(This article of mine was appeared in the Times of Astrology Magazine’s Oct-Nov-Dec 2014 issue)
Case 3. Inder Kumar Gujral ( 4 November 1919 – 30 November 2012)
( Source of data : Enigmas in Astrology by Shri K.N. Rao , page number 53)
Birth Details: 4 December 1919, 10:14 hrs, Jhelum (75 E 44’ , 32 N 56’) Pakistan
Balance of Dasha in Vimshottari: Ketu 5 Years 4 Months and 14 Days
This is the horoscope of Shri Inder Kumar Gujral. Notice the position of Moon here as it is in Kemadruma Yoga. Although there is an interesting Gajakesari Yoga, involving the 8th house and the 8th lord , is also present here. He got the Vimshottari dasha of Moon from 19 April 1951 to 18 April 1961. The Vimshottari dasha of Moon trapped in Kemadruma Yoga marked with the period of struggle for young Inder Kumar Gujral who’s family had to left their properties and business in Karachi after the partition of British India. He was living with his family in a two room rented house at Karol Bagh in Delhi then. Notice here the lordship of Moon, which is a functional malefic for Sagittarius lagan as it is the 8th lord. Nevertheless, since Jupiter is in the Kendra (Square) from Moon so it has to give him some sort of dignified career. In 1957 during Moon-Mercury period in Vimshottari he made his political debut by winning the NDMC (New Delhi Municipal Corporation) election and become the vice President of its committee. In year 1958 he joined the Congress party in the Moon-Mercury period. Noticeable point here is that Mercury is in a very good Raj Yoga in the Rashi chart. So the Kemadruma yoga gave him the initial struggle but since Jupiter was in Kendra from Moon, so he got a dignified start of a career during this Moon dasha period.
The noticeable point here is that Moon is Vargottama in the chart of I.K. Gujral. In addition, the depositor of Moon is the Mars, placed in the sixth house from it though but is giving an aspect to the Moon thus giving strength to the mind to fight with adversaries.
After spending long time in Indian politics, Inder Kumar Gujral sworn in as the Prime Minister on 21 April 1997, in his Jupiter-Sun Vimshottari dasha. He was the surprise choice as the Prime Minister from the third front government supported by Congress (I) from outside. The benefic Jupiter and Venus in Kendra from Moon gave him an excellent image of an incorruptible politician. However, because of the weakness of Kemadruma Moon, although its bad effects were mitigated largely as benefic planets are in Kendra from it, he could not make a big mark on the Indian political scene. In the Jupiter-Moon period in Vimshottari dasha he had to resign from the post of Prime Minister in April 1998 .after Congress (I) withdraw support from the third front government led by him. Interestingly the Kemadruma Yoga present in his horoscope never gave him monetary poorness in his life, not even during childhood as he was born in an affluent family.
Case 4. V.P. Singh ( 25 June 1931 – 27 November 2008)
( Source: Enigmas in Astrology, page number 52)
Birth Details: 25 June 1931, 07:51 hrs, Allahabad (India) , (81 E 51’ , 25 N 27’)
Balance of Dasha in Vimshottari: Rahu 17 Years 7 Months 0 Days
This is the horoscope of Vishwanath Partap Singh who was the 7th Prime Minister of India (1989-90) and was born in an aristocratic landlord family ruling the kingdom of Manda before the Independence of India. See the Kemadruma Moon in his horoscope. The Jupiter is in Kendra from Moon making an excellent ‘Gaja Kesari’ Yoga, which nullifies the bad effects of Kemadruma to a large extent. During the Mercury-Venus Vimshottari dasha he becomes the Prime Minister on 2nd December 1989. However, the Kemadruma Moon didn’t gave him capacity to handle the pressure and because of the bad Sun-Saturn opposition in his horoscope he became very controversial after he introduced the reservation policy in the government job during his tenure as Prime Minister. It was in the Mercury-Sun period in Vimshottari that brought his downfall and he had to resign on 7 November 1990 after BJP’s suspension of support to the National Front government led by him.
The Kemadruma Yoga did not gave the monetary poorness to V.P. Singh but his charisma was faded away very soon though he was regarded as the incorruptible politician. That is because of the untainted Jupiter in his chart making a beautiful ‘Gaja-Kesari’ Yoga just like it is in the case of I.K. Gujaral’s horoscope discussed earlier. Noticeable point here is that V.P. Singh didn’t got the Vimshottari dasha of Moon during his life time. The Moon though in Kemadruma but its depositor Venus is giving strength to it as it is in its own sign although falling in the 8th from the Moon sign.
Case 5. Mahatma Gandhi ( 2 October 1869 – 30 January 1948)
(Source: Enigmas in Astrology , page number 48)
Birth Details: 2 October 1869, 07:48 hrs, Porbander , Gujrat (India) , ( 69 E 37’, 21 N 38’)
Horoscope of Mahatama Gandhi
Balance of Dasha in Vimshottari: Mercury 2 Years 1 Month and 29 Days
In the horoscope of Mahatama Gandhi the Moon is in Kemadruma Yoga. He was born on 2 October, 1869 in the coastal town Porbander Gujarat in a well to do family. His father , Karamchand Gandhi (1822-1885) served as the ‘diwan’ (Chief Minister) of Porbandar state. The Kemadruma Yoga did not gave him monetary poorness though he himself later on imposed upon him and his family an austere habit of living.
Mahatama Gandhi got the maha dasha of Kemadruma Moon from 1 December 1904 to 1 December 1914. During this period, he was fighting for the civil rights movement in South Africa. Gandhi had arrived in South Africa in 1893 as a young 24 years old lawyer who was employed by a wealthy Muslim trader there. In South-Africa Gandhi witnessed racism, injustice and prejudice against Indians living there. During this maha dasha of Kemadruma Moon Gandhi’s life shape towards social activism and fighting against discrimination. He developed the idea of non-violent protest while fighting for civil rights movement in South Africa.
Notice here the Moon is in own sigh with Rahu ,which gave him long stay in foreign land. As many as four planets in Kendra from Moon effectively mitigated the bad effects of Kemadruma Yoga but he had to struggle a lot during this dasha to make a mark as a politician and social activist. Gandhi came back to India permanently in year 1915 and later won freedom for his country by leading a non-violent movement of freedom struggle, which actually was conceptualized by him during his stay in South Africa.
There is a powerful ‘ Gajakesari Yoga’ present in his horoscope but since the Jupiter is retrograde and is also in ‘Unmmad Yoga’ for being in the mutual aspect with Mars therefore he ventured into lots of controversies during his life time and even after his death. The adamant behavior of Gandhi ,towards his wife and children and his acts of Muslim appeasement, which later on inherited by the Congress party as a politic of pseudo secularism , is still criticized by many Indians even after so many years of his death. In 1940s , when he was under the Vimshottari dasha of Jupiter in the seventh house, during his mid-seventies, he started spiritual experiments to test his celibacy. Gandhi’s erratic behavior was widely discussed in the print media then and was criticized by family members and leading politicians, including Nehru. This was the negative impact of Kemadruma Moon and a tainted Jupiter, which is in ‘Unmmad’ Yoga , in his horoscope. But his immortality in the world history is assured inspite of whatever controversy may surround his reputation.
Case 6. Queen Elizabeth II (Source : Planets and Children book by Shri K.N. Rao , page number 67)
Birth Details: 21 April 1926, 02:40 hrs, London, United Kingdom, (51 N 30’, 00 W 10’)
Horoscope of Queen Elizabeth II
Balance of Dasha in Vimshottari: Mercury 13 Years , 6 Months and 20 Days.
This is the horoscope of the Queen of United Kingdom and other Commonwealth realms. In year 2012 she marked 60 years as Queen with Diamond Jubilee celebrations throughout her realms. Notice the Kemadruma Moon in his chart but since the Moon is in own sign and two planets are aspecting it so its effects were nullified largely. Queen got the maha dasha of Moon from 10 November 1972 to 11 November 1982. This period is marked with the decolonization of the Africa and the Caribbean. Many countries gained independent from the Britain as part of a planned transition of the self-government. During this Kemadruma Moon dasha a movement for Republicanism in Australia was started in 1975 advocating constitutional change in Australia to a republic form of government, from a constitutional monarchy. The movement started after the then Governor-General of Australia John Kerr dismissed the majority Whitlam government in the country and appointed Opposition leader Malcolm Fraser as the Prime Minster of the country. This raised controversy as symbolic monarchy of Australia Queen Elizabeth was not consulted and she pointedly refused to intervene, citing the reasons she lacks authority to do so under the Australian constitution. This incident raised questions about the value of maintaining the ‘symbolic’ office of the constitutional monarchy with Elizabeth II as Queen of Australia. This was the impact of the dasha of Moon trapped in Kemadruma Yoga in the seventh house of public image of Queen Elizabeth II, which gave her difficult some time during this period. However, the Kemadruma Moon being in own sign, just as in the case of Mahatama Gandhi discussed above, did not posed much troubles during its dasha.
Queen rarely gives any interview and little is know about her personal feelings and political opinions. Nevertheless, this horoscope is one more example that Kemadruma Yoga does not give monetary poorness if its cancellation is proper. See there are two planets which are giving aspect to the Moon. One is Mars, which is an exalted lord of the 5th house, and the second one is Jupiter in Neecha Bhanga and Gaja Kesari Yoga. She i likely to remain the head of British Monarch till her Jupiter-Rahu dasha comes in July 2021. Jupiter and Rahu are in 6/8 position. But Jupiter and Rahu are placed in the Maraka houses i.e. 2nd and the 7th house respectively. The period of 2 years after July 2021 will be dangers for the longevity of Queen Elizabeth.
Case 7. Prince Charles (Source: From the book ‘Predicting through Jaimini’s Chara dasha)
Birth Chart: 14 November 1948, 21:12 hrs, London , United Kingdom , (51 N 30’ , 0 W 10’)

Balance of Dasha in Vimshottari: Ketu 3 Years 2 Months 6 Days
Prince Charles (aged 65) is the Britain’s longest waiting heir to the throne. His mother Queen Elizabeth II is though 88 but she has made it clear that she has no intention to step aside. In November 2012, when Prince Charles was asked about his being impatient for the kings throne he said ,“Impatient? Me? What a thing to suggest . “Yes, of course I am. I’ll run out of time soon. I shall have snuffed it if I’m not careful.”
Although the Prince made his remarks as he was commenting at the Dumfries House gathering, royal observers say while he has praised his mother’s longevity, it isn’t the first time the prince has quipped about ascending the throne while he’s still youthful.
British newspapers, in reporting his Dumfries House comments, noted that in 1992, when Prince Charles attended a funeral for his then father-in-law Earl Spencer, he confided to his brother-in-law Charles Spencer: “You are fortunate enough to have succeeded to the title when still young.” ( Source: www.telegraph.co.uk Article of Roya Nikkhah dated 24 November 2012)
Prince Charles has been waiting to be king since 1952, when he was just four years old. That’s when his grandfather, King George VI, passed away and Charles’ mother, Queen Elizabeth II took the throne. Now Prince Charles is 65 and his mother Queen Elizabeth II is 88 years old, having just celebrated her Diamond Jubilee in year 2012 (marking 60 years on the throne). Now at present the Queen Elizabeth II is the longest-lived and second longest reigning monarch (after Queen Victoria) of the United Kingdom. She doesn’t intend to abdicate is the reason that there is a lots of speculation in the media about her longevity.
Now notice the Kemadruma Moon in the horoscope of Prince Charles. There is no benefic in Kendra from the Moon although afflicted Mercury and a debilitated Sun are giving their aspect to the Moon. Unlike his mother, he was into all kinds of controversies related with his love affairs, divorce with his wife lady Diana and impulsive quotes in the media. Prince Charles got the maha dasha of Moon from 20 January 1978 to 20 January 1988. This period marked with Prince Charles courtship with Diana and their marriage in 1981. The couple had two children Prince Williams (1982) and Prince Harry ( 1984). But after the five years of their marriage they started having problems in their married life due to couples incompatibility and age difference ( almost 13 years), as well Dian’s concern about Charles previous girlfriend, Camilla Parker. The signs of bitterness, which surfaced in the married life of Prince Charles during the maha dasha of Kemadruma Moon brought his separation and divorce with Diana in year 1992 during the maha dasha of seventh lord Mars.
. However, it is the Kemadruma Moon in his horoscope, which made him impatient and irresponsible in many aspects of his life. The noticeable point here is that there is no benefic in the Kendra (Square) from Moon and is trapped in Rahu-Ketu axis. The depositor of Moon is the Mars, which is in its own sign, but it is falling in the 8th house from it and is not giving it any aspect thus not so helpful.
The Kemadruma Moon placed in the tenth house of career give some damage to its signification in the chart of Prince. The Prince Charles (65) is in an age, when most people are starting to contemplate retirement life, yet he has not actually started the job, for which he has spent his adult life preparing. He may only become the King of United Kingdom Monarch in year 2020 or 2021 during his Jupiter-Ketu or Jupiter-Venus dasha in Vimshottari.
Case 8. R.N. Singh Deo
( Source: Enigmas in Astrology, page number 42)
Horoscope of R.N. Singh Deo
This is the horoscope of Maharaja Rajendra Narayan Singh Deo .He was the last ruler of the Princely state of Patna in Orissa, before Indian Independence in 1947. He was also the Chief Minister of Orissa from 1967 to 1971 leading the coalition government of Swatantra Party. Mahatama Gandhi had once said about him that ‘if he were not born in the family of a Raja, he would have been equal to Jawaharlal Nehru and Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel’. Now see the position of Moon in his horoscope. It is in Kemadruma Yoga, which is the astrological explanation why he could not make a big mark in the Indian politics despite being a charismatic and distinguished political personality of his time. Also, notice the untainted ‘Gaua-Kesari’ Yoga and the aspect of Venus over the Moon mitigating the effects of Kemadruma Yoga. However, the depositor of Moon in the case of R.N. Singh Deo is the Sun, which is falling in the 8th from it and is under Rahu-Ketu axis which is not desirable.
Before 1947, as the Maharaja of his small state of Patna in Orissa, he introduced women’s education and had abolished the custom of untouchability there as early as in 1940, which free India did 20 years later. This Rashi chart of R.N. Singh Deo is another glaring example, which amply explains the fact that benefic in Kendra from Moon does mitigate the bad effects of Kemadruma Yoga to a large extend.
The object of this study was to highlight the importance of the study of ‘Chandra Kundali’. The Kemadruma Yoga is generally dreaded for giving monetary poorness or poverty but in practical cases, it is find to be wrong. The bad effects of Kemadruma Yoga gets cancelled when there are planets in Kendra from Moon and/or planets are giving their aspects to Moon. Technically the malefic planets can also take part in the cancellation of Kemadruma but in practical situation it has been found that benefic , particularly Jupiter, in Kendra from Moon and/or benefic planets giving their aspects to Moon mitigate the bad effects of Kemadruma to a large extent. It has also been observed that Kemadruma Yoga tend to give detachment at some point of life and it causes the loss of the at least one signification of the house where the Kemadruma Moon is placed. I would request my readers to work on these aspects of Kemadruma Yoga in depth over the charts of persons in their collections about whom they know very well.