Vastu Shastra is an ancient science of architecture and construction which has been incorporated in the traditional Hindu beliefs since time immortal. The mention of Vastu Shastra is found in the ancient scriptures like Rigveda, Atharvaveda , Ramayana , Mahabharata, Agni Puran , Matsya Puran etc. These days many people consult Vastu professionals for their […]
Planets and South-West Monsoon 2015
(Note: This article of mine was published in the May 2015 issue of Express Star Teller Magazine. It has been reproduce from there after some changes) In Brihat Samhita the Acharya Varahamihira has given lots of importance to the atmospheric observations and study of seasonal symptoms for forecasting rains and meteorological disturbances. The Bhadrabhau Samhita […]
Astrology courses in Indian Universities
Astrology as a subject of study in degree courses was introduce by University Grant Commission (UGC) in year 2000. Prior to this some Sanskrit collages and institutes use to have astrology in their curriculum of Acharya and Shastri degrees. However, there was no dedicated degree courses in astrology such as B.A. and/or M.A. in astrology. […]
Prince Charles: the UK’s eternal king in waiting…
Prince Charles (aged 69) is the Britain’s longest waiting heir to the throne. His mother Queen Elizabeth II is though 92 but she has made it clear that she has no intention to step aside. In November 2012, when Prince Charles was asked about his being impatient for the kings throne he said ,“Impatient? Me? […]
Transit of Mars in ‘Rohini’ and possibility of another Earthquake
In Mundane Astrology Moon is considered as the Karaka for general public. As per the Indian mythology out of 27 Nakshatra’s Moon is more emotionally inclined towards ‘Rohini’. Therefore whenever a malefic planet transit through Rohini nakshatra it gives emotional pain to Moon and as a result of it the general public on earth also […]