Jupiter has entered into Scorpio sign where it will be in ‘fast moving’ motion from 20th of October 2018 to 5th of January 2019. The entry of Jupiter in watery sign Scorpio on the 11th of October has bring a cyclone named ‘Titli’ leaving 8 dead in Andhra Pradesh and 1 in Orissa after a torrential sell of wind storm and rains. I had forecast about a possible development of a ‘low-pressure system’ in the Bay of Bengal in my article ‘Northeast Monsoon in 2018’ published in the October issue of Express Star Teller magazine which is at news stands at present.
On the page number 45 of the October issue of Express Star Teller i had forecast unseasoned rainfall rainfall in the following words in my write-up ” The Jupiter entering into the watery sign Scorpio on the 11th of October may bring an early rainfall in the southern-peninsular. The transit of Mars in Capricorn a watery sign also suggest that while the south-west monsoon will stay longer giving rains in the first fortnight of October in places like Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa and Chhattisgarh the system created due to it will help to create an early north-east monsoon rains activity in the southern-states also. This meteorological disturbance will bring unseasonal rains around the New Moon of 9th of October and also at the time of Jupiter’s entry into Scorpio on the 11th of the same month.”
Now this year in 2018 the planetary conditions are suggesting an early onset of north-east monsoon with an erratic spells of heavy rains in the month of October. Now see this New Moon horoscope given below.
New Moon horoscope
9 September 2018, 09:17 hours at Delhi
At the time of New Moon on the 9th of October the Jupiter, Venus and Mercury will be in conjunction on the Libra ahead of Sun which as per classical text “Bhavishya Phala Bhaskara” is a yoga for unseasonal rainfall and torrential winds. This condition will create a low-pressure system in the Bey of Bengal which will bring rainfall in the coastal areas of southern-states.
In astro-meteorology the planets Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Moon are watery and rain giving planets. Sun, Ketu, Mars and Saturn are dry planets.
The horoscope of New Moon on the 9th of October clearly suggest unusually heavy rainfall activity. The interior districts of Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu will receive excess rainfall during the fortnight starting from the 9th of October. After the entry of Jupiter into watery sign Scorpio on the 11th of October the rainfall activity will increase. Mars in watery Rashi Capricorn shows a danger of cyclonic storm giving heavy rainfall during the second fortnight of October in the southern-peninsular of India. In the month of October there will be excess rainfall activity in whole of the country specially in south-Indian states, Bihar and Chattishgarh.
‘Atichari or fast moving transit of Jupiter in Scorpio during 2018’
In mundane astrology various rotation speeds of planets in their transit are studied for forecasting weather and other important events. The rotational speed of plant in their orbit depend upon their distance from the Sun. When outer planets (Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) are away from Sun then they become retrograde. But when these planets come closer to the Sun then they motion become fast which is called ‘Atichari’ movement. Jupiter transiting from Scorpio this year will come closer to Sun. Because of the gravitational force of Sun the speed of these planets in their orbit increase which in mundane astrology is know as ‘Atichari’ or fast moving speed. Jupiter will be in fast moving motion from 20th of October 2018 to 5th of January 2019.
The fast moving Jupiter in Scorpio a watery sign is expected to bring lots of hail-storms, unseasoned rainfall, wind storms, and an early onset of winter season. There will be lots of damage to crops in the month of October and November due to torrential wind storms and hail-storms. The state of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashatra will witness heavy hails storms in October second fortnight and the first fortnight of November month. This will damage lots of major summer crops of the farmers special of wheat and cotton.
Long stay of Venus in Libra sign during 2018
Venus generally remain in a sign for 33 days sometimes stays longer after getting retrograde. This year it will become retrograde in Libra and stay in this sign for about 4 months. Venus will be in Libra from 1st of September 2018 to 31st December 2018. Venus become retrograde on the 5th of October and here it will go direct on the 9th of November only. As per the ‘Shukra-Chaar’ Adhayaa of Bhriat Samhita of Varahamihira when the Jupiter transit from the 2nd house of Venus then it will bring damage to crops due to unseasoned rainfall and hail-storms. The Jupiter in the 2nd house from Venus in transit also bring viral fever and throat related infections at extreme level giving suffering to the masses. This year Jupiter will be transiting from the 2nd house of Venus giving these above mention conditions at higher level. The unseasonal rainfall in the second fortnight of October and in the first week of November will also bring an early onset of winter season.
Danger of flood and heavy rainfall in Tamil Nadu in 2018
The city of Chennai may again face the problem of flood due to excess rainfall in the last week of October and first week of November when Mercury will be in conjunction with Jupiter in the watery sign Scorpio.
Full Moon horoscope
24 October 2018 , 22:15 hours at Delhi
In the Full Moon horoscope the Jupiter is in watery sign Scorpio and in watery Navamsha Cancer which is an indicator of heavy rainfall. On the 26th of October the Mercury will also join Jupiter in the Scorpio which will bring excess rainfall activity in the north-east monsoon season. The city of Chennai and its surrounding will recessive excessive rainfall which may bring flood in the last week of October and first week of November.
The Kerala, Southern Karnataka, Rayeelseema and Coastal areas of Andhra Pradesh will also get good rainfall after the 26th of October for about next 10 days.
On the 6th of November Mars moving into an airy sign Aquarius will bring strong wind storms in the coastal areas of southern-states. There would also be good rainfall in western parts of India due to a meteorological disturbances then. The state of Gujarat and Maharashtra will get rainfall activity in the 2nd week of November due to Mars’s entry into the Aquarius sign which signifies western parts of the country.
Sun in Scorpio and Mercury retrograde bring more rain
The Sun moving into the watery sign Scorpio on the 16th of November and Mercury becoming retrograde on the next day will bring more rainfall the southern-peninsula. The coastal areas of Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu will get access rainfall during the second fortnight of November.
The long stay of Mercury in the watery sign Scorpio along with Jupiter will ensure above average rainfall activity in the north-east monsoon season even in the month of December.
Sun’s entry into Sagittarius
16 December 2018 , 09:10 hours at Delhi
At the time of Sun’s entry into the Sagittarius the Jupiter and Mercury will be behind the Sun in a watery sign Scorpio which is a good yoga for rainfall. The Sun-Saturn conjunction though in Sagittarius a fiery sign which keep the rainfall average only. But one’s the Mars move into the watery sign Pisces on the 24th of December a spell of excess rainfall will again start. Mars’s entry into the watery sign Pisces will bring good rainfall activity in the southern-peninsula particularly in the state of Andhra Pradesh during the last week of December and first week of January. So during the season of north-east monsoon in 2018 there will be excess rainfall with an early onset and a delay retreat of clouds. This year the north-east monsoon season will be long and full of heavy rainfall which will creates disturbances in many pats of Tamil Nadu specially in Chennai.