The South West monsoon in Kerala had arrived on the 30th of May this year. In the June issue of the Express Star Teller at page number 33 paragraph number 2 in the article ‘Southwest Monsoon 2024’ a prediction of an Early onset of monsoon over Kerala was made by me which came out correct. However, the rainfall in the month of June is 11% deficient. The state of Kerala (-25%) and coastal Karnataka (-14%) has received less rainfall. Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh has also received less rainfall in the month of June. In the month of July we expect more than normal rainfall due to good placement of planets in the New Moon horoscope (6th of July 2024) and also in the Solar Ingress of Cancer chart (16th of July 2024). In my article “Forecasting Trends for the South West Monsoon for India in 2024” posted on the 31st of May i had forecast an early onset of monsoon in Delhi-NCR on the 28th and 29th of June. This prediction also came out correct as “Heavy rainfall pounded Delhi on the 28th of June morning as monsoon landed earlier than expected by Indian Meteorological Department.” {Link}
Forecasting Trends for the South West Monsoon 2024
Now the transiting Jupiter from Taurus sign is behind the Sun which as per Bhavishya Phala Bhaskar is a yoga for very good rainfall. Also, Venus is about to come into Cancer sign and join Mercury which is another very good Yoga for the rainfall. This astrological phenomena will bring very heavy rainfall in the North and North-West Part of India from the 6th of July Anavasya.
Chart 1. New Moon Horoscope
6th of July 2024, 04:27 a.m. at Delhi
But the Saturn will be retrograde in Aquarius and Jupiter will be in fast moving motion from Taurus sign. The retrogression of Saturn and the fast moving motion of Jupiter during the monsoon season is a yoga for erratic rainfall as per Bhavishya Phala Bhaskara. So, during the month of July there will be excess rainfall in North India, Western Parts of India and also in Punjab Province of Pakistan. But many other places of the Indian sub-continent will receive less than normal rainfall which would be a concern.
Mars in Kritika Nakshatra and Danger for Ayodhya
From the 12th of July to 28th of July Mars will remain in Kritika Nakshatra.

Mars in Rohini Nakshatra and Danger of an Earthquake
The transiting Mars will be in Rohini Nakshatra from 26th of July to 10th of August this year. This period shows a danger of an earthquake as Mars will be in Rohini along with Jupiter and these two major planets will be in Kendra from retrograde Saturn which is a yoga for an earthquake. In the hilly areas of India and Pakistan there will be a danger from destruction of lives and property during this period of Mars transit from Rohini and also around the Full Moon of 20th of August when an earthquake may also come in the Norther Parts of India and Punjab Province of Pakistan.