Tamil Nadu politics has been dominated by Dravidian parties and film stars since 1967. This year’s assembly elections was the first one after the demise of Karunanidhi and Jayalalithaa, the two stalwarts of Dravidian politics. The son of M. Karunanidhi and DMK chief Stalin led his party to a landslide victory which was not a big surprise for those who knows Tamil Nadu politics . M.K. Stalin was born on 1 March 1953 at Chennai at 23:50 pm, has Janma lagna of Scorpio rising as the ascendant, in which a big Raja Yoga is being formed by the ninth lord Moon in the 10th house in mutual aspect with the tenth lord Sun sitting at the fourth house. The strength of this yoga made his father M Karunanidhi the 5 time chief minister of the state and has was also a very famous Tamil poet and writer. M.K. Stalin has recently won the Tamil Nadu assembly elections which bring back his party DMK into power after 10 years. I had made the prediction about his success well in advance in my article “Planets and Tamil Nadu Assembly Elections in 2021” posted on this blog on 17th of March 2021.
Chart 1. Horoscope of M.K. Stalin
Balance of Dasha in Vimshottari: Sun 5 years 3 months 20 days
As per Laghu Parashari for Scorpio ascendant Moon and Sun make the best possible Raja Yoga which is very strongly visible in the birth chart of Mr. Stalin. The above mention yoga is fortified by the aspect of 5th lord Jupiter on Moon. If we carefully observe the Navamsha and Dashamsha then we find out that Sun and Moon both are in benefic varga’s getting decent strength. The conjunction of lagna and 6th lord Mars with 8th and 11th lord Mercury shows Stalin’s disputes with his elder brother M.K. Alagiri. Rahu is in the 3rd house and the 3rd lord Saturn is in the 12th house which amply explain Stalin’s troubles with younger sister Kanimozhi. Stalin’s party DMK was out of power since losing the assembly elections in 2012 (Saturn-Saturn dasha) and also in 2017 (Saturn-Venus dasha). On both occasions Stain was under bad dasha periods of Saturn-Saturn and Saturn-Venus respectively, both connected with the 12th house in Rashi. In Navamsha and Dashamsha Venus is badly placed in the 8t house.
In Stalin’s horoscope, at present, the Antardasha of the Moon sitting in the tenth house in the Vimshottari dasha of the exalted Saturn sitting in the twelfth house is going on, which has got him the post of Chief Minister after a huge election victory. Stalin’s party , in the 234-member Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly, DMK has won 159 seats and got 45% votes, which is a big achievement. Next in Stalin’s horoscope, there is going to be a difficult Vimshottari dasha like Saturn-Mars (December 2021 to February 2023) and then Saturn-Rahu (February 2023 to December 2025), in which he may have to face some big difficulties. There may be problems with the leaders of his own party. Stalin may also have to face some controversies with his elder brother Alagiri and younger sister Kanimozhi.
Chart 2. Oath Taking of M.K. Stalin
Stalin took oath on the day of Friday (7 May 2021) 09:13 am at Chennai, when the Gemini ascendant was rising in which Mars sitting in the Ascendant is giving astrological indications towards some big challenges. The Tithi Shukla Ekadashi, Nakshatra Poorva Bhadrapada, Yoga Vaidhriti and Karana Balava are fine but the 6th lord Mars sitting in the ascendant of the oath taking horoscope can make Stalin’s style of work furious and will invite lots of conflicts. The outbreak of the third wave of the ongoing corona epidemic may increase rapidly in Tamil Nadu, about which Stalin has to take strict measures like lockdown any time around October this year. In the swearing-in-horoscope, the conjunction of Rahu with Venus in the 12th house along with ascendant lord Mercury will prompt Stalin to make big expenses in dealing with Corona and spending money on big social welfare schemes during his tenure which will put pressure on state exchequer. In the ninth house Jupiter is sitting and looking at the Ascendant, due to which Stalin will be successful in his endeavors since Jupiter is unaffiliated in both Rashi and Navamsha. The Moon sitting in the tenth house is strong in Pisces and Cancer sign is in the Navamsha, which will not allow any special harm to Stalin’s public image. But Saturn sitting in the eighth house is giving its 3rd aspect at the tenth house is not good. The aspect of 6th lord Mars on the 8th and 9th lord Saturn indicate some troubles from higher judiciary which may come on the matter of reservation case of Tamil Nadu government which is on hearing at the apex court.
Troubles for Stalin Indicated in 2025-2026
In interesting point to note here is that in the swearing-in-horoscope of M.K. Stain Moon is in Pisces in Poorva-Bhadrapada Nakshatra over which the transiting Saturn will come in early 2025. Saturn transiting over the natal Moon of swearing-in horoscope of a leader will give him great administrative difficulties if in his birth chart the dasha of hard malefic is running that time. This point I have observed in case of so many chief ministers since last one decade. In year 2025 Stalin will face similar situation when in his birth chart a difficult period of Saturn-Rahu in Vimshottari would be running and the transiting Saturn would be over the natal Moon of his swearing-in horoscope. Moreover Stalin has his natal Moon in Leo from where the transiting Saturn in 2025 would be in Pisces i.e. his 8th house.
Chart 3. Foundation Horoscope of Tamil Nadu
26 January 1950, 00:00 hours mid night at Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Balance of Dasha in Vimshottari: Ketu 3 years 0 months 18 days
Now see the horoscope of Tamil Nadu State where Vimshottari Dasha of Jupiter-Ketu is running from January 2021 to December 2021. Ketu is in the 12th house of expenditure along with 2nd and 7th lord Mars. The state has to incur huge expenditure on the third wave of COVID during October to December this year. Later Jupiter-Venus dasha from end of December 2021 to August 2024 will be good for state’s infrastructure development, textile industry, farmers, fisheries and women welfare. The Tamil Nadu state will progress very fast during 2022 to 2024.