In April last year, Sri Lanka was declared ‘default’ by the world’s top rating agencies after failing to pay interest on its international debt. Later in the month of July, the then Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa fled the country. More recently, in the midst of Pakistan’s worsening financial situation, the International Monetary Fund offered a number of harsh conditions, including the closure of the nuclear program, to give a new loan to Pakistan, which was rejected by the Shahbaz Sharif government. Since then the fear of bankruptcy is looming over Pakistan as they have to repay the loan of $ 77 billion only to Saudi Arabia and China in the next three years, which seems impossible in the current situation. In the foundation horoscope of Pakistan the enigmatic Vimshottari Dasha of Venus-Saturn is running from 25 October 2020 to 26 December 2023. Venus is a ‘Maraka’ (killer) planet for Pakistan’s Aries lagna horoscope .

Many astrologer’s has doubt over the correctness of the foundation horoscope of Pakistan (14 August 1947, 00:00 hours at Karachi) given above. In the Aries lagna chart the 9th lord (religion) Jupiter giving aspect to the lagna, lagna lord Mars and also the Moon clearly shows the birth of this country on the basis of religion. Pakistan is officially an Islamic Republic which traces its origin to the Arab conquest of Sindh in 711 AD by Muhammad Bin Qasim.
Also notice the aspect of Mars on the 10th house in Rashi and Navamsha which shows why this country has been under ‘Martial Law’ during most part of her history. Moreover, the ‘establishment’ or ‘deep state’ has always dominated the democratic institution’s of this country thanks to the aspect of Mars, the significant of military and force, on the 10th house from lagna and Navamsha lagna.

Even in the Dashamsha (D-10) Pakistan has influence of Mars on the 10th house of governance. Interestingly Pakistan’s economy was growing at the rate of about 6% from 1961 to 1980 as compare to India’s GDP growth rate of about 4% during that period. Pakistan was also getting billions of dollars of military aids from the USA. But equations changed during 1990’s when India open her economy for foreign investments while Pakistan pursued the Zia-ul-haq’s policy of radical fundamentalism. Astrologically Pakistan was under the adverse dasha sequence of 3rd and 6th lord Mercury (December 1983 to December 2000), followed by Ketu (December 2000 to December 2007) and then Venus (till 26 December 2027).
Bad Dasha Sequence in Pakistan’s horoscope
A student having elementary knowledge in astrology can figure out the Mercury as the 3rd and 6th lord is functional malefic in Pakistan’s foundation horoscope. Ketu is badly placed in the 8th house from the lagna. Venus is the ‘Maraka’ (killer) for the Aries lagna foundation horoscope of Pakistan. So it was no surprise that since 1980’s the country went through the process of her ‘self destruction’ under the bad dasha periods coming one after another. A country which disown her history lost her future is a phrase that is a fit case for Pakistan. Our neighboring country never accepted its South-Asian ethnicity as successive government there tried to imposed ‘Arab’ identity and ‘Wahhabi Islam’ in a very pathetic manner. Pakistan is site of several ancient culture including Indus Valley civilization and ancient Gandhara civilization. But sadly the ruling elite of Pakistan imposed a fake history on their nation leading to a situation of an identity crisis for its citizens.
Pakistan ruined due to an inauspicious Venus Dasha
In the Aries Ascendant horoscope of Pakistan, which got independence on August 15, 1947 midnight, Venus maha dasha is running for 20 years since December 2007. For Aries Ascendant, Venus is second lord of state exchequer And being the ruler of the seventh house, it becomes a killer (Maraka) planet. According to the rules of Mundane astrology, the second house is the wealth of the nation. Rahu placed in the second house in the horoscope of Pakistan has now made it a weak nation dependent on foreign help. The seventh house in astrology represents war and foreign policy. Venus, the lord of the seventh house in Pakistan’s horoscope, is involved in a planetary war with Saturn in close degrees in its enemy sign Cancer which is a sign of emotions. Then we have this bad exchange between 3rd lord Mercury and 4th lord Moon which is a yoga for loosing national assets.
Saturn is an inauspicious planet for Aries ascendant which is in planetary war with Maha Dasha lord Venus. Since year 2008, in this inauspicious Venus Mahadasha the successive governments of Yusuf Raja Geelani, Nawaz Sharif and then Imran Khan , the country’s economy is in the quagmire of debt and the society is in the grip of fundamentalism. At present Venus Dasha and Saturn Anter Dasha is running from 25 October 2020 to 26 December 2023 is highly inauspicious for Pakistan. Inflation in Pakistan is at present 47.1% which is all time high and her foreign reserves are depleting.
It is worth noting here that in December 1971, in the Vimshottari Dasha of Saturn and Anter Dasha of Venus , Pakistan was defeated in a decisive war with India. Then Pakistan has lost a huge territory to her East and a new country ‘Bangladesh’ was carved out of it which was a slap on the face of the Pakistan’s military establishment and their ‘Two nation theory’ founders.
Pakistan will be forced to mortgage the nation’s assets to China
In the Pakistan horoscope of Aries ascendant, Moon, the lord of the 4th house (nation’s land and resources) conjoined with Mars, the eighth lord (lord of destruction) in the 3th house (which is 12th from the 4th) is creating a bad yoga. If Pakistan somehow escapes from bankruptcy during her Venus-Saturn dasha current then next year in 2024 it may be forced to mortgage its national property to China in lieu of a huge loan. The Venus Dasha and Mercury Anter Dasha from 26 December 2023 to 26 October 2026 shows heavy loans burden on Pakistan. Mercury is the third and sixth (debt) house lord in the horoscope of Pakistan. But since Mercury is in friendly Navamsha of Libra and in own sign in Dashamsha so Pakistan’s efforts to save her self from bankruptcy can succeed next year but at the cost of loosing her national assets. There will also be a civil war like situation in Baluchistan over the issue of giving away national resources to China on lease. Many of the assets of strategic importance like ports, air-ports, mines etc. will be leased to China in lieu of billion dollar loans in the next 3 years which will make Pakistan a reckless mortgage nation.