As per the astro-meteorology texts Jupiter, Venus, the Moon and Mercury are watery planets only. The favorable disposition of these planets bring colder than the normal weather in winter season. The classical texts of astro-meteorology mentions Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces and Capricorn as watery signs only. During the winter season in 2024-25 Mars will remain in […]
Planets and Forecasting Trends for the Winter Season 2023-24
At the time of Sun’s entry into Scorpio this year the close conjunction of Mars and Sun and the aspect of natural malefic Saturn on it is a yoga for less than normal yield during the winter harvest. There is no aspect of any natural benefic planet on the Sun so the winter season is […]
Retrograde Mercury and Winter Season in 2022-23
In astro-meteorology Venus, Mercury, Moon and Jupiter are watery planets. Saturn, Mars and Ketu are dry planets. Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces are watery signs. On the day of Amavasya (No Moon) on 23rd of December 2022 the conjunction of Sun, Moon, Venus and Mercury in Sagittarius has brought the onset of cold waves in […]
Solar Minimum and Forecasting Trends for Winter Season 2019-2020
It was in the 6th century AD when great Indian astrologer and astronomer Varahamihira had discuss about Sun Spots in his monumental work ‘Brihat Samhita’. Varahamihira had used the word ‘Tamas-Keelak’ for the spots appearing on Sun and explained them in length in his work Brihat Samhita’s chapter number 3 ‘Aditya-Chaar-Adhayaa’ (Transit of Sun). Interestingly […]
Mars in Pisces and rainy winter season expected for 2018-2019
In Mundane astrology (Medini Jyotish) the changing sign of major planets, retrograde motion, direction motion, combustion of planets is studied for meteorological disturbances, political changes and for forecasting rise-fall of commodities prices. The ancient astrology text like Bhavishya Phala Bhaskar, Varsha Prabodh, Bhriat Samhita etc. are full of such astrological combinations. I had given a […]