In the system of Tajik or Annual horoscope if the rising sign of lagan in Varshaphala is similar to the Janma lagna (birth ascendant) of the native then that year is called ‘Dwi-Janma-Lagna’. A year when rising sign of annual horoscope is similar to the Janma lagna of the person is considered very sensitive in general. Similarly if the Hindu New Year chart or Pisces New Moon has the rising sign same as the National Horoscope of the country then that year is also found to be highly sensitive for the nation. This year for India the rising sign of Hindu New Year is Taurus (Vrishabha), which is identical with her Janma langa of the foundation horoscope. So the astrological forecast for the Hindu New Year 2021-22 has to be made carefully taking into consideration the above mention aspect. Moreover, in the background of ongoing corona virus pandemic the current ‘Rakshasa Samvatsara’, as per North-Indian method, is also very sensitive.
Chart 1. Horoscope of Hindu New Year 2021-22
12 April 2021, 08:00 am at Delhi
The Pisces New Moon or Hindu New Year chart is cast for the time when Sun and Moon conjoined in the Pisces (Meena) Rashi at the same degrees. This astrological phenomena will occur on 12th of April on Monday in 2021 when Taurus will be rising in the ascendant at 08:00 am IST. On Monday (12th of April) it will be Krishna Amavasaya and Chaitra Shukla Pratipada will be on the Tuesday at the time of Sun rise so the King of the Year will be day lord of Tuesday i.e. Mars. Interestingly Mars has become the minister of the year also as when the Sun enter into Aries this year on Tuesday on the 13th of April. So the King and Minister of the year is a hard malefic planet Mars this year. As per Bhavishya Phala Bhaskar and Varsha Probodha this is consider highly inauspicious. Moreover, Mars as the King and minister of the year is in exchange with lagna and 6th lord Venus can bring sex scandals, crime against women and foreign plot against country during the beginning of Chaitra Shukla Pratipada on the 14th of April 2021. These trends may continue for the remaining year also.
What Mars brings as the King of Hindu New Year?
As per Varahmihir’s Brihat Samhita, Chapter Number 19 ‘Graha-Varsha-Phala-Adhyay’ when Mars become the King of the year “ then it gives fear from major fire accidents, wind storms, wild fire, violence by dacoits and thieves, loss of wealth and animals, highly irregular rainfall, loss of crops by lightening from the sky, misadventures by kings, spread of disease specially those of Pitta aliment etc.”
In the Hindu New Year chart Mars as the lord of 7th house and also of the 12th house is placed in the lagan along with malefic Rahu, which is indicating fear of war and an emergency like situation in the country. This year will also give troubles from increase in violence in the society, theft, robbery, sex crimes and erratic rainfall.
It is in the 2nd consecutive year when Mars is afflicting the lagna and 7th house both in the Hindu New Year horoscope. Last year the rising sign of Hindu New year was Cancer with Mars and Saturn in the 7th house. We had seen so much of disturbances then on the borders of China. The menace of corona virus pandemic had also given huge losses to our economy. The year 2021 will also be very sensitive especially till the end of the summer. But there is also some hope for the recovery of economy by the end of 2021 as in the Hindu New Year horoscope Sun, Venus and Moon are strongly placed in the 11th house of gains. The corona virus vaccination drive will give very good results and by the end of 2021 this pandemic will start coming under control.
Chart 2. National Horoscope of India
15 August 1947, 00:00 hours at Delhi
In the foundation horoscope of India the Vimshottari Dasha of Moon-Saturn is running from 10th of December 2019 to 10th of July 2021. Moon and Saturn both are in the 3rd house showing border tensions. The transiting Saturn will be in Capricorn and Jupiter in Aquarius during the summer of 2021. Interestingly in 1962 when China had attacked India in the month of October then also Saturn was transiting in Capricorn and Jupiter was in the Aquarius. Mars at that time was transiting in the Cancer sign in the 3rd house of national horoscope. The similar situation of transiting planets will occur in June 2021 when transiting Saturn will be in Capricorn in the Shravana Nakshtra, Jupiter in Aquarius in Shathabhisha and Mars will be in Cancer Rashi. Rahu will also be transiting in Taurus sign in the sensitive Rohini Nakshtra. In the middle of 2021, China can attack India’s border with the secret help from Pakistan. This was between India and China, if happen, can only be ended by Russian intervention.
Public Protests foreseen in 2021-2022 in India
The transit of Saturn from Shravana Nakshatra and Rahu from Rohini also indicate public protests across the globe and also in India. When the Nakshtra’s of Moon come under the influences of hard malefic planets then unrest in the public can come on the streets opposing the ruling elites of the country. In India it could be on the issues of labour laws, Uniform civil code, implementation of CAA and NRC and on some matters of farmers.
Manufacturing sector will revive from recession
Now again come to the chart 1, of Hindu New Year horoscope where Sun as the 4th lord is conjoined with 5th lord Mercury and also 3rd lord Moon. These planets are under the aspect of 9th and 10th lord Saturn. This is a very good Dhana Yoga which indicate recovery of economy because of involvement of defence manufacturing sector in particular. The Minister of the year is Mars as Sun will enter into Aries on Tuesday only on the 13th of April night. In the Hindu New Year chart the minister of the year Mars is in the 12th house of losses and is in exchange with lagna lord Venus. This will bring some foreign investments also to revive Indian economy.
This recovery of economy is likely to start after July in the Vimshottari dasha of Moon-Mercury in the national horoscope of India (chart 2) given above.
Emergency like situation foreseen in India in 2021-22
Mars and Rahu in the lagna of the Hindu New Year chart are not good for the ruling elites of the country. The lagna or ascendant in the mundane horoscope signify the ruler of the country and also his cabinet. The 8th house signify the misshaping for the important persons and cabinet minister of the country or national mourning. In the Hindu New Year chart the 8th house is getting the aspect of 7th lord Mars which is inauspicious. The 8th house is also in “Paap-Kartari” as it is hemmed between Ketu and Saturn from both the sides. In Navamsha Mars is in the 8th house and the 8th lord falls in the 12th house. So it indicate an unfortunate events with some VVIP’s, death of important leaders and also major shuffle in the cabinet. Many high profile leaders and celebrities of the country will suffer from corona virus pandamic this year.
Chart 3. Narendra Modi Horoscope
17 September 1950, 12:09 hours at Vadnagar, Gujarat.
Balance of Dasha in Vimshottari: Saturn 10 years 2 months 18 days
In the horoscope of Prime Minister Narendra Modi Vimshottari dasha of Mars-Mars would be running from December 2020 to May 2021 and then Mars-Rahu would be running from May 2021 to May 2022. As per Sage Parashara Mars is the functional malefic for Scorpio lagna as its ‘Moola-Trikona’ Rashi Aries falls in the 6th house. Mars dasha in the horoscope of Mr. Modi will be in his 7th dasha since his birth which in a ‘Poorna-Ayu’ horoscope is considered sensitive as per the principals of medical astrology. The 6th lord Mars is in the lagna in Rashi Gandanta and it is debliteated in Navamsha. It indicate a very difficult year when he has to lead the country into an emergency like situation due to war and public unrest. He may also impose some Emergency laws like declaring ‘Financial Emergency’ under Article 360 and dissolving few state assemblies under Article 356. The transiting Ketu on his Janma Nakshtra Anuradha in the second half of 2021 and in early 2022 can adversely affect his health and position.
In Chara Dasha the period of Capricorn (Makar) will start from September 2021. Capricorn is the 3rd house of the horoscope of PM Modi which get the aspect of his Atamakaraka Saturn, Amatayakaraka Venus, Putrakaraka Mars and Bhatrikaraka Moon which will make him enable to take very strong decision which will bring some major unrest in some sections of society.