In the historic elections held in the USA on November 5 th last year, Republican Party leader Donald Trump returned to power after 4 years by defeating Democratic Party’s presidential candidate Kamala Harris who is of an Indian origin. Under the leadership of Donald Trump, the Republican Party has secured a simple majority in both the US Senate and the lower house of the American Congress, which will now help them to pass some important bills. With the far-right Donald Trump securing a majority in both the US Senate and Congress, some fears and apprehensions are floating in the minds of the liberals of the USA The immigrants living illegally or deficient documents are especially losing their sleep. As per the oath taking horoscope of Donald Trump, his birth chart and the Hindu New Year Horoscopes of USA for coming 4 years it appears that President Donald Trump will not be able to complete his tenure.
It is interesting to note that originally the US constitution had set the Presidential inauguration on the 4th of March but in 1933, the 20th Amendment shortened the lengthy gap between the elections (November first week) and the swearing-in timings. The transition period from November elections to January swearing-in of US President has been kept considering crucial for the president-elect to assemble a team, nominate cabinet members and begin formulating key policies. For this reason President Trump was able to sign dozens of executive orders to overturn about 70 key policy decisions of the previous Biden administration {Refer link – }
During Donald Trump’s first term (November 2016 to November 2020), additional import duty on goods imported from China and India, strict sanctions on Iran, stopping illegal immigrants from Mexico, strengthening diplomatic relations with Russia and North Korea, etc., shocking decisions had surprised the whole world. On the January 20th 2025 , at 12:02 pm, Donald Trump, took oath of his office and immediately afterwards signed important executive orders such as declaring emergency at South border with Mexico to stop illegal immigration, renaming the Gulf of Mexico, Leaving the world health organization (WHO), ending birth right citizenship, declaring a national energy emergency etc.
Chart 1. Oath Taking horoscope of Donald Trump 2.0
Tithi: Krishna Saptami, Day- Monday , Nakshatra – Chitra , Yoga- Sukarma, Karana- Vishti and Hora at birth is of the Sun.
But by declaring a state of emergency Southern border, he imposed a ban on the illegal immigrants coming from Mexico. In the oath taking horoscope of Donald Trump of Aries ascendant, the ascendant lord Mars is sitting in its sign of debilitation in Cancer in the fourth house of the throne in a retrograde state, which may inspire Trump to take some shocking decisions in the coming days in a very quick and most erratic manner. Since Mars is Ati Vakri i.e. retrograde in extreme speed so he may also have to roll back many of his important decision. Already four US states has put up cases in Federal Courts challenging Donald Trump’s decision of pardoning the accused of the January 6th Capital hill violence in 2021 and also the order ending citizenship at birth.
Trump’s havoc can break out on Iran this year
As soon as he won the election in November last year, Donald Trump created a stir in international politics by expressing his desire to take over the Panama Canal and Greenland by the US government. Trump put Justin Trudeau under pressure by announcing additional duty on goods imported from Canada, due to which his own party forced him to resign from the post of Prime Minister of the country in January this year. Canada is already under economic crisis and we had discuss her foundation horoscope in detail at this blog earlier. Now, in Donald Trump’s Aries lagna oath taking horoscope, due to Mars’ aspect on the tenth house of power and the seventh house of foreign policy, there are clear astrological indications of the return of the era of America’s pressurizing and threatening international diplomacy. In the Navamsa of the oath taking horoscope Mars being in the tenth house is giving aspects to the ascendant which will make Donald Trump very aggressive in its second tenure.
Saturn too, by aspecting the ascendant of the Navamsha of the oath taking horoscope, can inspire Trump to run the US government in a very autocratic manner. This will naturally create fear in the enemy countries of America, including Iran, especially in April-May this year when the inauspicious conjunction of Saturn and Rahu in transit will be afflicting the Pisces sign. By increasing its military activities in the Persian Gulf and Syria, America can also carry out a surgical strike on some of Iran’s nuclear installations this year along with Israel who is already eying on to destroy the nuclear capabilities of Iran.
More Troubles for India-USA relations
I have been forewarning this time and again in my articles on this blog and also at Hindi News Paper Navbhart Times dot com about problems in India-USA relations. The transiting Saturn from Aquarius is afflicting the natal Moon of the foundation horoscope of USA (4 July 1776, 10:20 a.m. at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA) and for India the transiting Saturn is in the 8th house of her natal Moon in Cancer which is ‘Ashtam Shani’ Gochar. India is set to take 18,000 citizens from the USA who are undocumented immigrants. Many more Indian’s will be deported back from USA in humiliated manner in the next 2 years. Donald Trump has also threatened BRICS nations with 100% tariff over their de-dollarization policy i.e. trading between themselves without using USA dollar. Trumps policy of trade hegemony is all set to present new dangers for the emerging economies of India, Brazil, South Africa, Indonesia etc. who were looking to trade in local currencies.
Weak Moon in Trump’s oath taking horoscope
The position of the Moon is very important in the oath taking horoscope. In the swearing-in horoscope of Donald Trump the Moon as the lord of the 4th house (rulers throne) is badly placed in the 6th house of disputes and disease and is in conjunction with Ketu (i.e. South Node of the Moon). Although the aspect of Jupiter as the 9th lord on the Moon is good but the Moon is in Kemadruma Yoga as there is no planet on either side of it. The Moon is in the Navamsha of the Sun in Leo which is bad for the health of Donald Trump.
Trump can get into troubles in the year 2026-2027
Donald Trump, born on 14 June 1946 in New York at 10:52 am, has amazing Rajyoga’s in his birth chart . In the Leo ascendant horoscope of Donald Trump, the Yogakaraka Mars placed in the ascendant is involve in a ‘Neech Bhang’ Rajyoga by aspecting the debilitated Moon sitting in the fourth house of property. Rahu sitting in the tenth house of power is conjoined with the ascendant lord the Sun and aspected by the 5th lord Jupiter, is the second big Rajyoga of his horoscope. In Navamsha chart Taurus lagna is rising where Yogakaraka Saturn is in Raja Yoga with lagna lord Venus. The mutual aspect of 2nd and 5th lord Mercury with the 11th lord Jupiter is a good Dhana Yoga in his Navamsha chart.
Chart 2. Birth chart of Donald Trump
On the strength of the above mentioned big Raja Yoga’s and Dhana Yoga’s , Trump, born in a rich family, after getting success in property, luxury, entertainment industry, created a history by winning the presidential elections of 2016 and then in 2024. At present Donald Trump is under an enigmatic Vimshottari Dasha of Jupiter and Anter Dasha of Venus from October 2024 to June 2027 which will make him creating troubles for many countries with the arrogance, vulgarity and unconventional decisions in his behavior and politics. Venus is Vargottama but it is in her enemy sign in Cancer and falls in the 12th house along with the 6th (diseses and disputes) and 7th (killer) house a Maraka. This Anter Dasha of Venus till June 2027 is also dangerous for Donald Trump’s health and security. It will not allow him to complete his tenure.
The configuration of planets in the Hindu New Year horoscope (Pisces New Moon) of the 2026 and 2027 for the USA are also not good.
Chart 3. Hindu New Year Horoscope of USA 2026
In the Hindu New year chart of 2026 (chart 3) the King of the New Year is Jupiter which is the lord of the 3rd and 6th houses. The lagna lord Venus falls in the 6th house along with the luminaries and also 4th lord Saturn. The aspect of Saturn on the 8th house and the aspect of Mars on the 8th is dangerous for the health of the ruler.
Chart 4. Hindu New Year Horoscope of USA 2027
The Hindu New Year horoscope of 2027 for USA (chart 4) is even more dangerous as the luminaries are placed in the 7th house of war and violence. The King of the New year is Mercury which is good in Rashi chart but afflicted by malefic planets in Navamsha, Dashamasha and Shastiamsha. The year 2027 will be difficult for USA economy and there could be some civil unrest also due to the bad policies of Republican government.
As per the study of the oath taking chart of Donald Trump (chart 1) it appears that he may have to roll back many of his important policy decisions due to the pressure from civil society, Federal courts, opposition parties and independent media in the country. Donald Trump will also face many controversies, health issues and danger to his security during 2026-27 which will not allow him to complete his tenure.
[Hindi] डोनाल्ड ट्रम्प की शपथ ग्रहण कुंडली से जानें कैसी चलेगी अमेरिका की नई सरकार ?