A very important conjunction of Saturn-Jupiter will take place from 20th of November 2020 when Jupiter will come into Capricorn sign. The conjunction of two major planets holding into Uttara-Ashadha Nakshtra and Sharavana Nakshtra in Makar (Capricorn) sign will bring a rainy and very cold winter season in 2020-21. We must also consider the ‘solar minimum’ (a period of solar activity when Sun Spots are almost negligible) which usually gives very cold and rainy winters in the Northern hemisphere countries. Capricorn being a full watery sign having Saturn and Jupiter at the onset of winter season and Pisces being hold by Mars already is a clear indication of an early onset of winter season which will bring more than normal rainfall and extremely cold weather with record breaking snowfalls. The Capricorn is also an earthy sign by nature.
Last month in the mid of October the state of Andhra Pradesh got excess rainfall and unusual flood due to retreating monsoon. It has been observed the a transiting planet in Pisces, specially in Revati Nakshatra, bring unusual rainfall in Andhra Pradesh. Dr. B.V. Raman use to take Pisces sign and Revati Nakshatra for Andhra Pradesh. Now in the month of December excess rainfall is foreseen in the North-East monsoon season.
Planets & Forecasting Trends for the North East Monsoon in India for year 2020
Horoscope of Sun’s entry into Scorpio
16 November 2020, 06:54 hours at Delhi
As per the ‘Sasya-Jataka-Adhyay’ chapter number 39 of Brihat Samhita of Varahmihira the horoscope cast at the time of Sun’s entry into Scorpio gives indication about the crops which are sown in the winters and harvested in the summer. In India we know it as Rabi crops which are sown around mid November and harvested in April-May during the summer season. The major Rabi crops are wheat, barely, mustered, sesame and peas. As per Varahmihira if there are benefic planets in Kendra (square) from Sun at the time of its entry into Scorpio then it give very good summer harvest. Also if a benefic planet aspect Sun or benefic planets are in the 2nd and 12th houses from Sun then also the summer crops are very good. Now at the time of Sun’s entry into Scorpio a benefic planet Jupiter is in the 2nd house from Sun and another benefic Mercury is in the 12th house from Sun. So this is a very good indication for a great harvest during April-May for wheat, barely, mustered, sesame and peas in the Rabi crops season.
[Hindi] वृश्चिक राशि में आ रहे सूर्य लाएंगे रिकॉर्ड तोड़ सर्दी और किसानों के लिए यह बड़ी खुशखबरी !
Venus is in Virgo at the time of Sun’s entry into Scorpio which is also a good yoga for summer harvest as per Varahmihira. Venus in mutual aspect with Mars, which is in Pisces, is also a good yoga for rainfall and moisture. The early onset of winter season and good North-East monsoon will bring below normal temperature in the second half of November and also in December month this year.
The weather in North India will start becoming cold quickly after the New Moon on the 15th of November when Sun and Moon are in conjunction in Libra sign.
Full Moon chart
30 November 2020, 15:00 hours at Delhi
At the time of Poornima (Full Moon) on the 30th of November Sun will be in Scorpio along with Mercury and Ketu indicating wiping winds blowing in the coastal areas of southern peninsula. In the North and Central India winter will comes earlier as Saturn, Mars and Jupiter all will be in the watery signs. As we have mention above that Capricorn and Pisces are watery sign as per astro-meteorology. In Navamsha Jupiter and Mars are in Capricorn and Venus is in Pisces. So major planets in watery sign and Navamsha will bring cold weather in early December with unusual snowfall in the hilly areas of Himalayas. The effect of which will make the northern states like Punjab, Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi and Haryana etc. to set in for an early winter season. This will be a good news for traders dealing in woollen clothes.
The farmers of wheat will also be happy as there will be higher than the normal rainfall in the month of December which will be good for the crops.
New Moon or Solar Eclipse
14 December 2020, 21:44 hours at Delhi
On the day of 14th of December 2020 there is a total solar eclipse which will not be visible in India but would be seen in South-America, South West of African including South Africa. This eclipse will bring major heat waves and rains in southern hemisphere countries of South America like Brazil, Peru, and Argentina etc. The earthquake sensitive zones of Chile, Equator and Peru can have very strong tremors within one month of this total solar eclipse.
In India there could be a cyclone which will affect the western parts of the country with unusual rains within in 15 days of this eclipse. See Sun, Moon, Mercury, Ketu and Venus all are in Scorpio sign. These planets are in Anuradha and Jyeshta Nakshtra which signify the west and south-west direction. There could be unusual rains in Karnataka, Maharashtra and Gujarat after this solar eclipse of 14th of December. In Northern and North Eastern Parts of the country temperature will be below normal for the season due to some major meteorological disturbances in Himalayan region. Sun and Moon will be in Navamsha of Pisces which shows this unpreceded rainfall and heavy snowfall activity during the last fortnight of December in 2020.
Coldest January and February in last few decades
The period from the mid of January to the end of February will be one of the coldest in the last few decades in the India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran and China. The concentration of planets in Makar Rashi will bring major snowfall activity in the hilly areas of these countries. There will be record breaking cold waves and unforeseen rainfall activity in the Northern and Central States of India.
Sun’s entry into Capricorn
14 January 2021, 08:15 hours at Delhi
See the concentration of planets Sun, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury and Moon in the Makar Rashi. Most of these planets are in Shravana Nakshtra which is a watery Nakshtra indicating some extremely heavy snowfall in the hilly areas of North India. There will be unusually higher rainfall for the season during the period from 15th of January to 27th of February 2021. The meteorologist will be surprised with this rainfall activity. In Europe there will be very heavy snowfall and extremely cold winters.
The cold wave in India would be so severe that Western and South Eastern states like Gujarat, Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Orissa etc. will see an extended winter season even after Makar Samkrani.
Fear of an Earthquake in India
Major planets Saturn and Jupiter will be in earthy sign Capricorn are in square with Bhumi-Putra Mars, which is in Aries , which is a deadly combination of some earthquakes. These tremors may come during 15th of January to the first week of March in 2021.
New Moon horoscope
12 February 2021, 00:35 hours at Delhi
Notice here the six planets concentration in sign Capricorn on the day of New Moon on 12th of February 2021. Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Moon and Sun are in Capricorn. Out of these planets Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Moon are all watery planets. These are in watery Nakshatra Shravana which will bring extremely heavy snowfall in the Himalayan region of India. The North and Central India will get shivers due to colder than the normal temperature. Thus the winter season will be longer and colder than the usual the season. It will bring good harvest of Rabi crops like Wheat, Barley, Mustered, Grams and Peas etc. But there will be a danger from locust attack as Ketu in ‘Keet Rashi’ Scorpio indicate it. Farmers need to be very careful to protect their harvest from pestilence and locust attack.