The Sun will enter Aquarius sign on the 12th of February on the day of Magha Purnima i.e Full Moon day of the lunar month of Magha. According to the rules of mundane astrology, the change of Sun’s zodiac sign on Amavasya or Purnima can bring about major political and social changes in the next 30 days. The Sankranti Kundli or Solar Ingress horoscope formed at the time of the Sun’s zodiac entry is used to predict the general trends of a country for the next one month. On Wednesday, 12th of February, at 9:56 pm at Indian standard time, when the Sun enters Aquarius, the last important holy bath of the Kumbh Mela will also be organized at the city of Pragyagraj Teerth at the time of Magha Purnima. At the time of the Sun’s entry into Aquarius, Virgo Lagna will be rising at the horizon.
Chart 1. Horoscope of Sun’s entry in Aquarius
The conjunction of Rahu and Venus is being formed in the seventh house and the Moon is in the Magha constellation of Ketu in Leo in the 12th house of foreign affairs. Since the seventh house is of the country’s foreign policy, diplomatic relations and foreign trade, the visit of the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to America at the time of Surya Sankranti is showing some major changes in the foreign trade from the astrological point of view.
India can open its markets for American agricultural products
During the visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to America on February 12-13, he will have an important meeting with President Donald Trump in which India may face American pressure to open its market for American agricultural products. In the solar ingress chart of Aquarius , Venus, the lord of the 2nd (second) and Ninth (foreign trade) houses, is sitting in its exalted sign Pisces in the seventh house of foreign policy. Venus is in Jupiter’s sign Pisces and the lord of seventh house Jupiter is forming a good Parivartan Yoga (sign exchange) in Venus’ ruled Taurus in the ninth house. Due to the effect of this Yoga, major revolutionary changes can come in the trade relations between India and America. Under the pressure of Donald Trump’s aggressive foreign trade policy, India can reduce the import duty on the goods imported from the USA. India may agree to open its market more liberally for crude oil, agricultural products, electronics, technical products, security equipment’s, motor vehicles etc. from USA. The industry in India will be happy with this but in case of import of agricultural products from USA, a section of Indian farmers may oppose it. The USA goods and services trade deficits with India was $45.7 billion in 2022. Donald Trump has already indicated that he will put pressure on India to make more import from the USA so that this trade deficit will reduce a bit.
Major changes in central cabinet foreseen
The lord of the eighth house (change) Mars is placed at the tenth house (rule power) and the tenth lord Mercury has relegated into the sixth house of controversy is an indication of the change of some big ministers and officers in the central and state governments. There may be some important changes and controversies in the cabinet of the BJP central government and the state government of Uttar Pradesh. Virgo ascendant rising in the solar ingress horoscope and the Sun as the 12th lord is placed in the sixth house is an astrological indication of political pressure of the opposition on the central government on the issues of return of illegal immigrants from the USA and inconvenience caused to the general public in the Kumbh Mela. The presence of the Sun, Mercury and Saturn in the sixth house in the solar ingress horoscope is an indication of some inconvenience to the pilgrims in the last important holy bath of the Kumbh due to some unpleasant incident or administrative mismanagement.
Chart 2. Foundation Horoscope of Manipur
The formation of Manipur state horoscope (21 January 1972, midnight, Imphal) is of Libra ascendant in which the transformative Dasha of Venus and Anter Dasha of Rahu will be running from the 11th of February 2025 to 11th of February 2027. Rahu, the planet responsible for violence, strife, and sectarian tension in the Manipur state horoscope, is involve in an inauspicious combination with the Sun in the fourth house. In mundane astrology the 4th house signify land, government properties, general public, throne of the ruler etc. The lord of the 4th house is badly placed in the 8th house. Thus the Anter Dasha of Rahu will give results of the Saturn which is badly placed in the foundation horoscope of the Manipur state. It will take two more years for the state to become stable and for the communal tensions to reduce. During this time, the transit of Saturn over the Moon in Pisces in the state’s establishment horoscope is also indicating the possibility of imposition of President’s rule in the next few months. After the recent resignation of Manipur Chief Minister N. Biren Singh, there may be political instability in the state. Rahu is in conjunction with the 12th lord in Navamsha chart of Manipur state which indicate instability in the state during next 2 years when its Anter Dasha is operating.
[Hindi] कुम्भ राशि में आ रहे सूर्य, जाने अगले 30 दिनों में देश-दुनियाँ का हाल !