This year, the biggest lunar eclipse of the last three years will be seen in America at the midnight of 13/14 March, during which the color of the Moon will appear somewhat red. According to the astronomy experts , this lunar eclipse is the biggest total lunar eclipse after the lunar eclipse visible in the year 2022. The total duration of this full lunar eclipse will be 3 hours and 38 minutes. According to the classical text of mundane astrology in Hindi named ‘Adbhut Sagar’ , ” Should the Moon is seen in red color in the night sky , then it is bad for the king and disastrous for the country. The crown prince and the commander are killed. The people are unrighteous, that is, big scandals emerge in the society.” Since this total lunar eclipse is especially visible in the continent of America and Australia, then the security of big officials and ministers there can be a big threat in the next 3 months.
If seen from the point of view of transit principals , then at the time of this lunar eclipse, the royal sign Leo is afflicted which indicate a big leaders will suffer and heart disease and stomach diseases will increase among the common people. At the time of the lunar eclipse, the position of Saturn will be in Aquarius at close degrees to the Sun. The combustion of Saturn will be bad for masses in general and also for labor class. the
Chart 1. Horoscope of Total Lunar Eclipse
There will be conjunction of the Sun in Aquarius in close degrees with its enemy Saturn , and their combined aspect will afflict the Moon in Leo and bring about major seasonal changes like intense heat in some places and abnormal rainfall in some places, which will particularly affect India. Immediately after the eclipse, the number of patients suffering from stomach diseases, infections, fever etc. will increase in North and Central parts of India due to seasonal changes. Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Chhattisgarh may experience higher than the normal temperature for the season due to the influence of malefic planets on the Leo and Virgo signs. Abnormal rainfall may occur in some areas of South India and Odisha and Andhra Pradesh as transiting Venus, Mercury and Rahu in watery sign Pisces indicates.
USA may impose trade tariff on India
After taking oath on the 20th of January this year, Donald Trump unexpectedly stopped military and financial aid to many of his allied nations particularly to Ukraine. Donald Trump is now following the advice of former secretary of state Henry Kissinger who had pushed Trump to work with Russia in order to contain China. Henry Kissinger has given this suggestion to Donald Trump during his first tenure in 2016. Interestingly it was Kissinger who had pushed Richard Nixon towards making diplomatic relations with China in 1970’s so that USA can isolate Soviet Union then. Now Donald Trump’s potential strategy is to have good relations with Putin’s Russia to contain the rising influence of China which is the bigger enemy of USA at present particularly after COVID 19.
The stock market of America is on the decline since Donald Trump imposed additional trade tariff on Canada, Mexico and China. Now on the night of 14 March, when the eclipse will occur in Leo, it will afflict the birth ascendant of Donald Trump (born on 14 June 1946 in New York at 10:52 am).In the foundation horoscope of Independent India (15 August 1947, midnight, Delhi) the Moon is in Cancer, due to which the eclipsed Moon in the second house of wealth can harm India’s economic interests.
Chart 2. Horoscope of Donald Trump
Donald Trump can put pressure on India to open its market more liberally for American products by imposing trade duty. The condition of the Indian stock market can also remain somewhat unstable in the second fortnight of March month. The Vimshottari Dasha of Jupiter-Venus-Sun from 16th of March 2025 to 3rd of May 2025 is bad for Donald Trump’s health.
Danger of cyclone and abnormal rainfall
The horoscope of the lunar eclipse of 14th of March will be made at 2:53 am according to the local time of USA at Washington DC , when the Sagittarius ascendant would be rising at the capital city. At the time of eclipse, the Moon will be in Uttara-Phalguni Nakshatra, which indicates the south direction as per the Kurma Chakra. Due to a sea storm in the Gulf of Mexico in the south of the United States, there may be loss of life and property in some cities of America and Mexico in the next 30 days. There will be a possibility of some damage to crops due to abnormal rainfall in Orissa and Andhra Pradesh in the south-east of India. l The conjunction of Mercury and Venus with Rahu at the time of eclipse is creating turmoil in the business world and the possibility of sex scandals.