In the year 2025, from 21st January to 26th February, 6 planets will be seen in a line in the sky, among which you will be able to see and identify Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn with naked eyes, while Uranus and Neptune can be seen in the sky through a telescope. In the 46th chapter ‘Mayura Chitraka Adhyay’ of Brihat Samhita, a book of Mundane astrology written in the 5th centaury AD , verses 7 to 9 describe the results of the 6 planets (Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Saturn) including the Moon appearing in a straight line in the sky like a flag.
According to Brihat Samhita, if the 6 planets form the shape of a flag in the east direction or in the middle of the sky in the evening, a flag-like shape yoga is formed, then the east direction faces war or the central part of the country suffers. If these planets are dry, without revolution, small in size (i.e. small in appearance), then only there are inauspicious results. If they are smooth (beautiful), large, bright with a bright image, then the results are good only.
If these planets are seen with poor image (small) and dry in the south direction then there is loss of clouds in the southern countries i.e. decrease in rainfall. If these planets are bright and have large image then there is increase in clouds i.e. monsoon is good.
In Brihat Samhita, the results of seeing the planets in the north or south revolution i.e. north or south of the zodiac cycle have also been mentioned in the Pataka Yoga of 6 planets. In this Pataka Yoga of 6 planets, if these planets are situated in the northern declination, have clear image, have large rays (bright) then they are beneficial for the kings of the northern countries. On the contrary, if they are poor, dry, have few rays then they are inauspicious.
The effect of Pataka Yoga of 7 planets can be seen in these places
The flag-like view of Jupiter, Mars, Saturn and Venus visible in the sky from mid-January to the end of February will be visible in different directions in the sky from different places on the earth. In India Saturn and Venus will be visible in the West and Jupiter and Mars will be visible in the East. Saturn and Venus are currently moving on the southern declination and Mars and Jupiter are moving on the northern declination. According to Brihat Samhita, Saturn-Venus appearing in the West is a sign of damage to crops due to abnormal weather. This year, in the month of February and the first week of March, storms and unseasonal rains may cause damage to crops in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. In the some parts of Madhya Pradesh, West Uttar Pradesh, East Gujarat and Maharashtra, crops will be damaged due to hailstorms in the month of February. Due to Mars and Jupiter appearing in the East, violent incidents may take place in the northeastern states, especially in Manipur and West Bengal, in February-March. As the Avakahada Chakra Mrigshira Nakshatra and Gemini sign signify West Bengal. There will be some major turbelance in this region as Mars is in retrograde motion in Gemini sign. In Bangladesh some fresh incidents of violence against minorities can’t be ruled out.