In Mundane Astrology Moon is considered as the Karaka for general public. As per the Indian mythology out of 27 Nakshatra’s Moon is more emotionally inclined towards ‘Rohini’. Therefore whenever a malefic planet transit through Rohini nakshatra it gives emotional pain to Moon and as a result of it the general public on earth also suffer. Transit of Saturn, Rahu, Ketu or Mars from Rohini nakshatra can bring war and/or famine in the world as per the classics of the Mundane astrology. This story telling method of teaching a concept of astrology was more popular in ancient time when there was no printing press producing books and a student has to memorise many maxims of a particular subject. So such kind of stories were propounded to facilitate students of astrology in ancient times to memorise intrinsic rules of the subject.
The transit of a malefic planets from Rohini Nakshatra become more dangerous for India specially when the Taurus-Scorpio axis also gets afflicted by the aspects of other malefic planets. The sign Taurus is the rising sign of the foundation chart of India ( 15 August 1947 , 00:00 hours at Delhi)
Mars will enter Rohini Nakshatra on the 17th of May and will remain there till 6th of June. During that period Mars will be in direct opposition from another hard malefic planet Saturn, which is transiting from Scorpio in retrograde motion, and both of them will give aspect to Leo which is the rising sign of the foundation chart of USA. As per Shri K.N. Rao the horoscope of USA is set for 4 July 1776, 18 hours and 21 minutes at Philadelphia. In this chart the period of Mars-Mercury is running in Vimshottari at present. The Mars is in mutual aspect with 7th lord Saturn and Mercury placed in the 12th house of losses in war shows the possibility the USA will have to take a fresh military action in Iraq and Syria which may incur them heavy losses. In the month of June the transiting Jupiter and Venus will conjoined in Cancer rashi which is the 12th house of USA. The conjunction of Jupiter and Venus in transit as per Mayur Chitram is a combination of bloodshed on earth. So in the month of June the Obama administration may forced to strike ISIS hideouts in Iraq and Syria after some major terrorist incident hurting the interest of USA in the middle-east. After these air strikes in on ISIS in Iraq and Syria the prices of crude oil will start rising in the international market. As a result of it country like India, which import 70% of its petroleum consumption, will have to suffer a bit and the prices of petrol and diesel are bound to increase here. At present the price of crude oil is around 59$ per barrel in the international market which will increase a bit in the month of June.
Now see the given below New Moon chart for India.
New Moon 18th of May 2015 , 09 hours and 43 minutes at Delhi
In the new Moon horoscope see the configuration of planets in the Taurus sign which is a earthy rashi. The luminaries (Sun and Moon) are in earthy rashi Taurus and in earthy Navamsha Capricorn. It is an indication of another strong earthquake which will be dangerous for the safety of large masses and population.
The world has not yet recovered from the shock of Nepal Earthquake of 25th of April last month. In that earthquake more than 8000 people were died in Nepal and more than 100 were died in India. Last week the strong aftershocks of the same quake were felt on the 12th of May when Mars and Saturn were in very close degree opposition. There were more than 100 death’s were reported in Nepal and scores of people were died in the states of Bihar in India which share border with Nepal. In my article ‘Forecasting Trends for Summer Season 2015’ published in Express Star Teller Magazine’s April issue i had predicted the possibility of a strong earthquake around 20th of April in the North-East direction of India. This prediction of mine was also published and discuss by Hindi News Paper Amar Ujala’s web site
The readers can go through above links and see my articles on the earthquake predictions. It is impossible to forecast the precise location and timing of an earthquake by any means either by seismology or by astrology. Although astrologers like late Shri B.V. Raman , late Shri Hardeo Sharma Trivadi and late Shri S.K. Kelkar has work in this direction. In the last century these three stalwarts of Mundane astrology had given lots of successful predictions about earthquake mostly predicting the direction and fortnight in which the tremor of a quake may strike. Apart from them Dr. Nimai Banerjee and Shri K.N. Rao are also giving such predictions from time to time. This is all an astrologer can do and in this aspect they are far ahead of seismologist who doesn’t have any method till day to give forecast or tell about the possibility of an earthquake.
Now coming back to the New Moon chart of 18th May again. I have discuss this chart in my articles in the April and May issue of Express Star Teller magazine. As per my reading there is a strong possibility of an earthquake measuring more than 7 at the Richter scale in the direction of Hindu Kush Mountain and North-West of China. The tremor of this quake will also be felt in the North India specially in Kashmir and may be even in the north of Nepal. The Anuradha Nakshatra is under affliction from Saturn which as per Brihat Samhita gives miseries to the people living in north-west of China, Kashmir, Tibet, Ladakh and Nepal. So these places are likely to get affected by an earthquake during the fortnight starting from 18th of May. The earthquake may strike on or around 19th or 26th of May this month.
See the number of planets in earthy sign in the Navamsha of New Moon chart. Mars will come in the Navamsha of Taurus on the 26th of May. On that day it will be at close degrees from Rahu which will be in direction motion then. This might not only bring an earthquake but also there will be heavy dust storms and unseasonal rains in U.P. , Bihar , Jharkhand and Delhi-NCR. These dust storms , lightning and rain around 26th of May will result into lots of damage to properties and lives at these places.