In Medini astrology, astrological predictions of important political, social and economic changes are made from the horoscope of the Sun’s entry into a new sign (Rashi). By combining the solar ingress chart with country’s foundation horoscope , important predictions can be made about for the next 30 days. Recently in an article published on Navbharat Times Hindi news paper website on the horoscope of the lunar eclipse that took place on May 16 this year, I had forecasted ‘Some violent incidents in India, excitement of emotions and public protests”. These predictions about the violent demonstration, which has proved to be true recently when violent protests took place in many cities of India by a particular community (Muslim’s) in protest against some controversial statements of former BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma. Now the current Solar Ingress horoscope of Gemini is also indicating some more religious disputes and a possible protest movement of unemployed youth across many cites of India in response to government new radical scheme for recruitment in army. Apart from this cases of corona virus and monkey pox will increase in India due to the conjunction of Mars and Rahu in Aries sign, but things will remain under control only.
{Hindi} 16 मई को लग रहा है साल का पहला चंद्र ग्रहण, जाने क्या होगा देश दुनियाँ पर प्रभाव !
On June 15, at 12:04 pm Indian standard time, on Wednesday, Krishna Pratipada, the Sun will enter Gemini (Mithuna Rashi). At the time of Sankranti (solar ingress) , the lunar month of Ashadha would have started and due to the Sun’s ingress at the time of Leo ascendant rising there is a possibility of severe heat in the large part of the country. The planetary position in Sankrani chart is particularly inauspicious sign for women. After the arrest of Nupur Sharma, the government may face opposition from its own supporters. Notice the position of Venus and Rahu in the sign of Mars in Aries at the 9th house of higher judiciary, and the 3rd aspect of 6th & 7th lord Saturn on it. This combination in the solar ingress chart of Gemini does shows major trouble for the government due to the arrest or legal proceedings on some female politician which could be Nupur Sharma the former spokesperson of BJP who is in news these days for some wrong reasons. In the Navamsha of Solar ingress chart the 9th house has Moon in its own sign under the aspect of Mars and Saturn which shows boiling emotions on religious matters.
The Moon-Mercury-Rahu dasha is running in the foundation horoscope of India. The sub-sub period lord Rahu is in the ascendant showing communal tensions. In the horoscope of Gemini ascendant of ruling BJP, Moon-Jupiter-Rahu’s Vimshottari dasha is going on. Interestingly in both BJP and India’s foundation chart the sub-sub period of Rahu, which signify Muslims, is running till mid of July 2022. So controversies related to Nupur Sharma’s offensive comments on Islam and Gyanvapi Masjid dispute will continue to trouble the government for some more days.
Indian Women’s Hocky Team Can win a medal in 2022 world cup
India’s team can win some medal in the Women’s Hockey World Cup competition to be held in Holland from July 1 to July 17. In the Sankranti Kundli, the aspect of Venus (women) is falling from the ninth house of luck, on the third house of the sports is auspicious. Apart from this the aspect of Yogakaraka Mars on the 3rd house in solar ingress chart is also astrologically favorable for India to get honor in this important Women’s Hockey World Cup to be held in July month. In Navamsha of the solar ingress horoscope the 3rd house has exalted Mars in mutual aspect with Moon which is in her own sign in the 9th house of luck is very favorable for success in sports for India.
Now see the Hindu New Year horoscope of India for year 2022 where the 3rd lord is Sun strongly placed in the 10th house of honor and achievements. In the month of May recently India had won Thomas Cup for the first time after defeating 14 times champion Indonesia.
In the month of May Nikhat Zareen had won the gold medal at world boxing championship. Now in the first fortnight of July Indian women’s hocky team is expected to win a medal astrologically as we have a very strong Hindu New Year chart for sporting success. See the aspects of Jupiter and Venus on the 3rd house of sports in the Hindu New Year 2022 horoscope for India.
Inflation and Protest by unemployed youth foreseen
At the time of Sun’s entry into Gemini, Mars will give aspect to the Sun from Pisces in the 8th house, which is an indication of rising inflation. At the time of Sankranti, Moon, Mercury and Venus will transit in the Navamsha of the three water signs, which will bring good rainfall in the southern and central parts of India. In cities like Raipur, Mumbai, Bhopal, Bangalore, Calcutta etc. there will be good rain in the second fortnight of June. The cases of virus and monkey-pox may also increase from the first fortnight of July due to the conjunction of Mars and Rahu in Aries sign, but the situation will remain under the control of the government. The ‘Agneepath Scheme’ launched by the central government for radical recruitment in the army for the post of solders will get sharp opposition from the unemployed youth who were looking for a stable government career. In the solar ingress chart of Gemini the 10th lord (government policies) Venus is in the 9th house along with malefic Rahu. The aspect of 6th (public protests) and 7th (violence) lord Saturn on the 10th lord Venus is a yoga for very disturbing public protests which may force the government to change rules for its newly introduce army recruitment policy known as ‘Agneepath’.