The first important decision Donald Trump took after his swearing-in as US president is to put a temporary ban on refugees and immigrants from seven Muslim majority countries. This controversial order sparked of global reaction and many protests took place across the western democracies. Trump has also issued executive orders to build a wall at the Mexico border, a clamp down on H1B Visa and a clear eye focus on south-china sea disputes. I had already predicted about the possibilities of these happenings on the basis of the horoscope of Donald Trump and the foundation chart of USA in my article Is Trump is the one who is going to dump America ? written on 20 December 2016.
The horoscope of Donald Trump suggest that his actions as the US president will contribute to the process of the decline of country as the global superpower. Trump’s stupidity will bring lots of humiliation for him and his country. His horoscope and the swearing-in chart suggest the possibility of him being charged for impeachment during the second half of his tenure.
Swearing-In horoscope of Donald Trump
20 January 2017 , 12:00 hours at Washington DC (USA
The oath taking day and time is traditional fixed for US presidents. So Donald Trump had no choice whatsoever on selecting an auspicious time for swearing-in as politician do have in many cases. In the swearing-in horoscope the Aries (Mesha) sign is rising in the ascendant and in Navamsha Libra (Tula) sign is rising. The movable sign rising in the ascendant shows that Trump’s working style will be very dynamic and aggressive.
- The lagna lord Mars in the 12th house in mutual aspect with 12th lord Jupiter place in the 6th house shows that Trump’s decision making in the office will create many international disputes.
- The 10th lord (seat of power) in the 8th house in Rashi chart is an astrological possibility of an impending danger of impeachment case being charged against Donald Trump.
- The Rahu in the 5th house and the 5th lord Sun receiving the aspect of Saturn shows the possibility of a controversial decision on ‘abortion law’.
- The exchange of houses between the 6th lord Mercury and the 9th lord Jupiter is a combination of disputes with judiciary. Trump’s government will have many clashes with the apex court on different issues. The differences between judiciary and Trump will reach at the point where constitutional crisis may emerge in the country.
Trump’s decision on the travel ban was put on stay by a Seattle court on the 4th of February. President Trump called the judge’s suspension of immigration ban ‘ridiculous’ and says that it will be overturn. Now this is the beginning of Trump’s clashes with the judiciary. There will be many more such incidents which will bring a constitutional crisis in the country.
Now see the horoscope of Donald Trump given below.
Horoscope of Donald Trump
14 June 1946, 10:50 hours at Jamaica , New York (USA)
Balance of Dasha in Vimshottari : Mercury 2 years 5 months 15 days
I have discussed in details about astrological yoga’s present in the horoscope of Donald Trump in my article The US Presidential Elections 2016: the verdict of planets written on 13 July 2016. Now i will given some details about the coming dashas in the horoscope of Trump astrologically explaining why he looks so threatening for the world peace.
(a) The Vimshottari maha dasha of Jupiter was started on 28th of January. The Jupiter is retrograde in Rashi chart. It is in its inimical rashi and receiving the aspect of Saturn which is a ‘Maraka’ planet for Leo ascendant.
(b) Jupiter is place in the ‘Maraka’ house i.e. 2nd house and is receiving the aspect of a ‘Maraka’ planet.
(c) The position of Jupiter in the Rashi chart is threatening from the point of view that it is receiving the aspect of Saturn which is the lord of 7th house of war and the 6th house of strife. During the tenure of Trump the USA will enter into many wars.
(d) The period of Jupiter-Saturn ( January 2019 to July 2021) will be the most dangerous as during this time the transiting Saturn-Jupiter will also reach at Capricorn the 6th house of Trump. In year 2020 the Trump may put USA at the risk of war with China.
(e) Now see the Navamsha and Dashamsha lordship of Jupiter, it has become functional malefic there. Jupiter is debilitated in the Dashamsha chart which is not good for Trump’s reputation in office. During Jupiter-Saturn period in 2019 the Donald Trump might face an impeachment against him which will be supported by many of his party MP’s.
(f) In Jaimini Chara dasha the period of Cancer will start from June 2018. The Cancer being the 12th house from ascendant is having Ganatikaraka and Darakaraka in it. The combination of the Ganatikaraka and Darakaraka in a Rashi dasha of national ruler shows make him pron to put his country in a war.
(g) The period of Cancer-Taurus from February 2019 to October 2019 will be dangerous for the health and safety of Trump. The Taurus having his Atamakaraka Sun shows the period of fall. Trump will have to defend himself against an impeachment attempt and constitutional crisis in year 2019.
(h) In Trump’s horoscope the Dwadashottari dasha is applicable as the rising sign of his Navamsha is owned by Venus. The Dwadashottari is applicable when the rising sign of Navamsha is either Taurus or Libra. The dasha of Saturn-Rahu from April 2017 to November 2019 in Dwadashottari shows humiliation for Trump because of his controversial actions.
Declining Years of USA
The USA has been enjoying the status of global superpower since the fall of USSR in 1989. However, things have been changing since last one and half decade. The Russia is becoming stronger since 2000 when Putin assume power there and brought economic revival of the country in a very short period. Russia under Putin is now standing up against NATO in Europe and Middle-East. China is also challenging the might of USA in the south-china sea region.
Astrologically the horoscope of USA also suggest that its declining years are about to come very shortly.
Foundation Chart of USA
4 July 1776, 10:21 hours at Philadelphia
In the Leo lagna horoscope of USA the maha dasha of Rahu will start from the October 2018. The current dasha of Yogakaraka Mars started in October 2011 has revived the economic condition of the country after the global recession of 2007-08. But since the Mars is in mutual aspect with 6th and 7th lord Saturn so this period has also brought many tensions in diplomatic relations with some countries. The things are likely to get worst during the rule of Donald Trump. The period after October 2018 will be difficult for the USA when it will get the maha dasha of Rahu in her foundation chart.
The Rahu is place in the 12th house and its depositor Moon is in the 7th house of war. See the planets falling in the 12th from Rahu there are as many as four planets there. This indicate loss of power and status for the country during 18 year long Rahu dasha starting from October 2018.
War in 2020
The USA will enter into a deadly war in 2020 when the transiting Saturn and Jupiter would be in Capricorn which is the 12th house from its natal Moon. The Sadhe-Sati of USA starting in 2020 would destroy its sole superpower status in the next 7 and half years. The huge war losses will damage the economic condition of the USA. The country’s diplomatic relations with Russia and China will be at their worst in year 2020. There will also be strife and riots in the country against the policies of Donald Trump who would be under the difficult period of Jupiter-Saturn in his horoscope then. The study of above mentions charts suggest that US power will collapse under Donald Trump’s presidency.