There has been lot of debate among astrologer sover the zodiacal sign of India since many decades. Later Shri B.V. Raman use to take Virgo (Kanya) as the zodiacal sign of India though astrologers in North had always taken Capricorn (Makar) for our country. The astrologers who take Capricorn (Makar) as the zodiacal sign of […]
Solar Eclipse, Earthquake and Koorma Chakra
Predicting earthquakes and natural disasters had always been a dark area in astrology. The classics of Medini Jyotish (Mundane Astrology) like Brihat Samhita, Adhabut Sagar, Bhadra Bahu Samhita, Mayur Chitram etc. have given few hints on this subject. But there is no mention of any clear methodology which one can use to forecast earthquakes with […]