Israel as a state did not existed from the fall of Syrian kingdom of Israel in 722 BC until AD 1948. During this long history of more than 2500 years the holy city of Jerusalem was attacked, besieged, captured and recaptured many a times. The Jews were deported and had to migrate to other parts of the world in great numbers. From 63 BC to AD 661 the Romans controlled this area of Palestine and crushed Jewish rebellion. In 7th Century AD the Muslim occupation of the Christian holy places in Palestine begun which later became the reason of the ‘Crusades’ (Holy wars) from 11th to 13th Century AD. In AD 1517 the Ottoman Turks re-established the Muslim control over Palestine which continued then for about next 500 years. In the First World War the Turks were defeated by the British in 1917 and expelled from the Palestine area. On the 2nd of November 1917 the Britain issued ‘Balfour Declaration’ promising Jews the support in establishing a national home for them in Palestine.
{Note: This article of mine was appeared in the April 2016 issue of Modern Astrology Magazine. The same has been reproduce here for the readers of my blog.}
The Balfour Declaration was a historic event for the Jews around the world aspiring to return to ‘Zion’ and the ‘land of Israel’. From 1920 Britain ruled the area under a league of nation mandate, also known as ‘British Mandate’, and encouraged Jewish immigration which led to opposition by Arabs. During the World War II the annihilation of the Jews in Europe by Hitler increased Jewish immigration to Palestine areas in large numbers which complicated the matter further.
In 1947 the Britain announced that it would withdraw from Palestine stating that it was unable to arrive at a solution acceptable to both Arabs and Jews. During the same year the United Nation proposed a resolution to divide the area of Palestine into “ an independent Arab State, an independent Jews State and keeping the Jerusalem under International Trusteeship”. The Jews accepted this resolution of United Nations but Arabs rejected any plan of partitioning Palestine. In December 1947 the Arabs groups started attacking Jewish settlements in Palestine. On 14 May 1948 , the day before the expiration of British Mandate, David-Ben-Gurion, the head of ‘Jewish Agency’ declared the establishment of Jewish State to be known as ‘State of Israel’.
The given below horoscope of Israel is taken from the ‘Book of World Horoscopes’ by Nicholas Campion.
Foundation Chart of Israel
14 May 1948, 16:00 hours at Tel Aviv
Longitude 74 E 46’ and Latitude 32 N 04’
Lahiri Ayanamsha Used
Balance of Dasa in Vimshottari : Saturn 7 Years 9 Months 2 Days
Main features of Israel’s horoscope and major events in the history of this country.
- The lagan is Vargattom and there are two benefic planets, Jupiter and Venus, in Kendra which astrologically explain the sustained prosperity and strength of Israel.
- The exchange between the 9th lord Venus and 10th lord Mercury is an excellent Raj Yoga in the Rasi chart of Israel. The 12th lord Sun in the 9th house along with 10th lord Mercury shows foreign infusion of capital in the development of country. It is well known how USA financially helped Israel since its birth and is continuing to do so.
- The 5th lord Saturn is strongly place in the 11th house along with 11th lord Moon which shows great intellectual and scientific achievements of this country. Israel’s education system is best in the world and its technological advancement rivals that of USA.
- Saturn as the 6th lord place in the 11th house and giving aspect to the lagna and the 8th house explain the turbulent history of Israel. The country had fought many wars with its Arab neighbors , right from its birth in 1948. However, since Israel has strong 6th lord in its Rashi, Navamsa and Dasmasa charts therefore it managed to win lots of territories in all these wars.
- On the next day of the creation of Israel the armies of Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Jordan attacked it with the intention of destroying it completely. But the Jews fought with great determination and won the battle by early 1949 controlling the western half of Jerusalem. The eastern half was held by Jordan. The Vimshottari dasha in the chart of Israel was of Saturn-Sun then.
- In Mercury-Mercury period in 1956 Israel defeated Egypt in ‘Suez Sinai’ war. Mercury is involve in a great Raj Yoga in Rasi chart and it is strongly place in Navamsa chart in own sign .
- In June 1967 the Arab states of Egypt, Jordan and Syria attacked Israel. This war is known as ‘Six days War’ in which Israel conquered some parts of Sinai Peninsula, Gaza Strip, West bank and Golan Heights pushing back and defeating its enemies in just 6 days of battle. It was the Vimshottari dasa of Mercury-Rahu-Venus in the horoscope of Israel.
This was a great victory for Israel but the humiliation of Arab nations in the war sows the seeds of a never ending hostility. After this huge defeat of Arabs many terrorist groups were emerged out in the region to further the ‘Palestine Cause’. These Islamic terrorist groups targeted Jews in and out-side Israel many a times. Israel also carried out number of covert operations as well as direct military actions against these terrorist groups hurting her interest.
Now Israel will be under the Vimshottari dasa of Mars starting from 15th of February 2016 and ending on 15th of February 2023. Mars is place in the 12th house of war losses in the Rasi chart of Israel. Mars position in the 12th house of the horoscope of a country is consider very bad as from there it aspects the 3rd house ( neighbors and border clashes) , 6th house ( territorial wars and strife) and the 7th house ( full fledge war) . In the foundation chart of Israel the Mars is a functional malefic as it is the lord of 3rd and 8th house, so this placement of Mars become even more dangerous here in this case.
In Navamsa chart Mars is along with 7th lord Jupiter and giving aspect to the 3rd house which is again a combination of entering into a war. In Dasmasa Mars is place in the 8th house of mass destruction and from there it is giving aspect to the 3rd house of border clashes. In Trimshamsa Mars has become the lagna and 6th lord giving aspect to the 7th house of war.
The adverse position of Mars in all the varga chart in the horoscope of Israel indicate that country will involve in many destructive territorial wars during the period of 7 years starting from February 2016. The Lunar Eclipse of 23 March 2016 will fall over the Leo sign in which Mars is place in the foundation chart of Israel. This lunar eclipse will be very adverse for Israel as it will be along the 6/12 axis from its ascendant and 2/8 axis from its natal Moon.
The Israel will enter into a big war with its Arab neighbors in year 2016 and also in 2020. The transiting Saturn and Mars will be in the Scorpio sign in 2016 then which is the 3rd house of the foundation chart of Israel. There will be many terrorist attacks on Israel from the ISIS affiliate groups operating in Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula and Syria. The peace treaties Israel had with Egypt and Jordan in 1979 and 1994 respectively would come under threat of being termination. The ISIS, which has vowed to extinguish Jews and liberate Palestine, may also attack Israel with chemical and/or biological weapons. The long stay of transiting Saturn-Mars from Scorpio, which is a sign of chemicals, clearly shows an astrologically possibility of chemical weapons being used in the war. This war will further aggravate after 14th of July 2016 when the sub period of Rahu will start in the major period of Mars in the chart of Israel. Rahu is in the 8th house of mass deaths and destruction. This will threaten safety of large number of masses in the Middle-East and lots of cities of Israel and its neighbors will suffer tremendous losses.
If we see the chart of Israel from Jaimini angle then the Chara dasha of Cancer ( May 2015 to May 2027) also shows that country had to fight many territorial wars in coming years. The Cancer has the Atamakaraka Saturn place in it. The dasha of Atamakaraka is the dasha of dangers is a well-known Jaimini principal. The international community will be diplomatically divided into two halves after this war in year 2016. The USA and Europe will be supporting Israel. While the Arabs, Iran, Russia and China would be opposing the Israel’s military action. These events will setup basis of a big war in 2020 when Saturn, Jupiter and Mars would conjoined in Capricorn sign which is the 7th house of war from the natal Moon of Israel.