{Note: This article of mine was appeared in the June issue of the Modern Astrology Magazine. The same has been reproduce here for the readers of my blog}
The three months long political hiatus in the state of Jammu & Kashmir was ended on the 4th of April when PDP’s leader Mehabooba Mufti took the oath of chief minister along with BJP’s Nirmal Singh who is deputy chief minister in the coalition government. The PDP-BJP alliance had come into trouble after the demise of Mufti Mohammad Sayeed on the 7th of January this year. Some of the PDP leaders were reluctant to resume the alliance with BJP as they feared that their party may lose ground in the Kashmir valley. The BJP is strong in the Hindu majority Jammu region where as the PDP has its following in the Muslim dominated Kashmir valley. It was not an easy decision for both PDP and BJP to form an alliance as they both had to take the risk of going against their political ideology. The BJP has always made the Hindutava as the plank of its politics whereas PDP has always been soft towards the separatist leaders in Kashmir. There had always been a fear of polarization on the lines of Muslim Kashmir and Hindu India in the alliance of these two parties in the state.
The PDP has to take the call of continuing an alliance with the BJP as fresh election might have given advantage to the Omar Abdulla’s National Conference and Congress Party.
Now let’s see the oath taking chart of Mehabooba Mufti to see what challenges this first women chief minister of the Jammu & Kashmir will face in coming days.
Swearing-in horoscope of Mehabooba Mufti
4 April 2016 at 10 hours and 59 minutes at Srinagar
Longitude: 74 E 49’ and Latitude : 30 N 05’
Day: Monday , Tithi : Krishna Dwadasa , Nakshatra: Dhanishta
Karna: Kaulava , Yoga: Shuba
At the time of swearing-in of Mehabooba Mufti the Gemini lagna was rising and Moon was in Aquarius Rasi. The Sirsodia Rasi Gemini is consider good for coronation. Although this rising signs here is the 8th house from the natal Moon of Mehabooba Mufti who is said to be born on 22 May 1959. The Moon in Aquarius was in the 4th house from her natal Moon which is not a welcome thing.
Interestingly there was a solar eclipse in Aquarius few days back on the 9th of March. As per the classics of Muhurta the Rasi which gets afflicted by the solar eclipse should be avoided for auspicious works for about six months. Adding to the misery the Mars is giving aspect to the Aquarius sign igniting the eclipse point here. So choosing a Moon sign which was afflicted by a solar eclipse just few days back is a dreaded weakness in the oath taking chart of PDP-BJP government.
However, the nakshatra Dhanishta is consider good as per the Simhasan or Pancha Nadi Chakra given in Narapati Jayacharya a classic of Hindu Astrology.
In the Simhasana Chakra the Dhanishta comes in the Simhasan Nadi which is at the top of this Chakra. The Moon in this Simhasan Nadi gives lots of power and authority to the ruler. So Mehabooba Mufti as the head of this coalition government will work as a strong administrator in the state. Jupiter in the Assan Nadi is also consider good for the stability of the government but Saturn, the signification of masses, in the Aadhaar Nadi will allow the PDP-BJP government to get the public support.
As per the senior astrologers like Shri K.N. Rao the oath taking charts of leaders mainly describe the policy directions of the government. Here in the case of Mehabooa Mufti her government is likely to get some achievements and there will be many challenges also.
- The lagna lord Mercury in the 11th house is showing that PDP-BJP government will focus on the economic development of the state very fast.
- The 3rd lord Sun along with 5th lord Venus in the 10th house is indicating towards possible development in communication systems, public transport and education institutions in the state. The 3rd house in mundane astrology signifies communication channels like railways, highways, internet and telecommunications. The 5th house signifies education institutions and sports.
- There is an exchange between the 3rd and 10th lords in the oath taking chart which is good. But since the 10th lord Jupiter is retrograde here and is in ‘Chandaal Yoga’ by making a conjunction with Rahu so it will eventually turn out to be a malefic yoga. The 7th and 10th lord Jupiter under the aspect of retrograde Saturn shows rift between the alliances.
- The differences between the PDP and BJP over the issue of Armed forces special powers act, status of article 370 , issue of resettlement of Kashmiri Pandits and initiating a dialogue with Hurriyat conference will became the cause of a big dispute very soon. The Mars going into retrograde motion from 17th of April to 29th of June will bring lots of violence in the Kashmir Valley.
- The conjunction of 6th lord Mars and 8th lord Saturn is a dreaded combination which indicates some violence incident disturbing the state government.
- In Navamsa the 8th house Capricorn is rising which is not good. The 8th lord Sun in the lagan along with Saturn signifies disputes and scandals in the state cabinet.
Now see the Kashmir Accession chart given below to assess it more deeply.
Horoscope of Kashmir Accession
27 October 1947 at 13:21 hours Srinagar

Balance of Dasa in Vimshottari: Saturn 10 years 7 months 23 days
The chart of Kashmir accession is cast for the time when on the 27th of October 1947 then government general of India Lord Mountbatten accepted the signed instrument of accession by Maharaja Hari Singh who was the ruler of princely state of Jammu & Kashmir then. This horoscope is very weak and has inherent combination of war in it. The rising sign Capricorn is not consider auspicious for such events as it is a movable sign and its lord Saturn and 7th lord Moon are enemies giving a content violent struggle in the state. The Saturn and Mars are in the 7th house of war here. The 7th lord Moon is very weak in Kemadruma yoga as there is no planet in Kendra from it.
Now the dasa of Moon-Venus will run from 19 April 2016 to 19 December 2017. The maha dasa lord Moon is the 7th lord of war here. The anter dasa lord Venus is the 10th lord in own house but it is conjoined with 6th lord Mercury and 8th lord Sun showing trouble time for the state government. The Venus is also under the aspect of malefic Mars here.
The transiting Saturn and Jupiter are jointly influencing the 8th house of the Kashmir accession chart. The Jupiter is transiting from Leo and Saturn is in Scorpio giving its 10th aspect to Leo sign. The 8th house in mundane astrology signifies mass deaths, demise of important leader and trouble for the head of the state. Now the period till 17th of September will be very sensitive for the state of Jammu and Kashmir as till that time the conjunction of Saturn and Mars in Scorpio pose a danger of war like situation for the state. There could be lots of losses of lives and properties due to this in the state of Jammu & Kashmir this year. Apart from the threat of a territorial war with Pakistan there could also be an earthquake striking the Himalayan region any time before 17th of September may create lots of problem for the state government.
The PDP-BJP government will not be able to cope up with these challenges and it may fall in 2017.