Hindu New Year will begin at the time of a total solar eclipse on the 8th of April 2024 on Monday. This solar eclipse will be visible at the North and some parts of the South American continent but not in India. The Hindu New Year begin on Monday night on 8th of April 2024 at 23:50:57 hours (IST) when Chaitra Amavasya (no Moon day) ends and the Chaitra Shukla Pratipada starts. Although, the horoscope cast for the Hindu New Year is for Monday but since the Pratipada (first lunar day) Tithi at the time of Sun rise is on Tuesday morning so the lord of the Hindu New Year will be Mars. Interestingly, in the Hindu New Year horoscope 2024-25 for India the conjunction of Saturn and Mars in the 3rd house is likely to give very enigmatic results and some violent incidents during the year of general elections in the country. There will also be some major restrictions on some media houses and freelance journalists in India by the ruling central government which will get widespread international criticism.
As per the Chapter number 19 ‘Graha Varsha Phala Adhyay’ of Brihat Samhita of Varahmihira if Mars become the king of Hindu New Year then there are lots of fire accidents in town and forests, dusty winds blows, fear from robbers and thief, loss of wealth and animals etc. is foreseen. As per modern observations Mars becoming the King of Hindu New Year can bring a war or war like situation in the country. This year India will face a war like situation with China and/or Pakistan as some border clashes will take place but since the 7th house of Hindu New Year horoscope (chart 1) is not afflicted by malefic planets so no major war is foreseen.
{Note: This article of mine was published in the March 2024 issue of the Express Star teller Magazine. The same has been reproduce here for the readers of this blog}
At the time of Sun’s entry into Aries (13 April 2024, 21:04:47 at Delhi) the day is Saturday and its lord Saturn become the minister of the New year. As per Varsha Prabodha if Saturn become the minister of New Year then there will be no happiness for the general public and rainfall is not sufficient.
Chart 1. Horoscope of Hindu New Year 2024-25 
Inflation foreseen
In the Hindu New Year horoscope the conjunction of Mars and Saturn indicate inflation which could be due to the prices of oil as on the day of the eclipse these two planets will be at the 7th house of the foundation chart of USA which may face a war like situation leading to the higher oil prices across the globe. This will also have its impact on India where consumer may have to pay high prices for oil and cooking gas during the second half of the year 2024. As per the book “Vyapaar Ratna”, a financial astrology text in Hindi, by legendary astrologer Pandit Hardeo Sharma Shastri Trivedi the conjunction of Mars and Saturn in malefic Rashi’s give inflation i.e. price rise. We have seen this rule working during March-April 2022 when Mars and Saturn first conjoined in Capricorn on 26th of February 2022 and remain together throughout March month , and then the ‘Atichari Saturn’ (fact moving Saturn) followed Mars in Aquarius sign and had another conjunction on 29th of April which continued for few days. This was the period when Russia-Ukraine war had brought food crisis, higher inflation and eroding wages problems across many countries of the world.
Now this time the conjunction of Mars-Saturn in Aquarius on the day of total solar eclipse and a Hindu New Year will again bring war like condition and inflation across the blog but the magnitude of it will less as compare to year 2022. However, the rising prices of essential food items and fuel (petrol and diesel) will be a challenge to control for the government in year 2024 in India.
Major Weapon deal and Scientific Achievement
Also, this Mars-Saturn conjunction in the 3rd house also shows a very big deal to procure weapons for the army which will make the headlines in the year 2024. ISRO’s Gayanyaan Project will also be a success as the 5th house having two good benefic planets and the influence of three planets Mars, Saturn and Jupiter on the 9th house of scientific achievements is good astrological indication for it.
Major Achievements in Sports
In the Hindu New Year horoscope Sagittarius lagna rising and the 3rd house has Mars and Saturn in it. Saturn as the 3rd lord in conjunction with 5th lord Mars is very good for achievements in sports. The third house is the house of sports activity and 5th house is entertainment. The conjunction of their respective lords in the Hindu New Year horoscope is a good indication for Indian sports person’s performances at the upcoming Paris Olympics’ during 26th of July to 11th of August this year. We can get a reconfirmation of it astrologically from the solar ingress horoscope of Cancer given here.
Chart 2. Solar Ingress of Cancer
16 July 2024, 11:19 hours at Delhi
The solar ingress of Cancer will hold its sway during the stay of Sun in Cancer sign (Karka Rashi) from 16th of July to 16th of August for a period of 30 days. In the Karka Samkranti or Solar Ingress of Cancer the Virgo lagan is rising which is the 5th house of the foundation horoscope of India. The lord of 3rd house in this chart is Mars which is giving aspect to its own house. Jupiter and Saturn are also giving aspects to the 3rd house of sports. Also, the 5th house of entertainment is getting aspects of Sun, Venus, Mercury and also Jupiter. So, this time period will be very significant for sports persons, film stars, authors, stock market traders etc. of India.
In the last Olympic Games in Tokyo India has won 7 medals (1 gold, 2 silver and 4 bronze). Neeraj Chopra’s gold in Jevelin throw was the highlight for India in Tokyo Olympic. Neeraj Chopra is only the second after Abhinav Bindra to win an individual Olympic Gold medal for our country. This year at Paris Neeraj Chopra is likely to create a history after winning the second gold medal in Javelin throw in consecutive Olympic events as stars are very promising for India at the time of this event in Paris. Apart from it the aspect of both Mars and Saturn on the 3rd house of sports in the solar ingress of Cancer horoscope in both Rashi and Navamsha is an indication of a good performance by Indian athletes at Paris Olympics as they can surpass the tally of 7 medals in the previous edition of this game.
Chart 3. Foundation Horoscope of India
15 August 1947, 00:00 mid night at Delhi
In the foundation horoscope of India, the Vimshottari Dasha of Moon and Anter Dasha of Venus is running from July 2023 to March 2025. Moon and Venus are both feminine planets so during the general elections 2024 all the major political parties of India will promise new schemes to woo the women voters of the country. Moon is the lord of 3rd house and the Anter Dasha lord Venus as the lagna and 6th lord is placed in the 3rd house also indicate some border clashes with neighboring countries. The border tensions between India and China at Ladakh will not resolve. Pakistan may also create troubles at LOC (line of actual control) as in the Hindu New Year horoscope (chart 1) we have natural malefic planets Mars and Saturn in the 3rd house giving such indication. Pakistan will break the ceasefire at LOC and during the summer of 2024, when Venus-Moon-Jupiter in Vimshottari will be running, there will be a danger of a terrorist attach in North India and also a major public transport accident foreseen. The loss of public properties and human life will give grief to the nation during the months from April to June in 2024.
Good Year for Farmers and Fisherman
In the Hindu New Year horoscope (chart 1) Venus the significant of fish production is at the 4th house of farming along with luminaries (Sun and Moon). This yoga shows a great year ahead for fish production and also fruits & vegetable production as Venus is also the natural Karaka for ‘Moola’.
The effect of Rahu-Ketu axis at the 4th house in Rashi and Navamsha of Hindu New Year horoscope also shows the introduction of new technology and policy for the farmers. There will be major changes in the Commission for Agricultural Cost and Prices (CACP) in year 2024 after general elections which will be in the favor of farmers.
Good Year for Cinema, Media and Stock Market
The favorable conjunction of lagna and 4th lord Jupiter in the 5th house along with 7th and 10th lord Mercury is a yoga which indicate a favorable year for the entertainment industry of the country. A famous film artist, musician or creative person can win a very big international prize during April 2024 to April 2025. However, the aspect of Saturn on Mercury in Rashi chart and the conjunction of Saturn-Mercury in the Navamsha lagna of Hindu New Year (chart 1) is a yoga for some major disputes for journalist, authors and sculptures artists. Stock market traders will get benefit during 2024 and also some media houses. But since 5th lord Mars is in the Nakshtra of Rahu and is conjoined with Saturn so there will be an exposure of a big scam in media, journalism and stock market during April 2024 to April 2025 which will shock the entire nation. There will also be some major restrictions on some media houses and freelance journalist in India which will received widespread international criticism.
Chart 4. Horoscope of Indian Republic
26 January 1950, 10:18 hours at Delhi
In the Pisces lagna horoscope of Indian Republic (chart 4) the indication of a major constitutional development is present during the year 2024. Jupiter Maha Dasha and Mars Anter Dasha would be running in the horoscope of India Republic during February 2024 to January 2025. Jupiter as the lagna lord is in the 11th house of legislature and decree of Supreme Court. Mars as the 9th lord (Supreme Court) is in the 7th house along with Ketu. This yoga shows some new laws by the parliament after one or two very important judgement by the Supreme Court of India. The Indian Parliament is likely to make new laws for electoral bonds, same sex marriages, Polygamy in Muslim’s, Uniform Civil Code , Cast based Census and about Reservation Policy. Since Mars as the Anter Dasha lord is in close degree conjunction with Ketu so there will be public protest for the demand of higher reservations in jobs and education institutes by many social sects of the country throughout year 2024 which will force the Supreme Court to take ‘sue- moto action’ to form a larger bench for its hearing. The cast based census will be conducted by many states across the country and it will create more division in the society.