The conjunction of Saturn and Ketu along with an enigmatic Ardra Pravesh horoscope has given a very erratic south-west monsoon season (June to September) this year in India. About this i had given a forecast in my article “Astrological Forecast for the south-west monsoon in 2019” . I forecast a dry and hot summer till 17th of July with less than normal rain and then after the lunar eclipse a situation of heavy flood in most part of the country. The south-west monsoon had arrived late and by the end of June it has 33% deficit. Later till the lunar eclipse of 17th of July the deficit in rain was about 20% but after the eclipse the rainfall improve as i had given forecast about. Now the Saturn-Ketu conjunction going strong in transit and other planetary factors are going to give a erratic ‘North-East’ monsoon which will bring troubles in southern-peninsular specially for the city of Chennai in the month of November.
The transiting Mars will be behind the Sun during the entire North-East monsoon season (October to December) and Jupiter will have its conjunction with benefic Venus and Mercury which will give excess rain during November month. North-East monsoon blows from the land towards the sea. It is actually the withdrawing south-west monsoon clouds that gives rain in the southern part of India. The state of Tamil Nadu gets 60% of its rainfall during October to December months because of this North-East monsoon.
This year North-East monsoon is likely to give rains around Full Moon of 14th of October when Moon in Pisces sign would be under the aspect of Jupiter from Scorpio. Mercury and Venus will be in Libra a windy sign and Sun and Mars will be in Virgo the rashi signifying southern part of India. The state of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana will get good rains during second fortnight of October. The coastal areas of Tamil Nadu will also get some showers.
A cyclone expected around Kartika Amavasaya of 28th of October 2019
New Moon horoscope (Kartika Amavasaya Horoscope)
28 October 2019, 09:08 hours at Delhi
In the New Moon or Amavasaya horoscope of 28th of October see three watery planets Jupiter, Venus and Mercury in the watery sign Scorpio indicating very heavy rainfall and meteorological disturbances during this fortnight. Sun and Moon are in airy sign Libra which indicate the possibility of a cyclone hitting the southern coast of India during the early November this year in 2019. Now see the Navamsha chart for more clarity. In Navamsha Sun and Moon are in the watery sign Capricorn in mutual aspect with Mercury, Mars and Venus which are in Cancer another watery sign. Jupiter is in Pisces Navamsha giving aspect to the Cancer where there planets are placed. It is indicating extremely heavy rainfall in the fortnight starting from 28th of October. The cause of this could be a very big cyclone which will hit southern parts of India and an unexpected meteorological disturbance will give destructive rain in the entire south and central part of India. This will be very damaging for the farmers of central India who would have been preparing to harvest Kharif crops of rice, maize and pulses.
In state of Maharashatra, Madhya Pradesh and Chattishgarh there will be unseasonal rain during the fortnight starting from 28th of October. In Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Odisha rain fall will be above normal for the season. Jupiter entering into Sagittarius on the 5th of November will give more rains in these parts.
New Moon Horoscope
26 November 2019, 20:36 hours at Delhi
Now see this New Moon horoscope of 26th of November where Sun and Moon in watery sign Scorpio indicate good rainfall. Jupiter and Venus are two watery planets ahead of Sun. It shows good prospects of rains in the fortnight starting from 26th of November. Mars and Mercury in Libra shows that the wind speed will be very high. In Navamsha of the New Moon Jupiter and Venus are giving aspect to Saturn which is in watery Navamsha of Scorpio. Mars is in Capricorn Navamsha under the aspect of Jupiter. So it clearly indicate very heavy rainfall in the last week of November during the North-East monsoon season.
The North-East monsoon will come on time around Full Moon of the 14th of October. It will bring extremely heavy rainfall and a cyclone storm around the New Moon of 28th of October. The destructive rains will disturb many cities of the south India then. The city of Chennai will get flooded during the first fortnight of November month. Overall rainfall is astrologically expected to be above normal in the North East Monsoon season this year.
Apart from this we should also prepare for an early onset of winter season in the North, West and Central Part of country this year. After the New Moon of 28th of October the temperature will drop considerably in North India and there will be heavy snowfall in the hilly areas of Himalayas. I will write a separate article on forecasting the trends of winter season very soon. In Northern states there is also an indication of an outbreak of an epidemic like Dengue, Malaria and throat infection at very high level. The conjunction of Saturn, which signifies epidemics, with Ketu the Karaka of ‘Sookshma-Jeeva’ or virus shows this danger during the months of October and November. The states of UP, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Bihar will get worst affected due to this epidemic this year.