Just two days back i had written a post on my blog forecasting a ‘possible large scale protests of unemployed youth against central government radical scheme for arm forces recruitment’. The ‘Agnipath Scheme’ was formally launched on the 14th of June at 12 hours and 34 minutes approximately when Defense Minister Shri Rajnath Singh announced it in a joint press conference with arm forces chief’s. The day was Tuesday ruled by malefic Mars which also signify arm forces. Moon was in Scorpio, in sign of Mars, in Jyeshtha Nakshtra which is considered a ‘Teekshna-Daruna’ (Ferocious & Bitter) in character. Hora at the time of the announcement was of ‘Mars’. So the Panchanga variable were highly unfavorable when central government launched this important scheme for arm forces recruitments. It is highly likely that this ‘Agnipath’ scheme may put under cold storage or would be rolled back completely like ‘three farms laws’ were last year in November 2021.
As per the government ‘Agnipath Scheme allows patriotic and motivated youth to serve in the arm forces for a period of four years’. Those recruited under ‘Agnipath’ scheme would be called Agniveer and 25% of them would be retained by arm forces for the service of another 10 or more years. In earlier army recruitment solders were inducted between the age of 17 to 21 and were given 42 months or 2 years of specialized traninig. Now the training period of solders has been reduced to 6 months only which is highly surprising according to many experts.
The readers may go through the given below links to see my last post in which i had forecasted about ‘protests of unemployed youth’ against government radical scheme ‘Agnipath’.
Horoscope of Sun’s entry in Gemini- What it foretells for India ?
Now see the given below horoscope which has been cast for the time when this ‘Agnipath Scheme’ was launched.
At the time of announcement of Agnipath Scheme for army recruitment Virgo ascendant was rising. The conjunction of 4th and 7th lord Jupiter along with malefic 3rd (army) and 8th lord Mars is highly inauspicious in the 7th house which is a ‘Maraka’ house. The 10th house of government policy decisions is getting 4th aspect of 8th lord Mars which is bad. The 10th lord and lagan lord Mercury is in conjunction with 12th lord (losses) Sun which is highly inauspicious yoga. It was the day of ‘Poornima’ with Moon in Scorpio the sign of highly charged emotions. The 10th house from Moon get the bad aspect of malefic Saturn which is retrograde.
In Navamsha Mars (army) is in the ascendant and Saturn is in the 10th house both giving aspect to the 7th house of public opinion which is highly divided for this new army recruitment scheme. While ruling government and its supports are praising the benefits of this scheme but opposition parties are demanding its withdrawal.
Agnipath Scheme Protests News Reports
In year 2021 i had successfully forecasted the withdrawal of three farms laws which was published in my article in Modern Astrology magazine. This prediction was also published at my blog in article ‘Saturn-Jupiter conjunction and Farmers Protests in India’ on 17 January 2021.
The farm laws were repealed in November 2021 after a year long record protests by farmers in North India. As per my humble understanding the ‘Agnipath scheme’ would be withdrawn or put under cold storage in next few days or weeks. The transiting Saturn from Aquarius is in the 8th from the natal Moon in the foundation horoscope of India which is in Cancer. The Saturn in Aquarius is in the 4th house from the natal Moon in the foundation horoscope of BJP and also of prime minister Narendra Modi. This inauspicious transit of retrograde Saturn in the 8th from the country’s natal Moon and 4th from the ruling party and our prime minister’s radical Moon will not let this scheme function smoothly.
In the horoscope of ruling party BJP the Vimshottari dasha of Moon-Jupiter-Rahu is running from 6 May 2022 to 18 July 2022. Moon is in the 6th house of strife while Jupiter is along with malefic planets Rahu, Mars and Saturn. The sub-sub period lord is Rahu which shows ambiguity in ruling government’s policies. Later Moon-Saturn period will run from 18 July 2022 to 17 February 2024 which shows death of senior leaders of ruling party as Saturn take the bad lordship of 8th house. Saturn is also the lord of 9th house so the country should also prepare for ‘common civil’ code and some other religious disputes during this sub period of 9th lord Saturn in the horoscope of ruling party from mid of July 2022 to February 2024. The common civil code is likely to come any time during the second half of 2022. There could be many more such public protests movements in the next 1.5 years as per the horoscope of BJP which would be under troublesome Moon-Saturn period in Vimshottari now.