( This article of mine was appeared in the Oct-Nov-Dec 2015 issue of The Times of Astrology Magazine )
During one of the meeting with my teacher Shri K.N. Rao at his home, he told me an interesting point about his style of reading the horoscope of political personalities. Shri K.N. Rao said that he first have a glance at the strength of lagna and Moon before venturing into various dashas and divisional charts in the horoscope of politicians. Rao Sir told me that he specially analysis whether the Moon is in ‘Kemadruma’ Yoga or not. According to him, the Moon in Kemadruma Yoga gives struggle in the life of politicians and they find it difficult to make a big mark in their careers. He gave me the following two examples and asked me to work on the charts of Prime Ministers and Presidents of various countries and see whether any of them have a Kemadruma Yoga in their chart or not.
Case 1. Rahul Gandhi (His birth details are from the Hospital records published on the Indian Express web site)
Birth details : 19 June 1970, 14:28 hrs, Delhi
Balance of Dasha in Vimshottari: Ketu 5 Years 9 Months and 26 Days
The birth details of Gandhi kids were disclosed by a news report of Indian Express and for the benefit of readers, I am giving it below.
(Source link : http://archive.indianexpress.com/news/delhi-underground-meticulous-records/1185170/)
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Delhi Under Ground : Meticulous Records
Express News Service: New Delhi , Monday October 21 , 2013 at 03:02 hrs.
Holy Family Hospital, which is celebrating its diamond jubilee, has meticulously maintained medical records in yellowing registers. Started in 1953 by missionaries, the hospital has witnessed the births of Rahul and Priyanka Gandhi. Both have been identified as “baby Sonia Gandhi” in hospital records. Sonia Gandhi, then 23 years old, gave birth to Rahul on 19.6.1970 at 2.28 pm. She was admitted to the hospital at 9.10 am the same day. Priyanka was born on 12.1.1972 at 5.05 pm. Both were examined by paediatrician Dr P N Taneja. Congress president Sonia Gandhi had congratulated the hospital in a one-page note that has now been printed as a souvenir of the hospital, produced for its diamond jubilee.
- – – — – – – – – – -In the horoscope of Rahul Gandhi the Moon is in classical Kemadruma Yoga as there is no planet in the 2nd and 12th house from it. Shri K.N. Rao Sir told me that “when he first casted the horoscope of Rahul Gandhi in the month of October 2013 , he immediately knew it that in the absence of any great Raj Yoga’s in his horoscope and the presence of this Kemadruma Yoga , he is surely going to have a big struggle in his political career”. It was evident when he failed to make a good impact in the general elections in year 2014 and Congress was humiliated with a history defeat. Noticeable point here is that there is no benefic in the Kendra (square) from the Moon. The depositor of Moon (the Chandra lagnesh) is Jupiter which is retrograde and under affliction from the aspect of a debilitated Saturn, so it was also not helpful either.Interestingly the mahadasha of Moon was in operation from 15 April 2002 to 14 April 2012. During this period, Rahu Gandhi made his debut in the Indian politics and his mother enjoyed the ‘Raj-Yoga’ as she was running the Congress led government from behind the curtain when the party came to power after winning the general elections in year 2004. However, Rahul Gandhi failed to make any mark as a Parliamentarian as well as a smart political orator during the operation of this Moon maha dasha in Vimshottari. At present lots of voices are being raised against his style of working in the Congress organization after the dabbling in the General elections 2014. The present Vimshottari dasha of Mars-Saturn in the horoscope of Rahu Gandhi also seems to be bad for his mother Smt. Sonia Gandhi in terms of health and her political career as the President of Congress party.
- Case 2. Horoscope of BJP (Bharitya Janata Party)Birth Details: 6 April 1980 , 11:45 hrs, Delhi.
Balance of Dasha in Vimshottari: Mercury 5 Years 0 Months and 12 DaysAfter this Rao Sir gave me one more example of Kemadruma Yoga . He said that in the horoscope of BJP Moon is in Kemadruma Yoga , which is one of the reason that this party had to struggle very hard in its initial year after its formation in year 1980. The BJP could manage to get only 2 seats in the general elections of 1984. In the general elections in 1989 and 1991, they could manage 85 and 120 seats respectively.BJP’s root lie in the RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh) ,which was formed in 1925, and the Bharitya Jana Sangh , formed in 1951. However, BJP could manage to become the single largest party for the first time in 1996 when they got 161 seats under the leadership of Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee who had to resign from the post of Prime Minister after just 13 days, as his party was unable to substantiate majority at the floor of the house. In the general elections of 1998 and 1999, BJP again become the single largest party by wining 182 seats. They formed the government with the help of many coalition partners and A.B. Vajpayee was the Prime Minister for six year from 1998 to 2004. Then Narendra Modi came at the scene and gave BJP a thumping majority in the general elections for 16th Lok Sabah concluded in May 2014. This ended the struggle of BJP the party that had to sit in the opposition for most of the time and until now; they could manage to form the government (from 1998 to 2004) only with the help of allies unlike Congress party, which had ruled the nation for so many years as a single party government. Interestingly in the horoscope of Congress party ( 02-January-1978, 11:59 hrs, Delhi) there is no Kemadruma Yoga.However, there are some noticeable points with respect to the Kemadruma Moon of BJP.
- The Moon is debilitated and is placed in the sixth house from the lagan which is good as per Parashara as a debilitated planet in the 3rd, 6th and 8th house give good results.
- The Jupiter is in Kendra (Square) from Moon thus making a Gajkesari Yoga but this Jupiter is weak as it is also under tremendous afflictions.
- The depositor of Moon is the Mars which is giving aspect to the Moon thus giving it some strength but at the same time aggressive mind set for which BJP leaders are known.
The classical definition of Kemadruma Yoga and its cancellation.
Moon is the karaka for mind. PkaUnek ekulks tkr: has been clearly said by the Upanishads and various classics of Hindu astrology. As per Maan Sagari
“Moon is always the seed and water. Ascendant i.e. Deh bhava is the flower resulting from it”.The absence of Durdhara or Sunapha- Anapha Yoga in Kundali i.e. absence of any planet except Sun in the 2nd and 12th from Moon creates Kemadruma Yoga.
Now see the below given definition of Kemadruma Yoga and its cancellation from the Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihir (English Commentary by B.Suryanarain Rao, Chapter 13, Stanza 3)
“With the exception of the Sun, other planets in the 2nd house from the Moon, in the 12th from him and in the 2nd and 12th from the Moon cause Sunapha , Anapha and Durudhara Yogas respectively. If these are not so many say, it is Kemadrum.
If planets are in Kendra from Moon or if the Moon is conjoined with planets, there is no Kemadrum. Some says these Yogas arise from Kendras and Navamshas but their doctrine has not been accepted”.
Also see this given below definition of Kemadruma Yoga in the Sarawali of Kalayan Varma. (Hindi translation Pandit Sita Ram Jha , Page number 95)
“Except Sun if there is any planet in the second house from Moon than it is Sunapha Yoga, in the 12th than there is Anapha Yoga and in the both 2nd and 12th than there is Durudhara Yoga”.
If from the above three Yoga’s (Sunapha , Anapha and Durudhara) there is not any ( it means that there is no planet in the 2nd and/or 12th from Moon) , also there is no planet in the Kendra i.e. square (1, 4, 7, and 10 houses) from Moon and Moon is not aspect by any planet than it is Kemadruma Yoga. This Yoga is considered very troublesome.
So it gets amply clear from the above stanza’s of classical texts than if there is not a single planet except Sun, Rahu and Ketu , in the 2nd or 12th from the Moon , the Kemadruma Yoga is formed. (Note: Rahu and Ketu are not considered in this Yoga as the are not solid body planets but only the mathematical points of the intersection of Sun and Moon’s orbit or the crossing points of their energy transits.
The bad effects of Kemadruma Yoga are get cancelled or nullified to a large extent if there is any planet in Kendra or Square ( 1, 4 , 7 and 10) houses from Moon and/or if the Moon is aspected by many planets.
What classics of Hindu astrology say about the results of Kemadruma Yoga?
As per the Brihat Jatak of Varaha Mihira (English commentary by B.Surya Naraina Rao, Chapter 13, stanza-6)
“The person born under Kemadruma although he may take a birth in a royal family will be dirty, sorrowful, doing work against his cast, poor, dependent and roguish.”
As per the Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra (Hindi commentary by Pandit Ganesh Dutt Pathak , Chaukhamba Publication Varanasi , Page number 195) the following are the results of Kemadruma Yoga.
” The person born under the Kemadruma Yoga is deprived of wealth, son , wife and relatives. , he has to do the service only and settle away from his birth place. If he is the son of a king, even then he will be dirty and roguish.”
Almost similar results of Kemadruma Yoga are given in the Maansagari and Sarawali. However, the belief that Kemadruma Yoga gives monetary poorness is not been found in practice. This Yoga is generally dreaded much for giving poverty but in practical cases, it has been found that Kemadruma Yoga does not give poverty but struggle in life, some sort of detachment some time and loss of the signification i.e. Karakatatwa of the house where Kemadruma Moon is placed.
For further readings
The Enigmas of Kemadruma Yoga in Political Horoscope II