This year in the month of October Sun will be in conjunction with Mars in Virgo sign which is a combination of less rainfall as Virgo is a dry sign as per astro-meteorology principals, but Jupiter will give its 9th aspect to Sun from Capricorn which is a watery sign. The aspect of Jupiter on Sun is a promise of rainfall though it could get delayed for few days. The South-West Monsoon season (June to September) has given 99% rainfall for the Long Period Average as per the data of metrological department website. The rainfall East and North East India was 88% which is below average but in the Southern States it was 111% due to delay in withdrawal of the monsoon clouds. As per the planetary indications the North-East monsoon season is also likely to be erratic as there could be less than normal rainfall till mid of November 2021 but in the month of December excess rainfall activity in Southern Peninsular will cover the earlier deficit.
Horoscope of Sun enters into Libra
17 October 2021, 13:13 hours at Delhi
At the time of New Moon of 6th of October the Mars and Mercury will be combust with Sun in dry sign Virgo. But the aspect of retrograde Jupiter on them is a promise of some rainfall activity. But there shall be more winds than rain as Sun and Mercury are in airy Navamsha of Gemini. In the Solar Ingress of Libra horoscope given above we can see that Mars and Mercury are in conjunction in Virgo getting the aspect of Jupiter from Capricorn.
Rainfall activity will start after 20th of October
It is after the Full Moon of 20th of October some rainfall activity is expected as Mars will also change its sign on the next day. Mars moving into Libra will bring some rain in the coastal areas of Southern Peninsular especially Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Puducherry. But then Sun will be hemmed between Venus and Mercury on either side of it. Sun will be in Libra, Venus in Scorpio and Mercury will be in Virgo. So in October this year there could be less than normal rainfall.
Horoscope of New Moon
5 November 2021, 02:43 hours at Delhi
At the time of New Moon of 5th of November Sun and Moon would be in Libra Rashi and Pisces Navamsha. Sun-Moon placed in watery Navamsha at the time of New Moon will bring some good rainfall. The interior parts of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala and Karnataka will get benefit from this rainfall activity.
Very good rainfall foreseen after Full Moon of 19th of November
On the day of Full Moon of 19th of November Sun will be in Scorpio sign and Cancer Navamsha. Moon will be in Taurus sign and Capricorn Navamsha. As we know that Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces and Capricorn are watery sign in astro-meteorology so the Full Moon of 19th of November will bring very good rainfall activity into the entire Southern Peninsular. Mercury moving into Scorpio and joining Sun on the 21st of November will bring some more rainfall activity. So the second fortnight of November 2021 will give very good rainfall especially in Chennai like it had happened in the last year also. There could be a cyclone in the second fortnight of November in Southern Peninsular which will bring lots of rain in Tamil Nadu and Kerala.
Jupiter moving into Aquarius sign on the 24th of November will bring more rain. Sun will also move ahead of malefic Ketu in Scorpio sign, as per degree motion, which will also improve the rainfall activity in terms of quantity.
Horoscope of Sun’s entry into Scorpio
16 November 2021, 13:03 hours at Delhi
The horoscope of Sun’s entry into Scorpio is very important to forecast the trends for the Rabi crops or winter harvest. At the time of Sun’s entry into Scorpio Venus is in the 2nd house from Sun which is good for winter harvest. Moon is in Pisces sign is also auspicious. At the time of New Moon on the 4th of December when Sun, Moon, Mercury and Ketu would be in Scorpio and Mars would have been waiting to enter this watery sign. This is a promise of major rainfall activity during the North-East monsoon season. Venus ahead of Sun is also a good promise for rainfall. So in the month of December there will be good rainfall as Mars will be behind Sun in watery sign Scorpio. Thus the North-East monsoon rains this season will be erratic as there shall be less rainfall in October and during the first fortnight of November month. But in the second fortnight of November and in the month of December good rainfall activity will cover this deficiency. The overall North East monsoon season will be good for the farmers of Southern states of India.