is running from April 2017 to April 2022. Makar or Capricorn is the 8th house from the Gemini lagna horoscope of BJP. Notice here the Atamakaraka Saturn, Ganatikaraka Jupiter, Rahu and Darakaraka Mars are all in the 8th house from dasha Rashi Capricorn indicating death of important persons. But since Capricorn gets the auspicious aspect of Amatayakaraka Moon and Putrakaraka Venus so party is enjoying great political power. But after April 2022 the Chara dasha of Sagittarius (Dhanu) will come from where the Amatayakaraka Moon falls in the 12th house of losses which will give some serious damage to the popularity of BJP. Sagittarius is also the Rashi of Karakamsha as Atamakaraka Saturn goes into this Rashi in the Navamsha of BJP. So the dasha of Sagittarius after April 2022 shows loss of popularity for the BJP.