In the month of March 2020, I got an email from an anxious women of Indian origin living in the USA who wanted to consulted me for her entire family’s horoscopes. But her query was pretty strange for me at that time. She had asked me on an email ‘if any member of her family will get infected by corona virus in the coming months or not?’. I politely replied her that astrologically it is not possible to tell if a person may get infected by this pandemic (COVID-19) or not. At that time corona virus pandemic was in its early stages in the USA and India so astrologers didn’t had any data of patients infected with it. But as the time progressed we were able to collect handful of horoscopes for us to enable in forecasting the possibilities a native may have in getting infected with this contagious disease and now it is also possible to foretell with some decent accuracy if a COVID patient can get serious health aliments or not. After studying the horoscopes of more than 50 corona virus infected persons in the last 5 months I have formulated these parameters which are given below.
{Note-: This article of mine was appeared in the December 2020 issue of Express Star Teller Magazine. The same is reproduce here for the benefit of the reader of this blog }
- (a) The Maha Dasha, Anter Dasha or Pratyanter dasha of Rahu-Ketu has been found in most of the charts of person infected with corona virus. In some cases the dasha, anter dasha or pratyanter dasha was of the planets in conjunction with or in Nakshtra of Rahu-Ketu at the time of corona virus infection.
- (b) Sun, Moon and Lagna were found to be afflicted by natural malefic planets mostly by Rahu-Ketu in many cases where condition of the patient got little serious.
- (c) Persons having extremely serious infections were found to be under the influences of 6th, 8th and 12th houses/lords dashas apart from the above mentioned two conditions.
I am starting this paper with an example of husband-wife horoscopes in which husband got serious corona virus infection while wife didn’t suffer from it even slightly as her test was negative only. This example will give the readers a clear understanding before I go into more depths.
Case 1. Husband (Infected from corona for 15 days)
3 March 1988, 10:38 hours
Longitude: 77 E 23’ and Latitude: 25 N 16’
Balance of Dasha in Vimshottari: Venus 18 years 8 months 1 day
The young man having Taurus lagna rising horoscope got infected with corona virus in the first week of May. He was hospitalized for 15 days before he recovered fully. It was Vimshottari dasha of Moon-Ketu-Rahu from 2nd of May to 3rd of June 2020. The first condition for corona virus infection was the dasha or anter dasha of Rahu or Ketu which is being fulfilled here. Now see his lagna lord Venus which is in conjunction with the 8th lord Jupiter in the 12th house a ‘Dusthana’. His Sun and Moon are also in the Rahu-Ketu axis making him prone to virus infections.
Now I will come to his wife’s chart who was living with him but didn’t get infected at all.
Wife horoscope (horoscope 2 case 1)
5 September 1987, 14:14 hours
Longitude: 77 E 13’ and Latitude: 28 N 40’
Balance of Dasha in Vimshottari: Moon 6 years 9 months 28 days
This young couple was married in November 2018 when this lady was under Vimshottari dasha of Jupiter-Jupiter from October 2018 to November 2020. A mere glance of her birth chart will let you know that why she didn’t get infected at all from the virus despite being with her husband who had to be hospitalized for 15 days due to covid-19. Her lagna Sagittarius is getting the aspect of its lord Jupiter. Moon is in Capricorn getting the aspect of its sign lord Saturn. And Sun is in own sign in Leo. So lagna, Sun and Moon are all very strong. She was under Jupiter-Jupiter-Moon in Vimshottari during the month of May 2020 when her husband was hospitalized. The affliction to the Moon, which is in Kemadruma Yoga, had given her mental worries due to her husband’s health which recovered later in June month when she was under Jupiter-Jupiter-Mars in Vimshottari.
Now I will take up the case of an entire family which got infected with corona virus but only one person was hospitalized while other members got cured at home only.
Case 2. Male (Deputy Director in Government)
26 March 1965, 09:05 hours
Longitude: 78 E 05’ and Latitude: 27 N 53’
Balance of Dasha in Vimshottari: Venus 4 years 6 months 27 days
This Taurus lagna chart given here is of a Deputy Director in a central government ministry in Delhi. He was admitted to the hospital in a very serious condition on the 18th of June. He was then under Vimshottari dasha of Jupiter-Venus-Saturn from 21 May 2020 to 22 October 2020. Jupiter as his 8th and 11th lord is conjoined with Rahu in the lagan fulfilling the first condition as dasha lord is connected with Rahu. The anter dasha lord Venus is lagan and 6th lord here in the 11th house with the 4th lord Sun and 5th lord Mercury making a grand Raja Yoga. The Pratyanter dasha lord Saturn is in the mutual aspect with 7th and 12th lord Mars which is a ‘Maraka’ planet for Taurus lagna. I got this chart on the 24th of June when an officer in his department consulted me about his health which was then under very critical condition. I gave him a forecast of full recovery in the next 10 days on the basis of the strength of his lagna and 8th lord. Here Jupiter as the 11th lord is in the lagna and the lagna lord Venus is in 11th house was forming a good ‘Parivartan Yoga’. The 8th house was unaffilicted by malefic planets. In the first week of July he fully recovered and got discharged from the hospital.
Now see the horoscopes of his 3 children who were also get infected from corona virus but they got recovered at home only after being quarantine for 15 days. They had fever for only 3-4 days and some throat infections which got cured in few days with medication.
Horoscope of elder daughter (case 2)
2 October 1996, 09:12 hours
Longitude: 81 E 49’ and Latitude: 25 N 27’
Balance of Dasha in Vimshottari: Moon 3 years 4 months 17 days
The elder daughter of the family came under corona virus infection in the second fortnight of June. It was Rahu-Venus-Jupiter in her Libra lagna chart from 17 March 2020 to 10 August 2020. The maha dasha or anter dasha or pratyanter dasha of Rahu or Ketu has been found in the horoscopes of most of the corona virus patients. In this case since lagna lord Venus was strong in the 11th house with 9th lord Mercury so there was strength in the chart to fight to the infection of virus. There is affliction to the Sun which is in the 12th house with Rahu. The Moon is also in the 8th house under Saturn’s aspect. But since the anter dasha and pratyanter dasha lords were strong so she got recovered very fast without any need for hospitalization.
Horoscope of younger daughter (case 2)
15 August 2001, 10:06 hours
Longitude: 81 E 49’ and Latitude: 25 N 27’
Balance of Dasha in Vimshottari: Mars 1 years 3 months 19 days
The younger daughter in the family of deputy director got infected with corona virus during her Rahu-Mars-Mercury (26 June to 19 July 2020) dasha in Vimshottari. Here again the role of Rahu comes as per the parameters which I had shared in the beginning of the article. Her Rahu is conjoined with Moon and the anter dasha lord Mars is a functional malefic for her Virgo lagna chart. But the pratyanter dasha lord Mercury is unafflicted by any malefic planet and is in its friendly sign Leo. The benefic planets in Kendra from her Janma lagan helped her with quick recovery with home quarantine only.
Horoscope of Youngest Son (case 2)
5 December 2004, 10:46 hours
Longitude: 81 E 49’ and Latitude: 25 N 27’
Balance of Dasha in Vimshottari: Venus 7 years 7 months and 20 days
The youngest son of the deputy director also came under infection of the covid-19 like all of his siblings. In his Capricorn (Makar) lagan chart he was under Moon-Rahu-Saturn in Vimshottari from 28 May 2020 to 23 August 2020. Here again we have seen the role of Rahu coming in the dasha of native getting infected with corona virus. Moon his dasha lord is in the 8th house from the lagna. Rahu is in the 4th house getting aspect of lagna lord Saturn, 5th lord Venus and 11th lord Mars. Since lagna was getting the aspect of lagan lord himself so there is strength in the lagna. His pratyanter dasha lord Saturn gave him resilience to recover fast without any need for hospitalization unlike his father.
In the four cases of father and his three children we have seen that father had more affliction to the lagna with Rahu-Ketu. Then he was under the dasha of 8th lord Jupiter and anter dasha of 6th lord Venus. It has been observed that dasha or anter dasha of Dusthana lords (6th, 8th or 12th houses lords) create serious health issues in the cases of corona virus infected patients. Moreover in fathers case the lagan and Navamsha lagna both were afflicted under Rahu-Ketu axis which are the karaka for infectious diseases.
Case 3. Male (Hospital staff infected with corona)
19 June 1984, 05:40 am
Longitude: 77 E 13’ and Latitude: 28 N 40’
Balance of Dasha in Vimshottari: Rahu 17 years 1 months 22 days
This is the horoscope of a ‘corona warrior’ who works as a male nurse in a government hospital in Delhi. His test for covid-19 came positive on 3rd of June 2020 and he was admitted into the hospital after two days when fever intensified. It was Saturn-Saturn-Jupiter in Vimshottari from 20th of March 2020 to 13th of August 2020. His Janma lagna Gemini is in Ardra Nakshatra which is a Nakshatra of Rahu. The lagna lord Mercury is with Rahu and his Moon is in the Nakshtra of Rahu. So his lagna and Moon are in the influence of Rahu. But his dasha and anter dasha didn’t have Rahu or Ketu’s influences. Although Maha Dasha lord Saturn is retrograde 8th lord in conjunction with 6th lord Mars which is also retrograde. The conjunction of ‘Dusathana lord’ is not auspicious here. He had to remain in the hospital for about 14 days before he recovered fully.
Case 4. Female (Went to Ventilator and then survive)
8 July 1946, 06:00 hours
Longitude: 75 E 46’ and Latitude: 31 N 13’
Balance of Dasha in Vimshottari : Rahu 10 years 4 months and 23 days
This 74 years old lady defeated corona virus in the month of July after she was being put on ventilator for about 10 days. It was a miraculous recovery for her during Venus-Moon-Rahu period in Vimshottari from 26 June 2020 to 25 September 2020. I was given her chart in the last week of June when she and her son both were got infected from covid-19. A prediction for their survival was made using classical principals of Parashari Astrology. Her lagna is Vargottama, 3rd lord Sun is in Kendra, 8th lord Saturn aspect its own house, Mercury and Jupiter aspect the 8th house and 10th lord aspect his own house. All these are classical yoga’s for long life. The 8th house is primary Ayush Bhava, 3rd house is the 8th from 8th and the 10th house is 8th from the 3rd as per the Bhavartha Bhavama principal these three houses are seen for the longevity.
Her maha dasha lord Venus and anter dasha lord Moon are both in the Nakshatra of Ketu and Rahu respectively fulfilling our first condition for getting infected due to a virus attack at serious level which in this case was convid-19. Venus is in conjunction with the 6th lord Mars is in the 3rd house. The anter dasha lord Moon is the lord of 2nd house in Gemini lagan taking a ‘Maraka’ role. But since there is no serious affliction on these dasha lords in both Rashi and Navamsha so she was able to defeat the death even spending 10 days at ventilator support in the ICU. This miraculous recovery happen during Rahu Pratyanter dasha which is in Taurus under the aspect of Jupiter.
Horoscope of Son (case 4)
2 July 1981, 06:44 hours
Longitude: 77 E 13’ and Latitude: 28 N 40’
Balance of Dasha in Vimshottari: Rahu 0 years 0 months 11 days
This young man is in the son of 74 year old lady who defeated corona virus. He was also got infected at the same time in the last week of July while he was put on home quarantine though his mother had to be hospitalized. In his Cancer lagna chart lagna is afflicted with Rahu and Moon is in Rahu’s Nakshatra Ardra. The Sun is also in Ardra Nakshatra thus completing our condition for attracting corona virus infection. He was under Mercury-Venus-Sun from 25 May 2020 to 18 July 2020. Mercury is in the 12th house with 2nd lord Sun and lagna lord Moon. They are getting bad aspect of 7th and 8th lord Saturn from the 3rd house. The anter dasha lord Venus is in close conjunction with Rahu and Pratyanter dasha lord Sun is in the Nakshatra of Rahu itself. He got fully recovered from corona virus infection after 15 days’ time.
Among the world leader Boris Johnson, Jair Bolsonaro and Donald Trump were infected with corona virus. In the month of April British Prime Minister Boris Johnson had to spend 10 days in the ICU to fight deadly infection of corona virus.
Case 5. Horoscope of Boris Johnson
19 June 1964, 14:00 hours at New York, USA
Longitude: 74 W 00’ and Latitude: 40 N 42’
Balance of Dasha in Vimshottari: Rahu 17 years 2 months 20 days
In Virgo lagna chart of Boris Johnson the Vimshottari dasha of Mercury-Venus-Venus from 2 February 2020 to 24 July 2020 took him to the hospital in the first week of April due to corona virus infection creating breathing troubles. His lagan lord Mercury is conjoined with 8th lord Mars. The anter dasha lord Venus is in conjunction with Rahu. Venus is retrograde and deep combust also. As per the principals of medical astrology the retrograde and deep combust planets are not very helpful for the recovery in the matter of illness. His Moon is in the Nakshatra of Rahu and in Navamsha Moon is under Rahu-Ketu axis. The 4th house of lungs is afflicted by malefic planets in both Rashi and Navamsha. He was discharged from the hospital on the 12th of April 2020.