In classical texts of Medini Jyotish the study of various omens and portents plays an important role in forecasting the future of the kings or rulers of the state or country. Recently on 28th of June 2022 lightning strike fell on the ‘Shikhar Kalash’ of Mandhateshwar temple in Varanasi in the ‘Kashi Vishwanath Dham area’. It damages one out of three ‘Shikhar Kalash’ which can be a bad omen for Uttar Pradesh and its chief minister Yogi Adityanath. Sometimes ago, on 13 July 2021, the dome of Gujarat’s ancient Dwarkadhish temple caught fire when lightning struck a 52-yard flag on it, causing some of the walls of the temple to turn black. In the fifth century book ‘Indradhwaj-Sampadhyayah’ Chapter number 42 of the Brihat Samhita, the importance of omens related with flag’s has been discussed. The lightning fall on the flag has been said to be a bad omen for the king. Interestingly Chief Minister Vijay Rupani had to resign later in dramatic circumstances along with his full cabinet and he was replaced by Bhupendrabhai Patel on 13 September 2021 just three months after the incident of lightning strike on Dwarkadhish temple. I had made a correction prediction about the downfall of Vijay Rupani in my article written on 23 July 2021 on this blog which can be read at given below link.
Lightening Strike at Dwarkadhish Temple – Was it a bad omen for Gujarat and CM Vijay Rupani ?

Horoscope of Yogi Adityanath
Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath was born on 5 June 1972, 10 hours and 52 minutes at Pauri, Uttarakhand.
Gulika is in Virgo
Yogi Adityanath will be under Dasa of Ketu and Bhukti of Saturn from 15 October 2022 to 24 November 2023 which can prove highly in-auspicious and troublesome for him as Saturn is functional malefic for his Leo lagna chart considering this current omen of lightning strike in Kashi Vishwanath Dham area. The long stay of Mars in Taurus sign from August 2022 to March 2023 will be particularly more disturbing for UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath as transiting Mars will be hovering over the 10th house of his birth chart and 4th from his natal Moon which is in Aquarius. In Chara Dasha of Jaimini the period of Aquarius-Aquarius from September 2022 to June 2023 is difficult and highly challenging for Yogi Adityanath as his Atamakaraka Moon is in Aquarius which get the Jaimini aspect of Ketu.
{Hindi} श्री काशीविश्वनाथ परिसर के मंदिर कलश का बिजली से गिरना कहीं इस बात का संकेत तो नहीं ?
In past we have also seen the occurrence of some omens with famous people’s and their effect coming within few months. Like Some time ago on 15th December 2019, Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi slipped while climbing the stairs at Ganga Ghat in Kanpur and his hands touched the earth. It is worth noting here that the mass movement in protest against both the Citizenship Amendment Bill and the National Register of Citizens, after this incident, spread rapidly in many parts of the country, especially in Delhi-NCR where riots occurred during the last week of February in 2020. Similarly, on 13 April 2020, Baba Ramdev fell from an elephant ride while doing yoga which proved to be an inauspicious omen for him as he had conflicts with medical associations over his claims regarding cure of COVID patients with his ayurvedic medicines. It will be interesting to see how this omen of ‘lightening strike at Mandhateshwar Temple in Kashi’ will affect Uttar Pradesh and its CM Yogi Adityanth.