Vijay Goel is a senior BJP leader from Delhi who has been 4 time MP and has held cabinet portfolios in BJP governments at center. Till 2013 he was the chief of Delhi state BJP. In year 2014 he was made Rajya Sabha MP and inducted into cabinet of Modi government when he was passing through Jupiter-Venus Dasha in Vimshottari in his horoscope. At present he is taking the charge for attacking the Aam Aadmi Party in Delhi over various issues. In his Scorpio lagna horoscope a good Raja Yoga of 9th lord Moon and 10th lord Sun is present in the 2nd house. But the aspect of Saturn on this yoga from the 12th house is a blemish. He is serving as the minister of state for Parliamentary Affairs at present but his work is not very distinguished. One can judge from his horoscope that lagna lord Mars in the 12th house with Saturn is not very promising.
Horoscope of Vijay Goel
5 January 1954, 05:01 hours, Sonepat, Haryana
Longitude: 77 E 01’ and Latitude: 28 N 55’
Balance of Dasa in Vimshottari: Venus 10 years 10 months 25 days
Vijay Goel is eyeing for the post of Delhi chief minister from the BJP. He is playing the vital role in aggressively attacking Aam Aadmi Party government’s policies on various platforms. He is under Jupiter-Rahu (July 2019 to November 2021) Dasha in Vimshottari at present. Jupiter and Rahu both are under the aspect of lagna and 6th lord Mars which will make him very aggressive. In transit Jupiter will be hovering over his natal Moon during this year. Rahu the Bhukti lord transiting from the 8th house of his Janma lagna and 7th from his natal Moon is not auspicious. Rahu is transiting in the Gemini sign at present. The solar eclipse of 26th of December 2019 has fallen over his natal Moon which is ominous for him considering the sub period of Rahu which is acting as a malefic as it is under the aspect of 6th lord Mars. He can fall under some controversies which will damage his political career. The Dasha lords Jupiter and Rahu are in the 6/8 position in his Navamsa chart and they are afflicted by Mars in Dashamsa chart. Vijay Goel will be under Jupiter-Rahu-Jupiter at the time of assembly polls in Delhi this year. He can invite dispute and may also face health issues. He do not have any chance for becoming the chief minister of Delhi.
‘Sadhe-Sati’ of Vijay Goel
A noticeable point in the horoscope of Vijay Goel is that there is a ‘Shoola Yoga’ in the chart as all the 7 planets are in 3 Rashi’s. Shoola Yoga is a Nabhasa Yoga which make native aggressive, ambitions and pron to suffer from enemies. The transiting Saturn is over the natal Moon of Vijay Goel at present. The Vimshottari dasha of Jupiter-Rahu is dasha ‘Chiddra’ as next dasha of Saturn is starting soon in November 2021. The dasha of Saturn will be difficult for Vijay Goel as Saturn falls in the 12th house of losses. Although in Navamsha and Dashamasha Saturn is little better but during Saturn-Saturn period his position looks little weak during 2022 to 2025.
Jaimini Yoga’s
Vijay Goel’s Karakamsha lagna is Leo from there Atamakaraka Jupiter is well placed in the 10th house. The current Chara dasha of Aquarius is from January 2020 to January 2024 which will keep him at the post of minister. See the position of planets from Aquarius are so good. Amatayakaraka Sun is in the 11th house from Aquarius with Moon, Mercury and Venus. But when Capricorn Chara dasha will come in January 2024 he will lose his political power. Amatayakaraka Sun falls in the 12th from Capricorn sign which also get the aspect of Atamakaraka making it a sensitive dasha for him.
So a combined analysis of Vimshottari and Jaimini dashas shows that Vijay Goel will fail to make any impact in the coming Delhi Assembly elections in February 2020. He will continue on the post of minister but may not have very distinguished achievements.