Tejasvi Surya is the young firebrand leader from the BJP who is promising to become a poster boy of Hindutava in near future. He recently got elected as MP from Bengaluru south in the Lok Sabha elections held in May 2019. He is active into public life since the age of 18 years when he founded an NGO ‘Arise India’ which work for rural development and education. He was a child prodigy who stand out for his extracurricular actives in the school like selling his painting at the age of 9 for donating money to the Indian Army for ‘Kargil Relief fund’. The horoscope of Tejasvi Surya is highly promising for his becoming a national level leader in next two decades. In the Vargottama Aries (Mesha) lagna horoscope of Tejasvi Surya there is a beautiful Gaja Kesari yoga.
Horoscope of Tejasvi Surya
16 November 1990, 16:06 hours at Bangalore, Karnataka
Longitude: 77 E 35′ and Latitude: 12 N 59′
Balance of Dasha in Vimshottari: Rahu 0 years 2 months 28 days
The Aries lagna horoscope of Tejasvi Surya has exalted 9th lord Jupiter at the 4th house from the lagna and 10th from the Moon in a very extraordinary Gaja Kesari Yoga. The good thing about this yoga is that Moon and Jupiter are not afflicted by malefic planets. The 9th lord Jupiter with mysterious planet Ketu shows his staunch faith in ‘Sanatan Dharma’. He got the maha dasha of 9th lord Jupiter (from 1991 February to 2007 February) which gave him fame at very young age. He was child prodigy because of this amazing position of Jupiter, who’s dasha he god in childhood, in Rashi, Navamsha and Dashamsha. Notice carefully that Jupiter aspect the 10th house in Rashi and Dashamsha as the lord of 9th house. In Navamsha Jupiter as the 9th lord is in the 9th house with 10th lord Saturn, which is Vargottama, in a great ‘ Karma-Dharma-Adhipati’ yoga. He become a found of an NGO at the age of 18 years when his Saturn maha dasha was just started in year 2008.
Tejasvi Surya’s father Dr. L.A. Suryanarayana was a joint commissioner of Excise earlier. The 9th lord Jupiter exalted and strong Vargottama Saturn in the 9th house shows his birth in an influential family.
Why Tejasvi Surya is so eloquent and aggressive in his speeches ?
Tejasvi Surya is famous for his hard-hitting and logical speeches in Kannada and English. He campaigned for Narendra Modi in 2014 giving lectures in more than 100 public meetings at that time. The Vargottama Mars in the 2nd house of speech is in exchange with 2nd lord Venus. This exchange between 2nd lord Venus and 8th lord Mars made him a very aggressive speaker who do not hesitate to take his opponent head-on. See the rising sign of his ascendant is Aries which signifies by a ram (male sheep) who hit with his head to his enemy in a confrontation. Tejasvi Surya’s Moon is in Chitra Nakshatra which is a Nakshatra of Mars the fiery planet. Mercury and Sun also aspect his 2nd house from lagna from the 8th house of controversies. He has the tendency to make controversial statements using hard-hitting words.
Tejasvi Surya is a strong supporter of Hindutava and believes in the pride of Indian culture. He was the active member of Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) since his collage days. It was the dasha of Saturn-Saturn (February 2007 to February 2010) when he actively joined the BJP Yuva Morcha. During those years he was studying Law in collage. The aspects of Mars on his 5th house and 5th lord has to give him law. Saturn is also in the 9th house as 10th lord and Jupiter aspect the 10th house. He graduated in law from Bangalore Institute of Legal studies.
In year 2019 Tejasvi Surya won Lok Sabha election from Bangalore South constituency with a big margin of mover 3 lakhs votes during his Saturn-Moon dasha (January 2018 to August 2019) in Vimshottari. Saturn as we have discuss is strong 10th lord in the 9th house of luck. Moon as the 4th lord in the 7th house of public life gave him nationwide fame.
Future of Tejasvi Surya
In the horoscope of Tejasvi Surya there are good Raja Yogas and also some Arishta Yogas. The combine effect of these will make him a very successful yet a controversial political personality. See the exchange between 8th lord Mars and 2nd lord Venus. It is a bad exchange of 2nd and 8th houses from both lagna and Moon. He will continue to invite troubles for himself due to aggressively offensive statements against his political opponents on many occasions. The dasha of Saturn-Mars from August 2019 to August 2020 will be bad for him. Saturn and Mars are at 6/8 axis in birth chart and Navamsha. In Dashamsha they are in mutual aspects with each other showing some controversies at work place.
In the fag end of Saturn-Rahu dasha or early Saturn-Jupiter dasha around 2022-23 he can get married. But then his married life will not be good as it is clear from his horoscope. Venus is deep combust and is with 6th lord Mercury in the 8th house of disputes. Mars the lagan and 8th lord aspect the Venus which in Scorpio is not helpful. In Navamsha Venus as the 7th lord get the joint aspects by Mars and Saturn showing a possibility of divorce or separation with spouse. As per Jaimini system his Darakaraka is Sun which is conjoined with Ganatikaraka Venus in the 8th house. Upa-Pada is Scorpio which is the 8th house. The 2nd house from Upa-Pada has Saturn and the 7th from Upa-Pada has Mars showing a disturbed married life. The 7th house has a waning Moon as he was born on Amavasaya so this also is a bad indicator for his married life.
The maha dasha of Mercury starting from February 2026 will be difficult for his career and family life. Mercury is badly placed in the 8th house in birth chart, Navamsha and Dashamasha. But the saving grace here is the conjunction of 5th lord Sun with Mercury in birth chart and the auspicious aspect of 9th lord Jupiter on it. It is a cardinal principal of Sage Parashara that any planet under the influence of both 5th lord and 9th lord can give Raja Yoga during its dasha or anter dasha.
So despite all the hurdles because of controversies and family troubles Tejasvi Surya will continue to have a very long and successful political career.