The opposition of Saturn and Mars across the Sagittarius-Gemini axis is covering the 2/8 houses of the foundation horoscope of India and also the Rashi chart of our Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The foundation horoscope of India is of Taurus lagna and Narendra Modi’s Rashi chart is with Scorpio rising at the ascendant. Saturn and Ketu are transiting from Sagittarius and Mars-Rahu are in Gemini so all the four hard malefic planets are covering the sensitive 2/8 axis of Indian Independence horoscope and also of the Narendra Modi’s horoscope. This is a clear indication of some major political upheaval, mass deaths , weather disturbances and a major fall in the stock market which could surprise the entire nation.
The results of the Lok Sabha Elections will be out on the 23rd of May about which i had made predictions much in advance. The readers may refer to my given below articles on the subject.
Saturn in Sagittarius and Indian General Elections in 2019
Planets and Indian Election Scene in 2018-2019
In the October 2015 issue of Express Star Teller magazine my article “Moon Maha Dasha of India” had appeared in which i had predicted that next government at the center will be a coalition led by BJP. The same astrological forecast was given in many of my blogs post out of which the links of two detail one are given above.
Saturn-Mars Samsaptak Yoga and fear of mass deaths
The dangerous Saturn-Mars opposition is afflicting the 8th house of the Taurus lagna foundation chart of India. This yoga can give mass deaths considering the fact that dasha of Moon-Jupiter is running in the foundation chart of India. Jupiter as the lord of 8th house is in the 6th house there. The period around the Full Moon (Poornima)of 19th of May and New Moon (Amavasaya) of 3rd of June is specially more fearful as then there could be heavy dust storms and some earthquake which might give losses of human lives and national assets. The Gemini sign signifying Bengal and Sagittarius indicating Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand are the places where such natural calamity may strike. Since Mars and Rahu are in Gemini an airy sign so a plan crash incident can also happen which could be a big one.
There will also be fear of forest fire destroying hundred of acres of woods and affecting many villages in hilly areas of Uttrakhand signifies by Sagittarius sign. The USA signified by Gemini will see above normal forest fire incident during this summer in May-June months due to this Saturn-Mars opposition.
Stock Market and Gold Prices
The Saturn-Ketu conjunction is not consider good for the traders is what i had pointed out in my article “Saturn-Ketu Conjunction and Ensuing Difficult Time For Traders in 2019-2020”
If you a stock market investor then be very careful in the next few days. It is not only the trade wars between China and USA that would be worrisome but the result of India General Elections 2019 on 23 of May will be disappointment for many traders in the country. The prices of gold may fall as the Sun and Jupiter signifying this precious metal are now in opposition for one month from 15th of May to 15th of June.
Political Upheavals Expected After General Election Results
The biggest impact Saturn-Mars ‘Samsaptak’ Yoga will make is on the Indian political scenario. The regional leaders like Naveen Patnaik, KCR , Jagan Modhan Reddy etc. will do very well in their respective states which would surprise the nation. The DMK led by M.K. Stalin in Tamil Nadu will also do well in elections. I have predicted the rise of these four important regional leaders long back and readers can see by just clicking the links on their name highlighting. Now see the given below Vrishabha Samkranti horoscope to study the effect of Saturn-Mars ‘Samsaptak’ yoga on the general election results.
Sun’s entry into Taurus or Vrishabh Samkranti Kundali
15 May 2019 , 11:02 hours at Delhi
In the Vrishabha Samkranti Kundali see the Saturn-Mars ‘Samsaptaka’ Yoga at the 6/12 axis. Saturn is the lord of 7th house and 8th house in the Cancer lagna chart. Saturn retrograde in the 6th house with Ketu shows mass deaths and major political disturbances. The 10th lord Mars falls in the 12th house with Rahu which gives uncertainty. Two benefic planets Mercury and Venus are in the 10th house of government which is a good thing for current BJP government.
Moon the Karaka of general public is getting afflicted by the joint aspects of Mars and Saturn which is fearsome. There will be mass deaths due to some dangerous earthquake and also couple of deadly dust storms which will rattle the north Indian states.
The new government will be formed after lots of political upheavals. Saturn and Ketu are in Sagittarius which is the 2nd house of Narendra Modi’s Scorpio lagna horoscope. Mars and Rahu are in Gemini which is his 8th house. He is under Moon-Venus dasha in Vimshottari. Does not it show some political scandal and a surprise political decision which could create outrage among his own supports ? The horoscope of BJP is of Gemini lagan where Mars and Rahu are transiting. Saturn and Ketu are in the 7th house there. It indicate the death of some very senior leader in the next couple of months. The dasha running there is of Moon-Mars in Vimshottari.
Full Moon Horoscope
19 May 2019 , 02:42 hours at Delhi
Now see the horoscope of 19th of May’s Poornima . The Saturn-Mars are across the 4-10 axis which is even more dangerous. The 4th house is related with parliament and general public also. The 10th house is of the government and head of the state i.e. Prime Minister. The 7th house is the house of opposition parties. Here the 7th house Virgo is getting the aspects of Mars and Saturn two hard malefic planets. What does it mean ? Is there going to be a serious dispute after the result of general elections declare during this fortnight on the 23rd of May ? or the hoarse-trading of Lok Sabha members and ‘cash for vote scandal’ is again going to haunt Indian parliament ? Both the possibilities are astrologically visible.
Fate of Mayawati in UP
Horoscope of Mayawati
15 January 1956, 19:50 hours at Delhi
The above given Cancer lagna horoscope is of BSP supremo Mayawati who is now under a favorable Vimshottari dasha of Mercury-Venus-Mercury from 24 January 2019 to 19 June 2019. The Mercury though is the lord of 12th house in her Cancer lagan chart but it is in the 7th house of alliance. Mayawati is now fighting the Lok Sabha Elections in an alliance with Samajwadi Party which once’s use to be her sworn enemies. Her party’s humiliating loos in general elections 2014 and UP assembly elections 2017 made her take this most difficult decision of her political life. Astrological indicators are that BSP may get more number of seats than Samajwadi Party in UP. The BSP may become the second largest party after BJP in UP which has 80 seats. Mayawati is under Venus sub period which is the lord of 11th house in the 8th house of surprises. Venus is in mutual aspect with 9th lord Jupiter which is a great Dhana Yoga.