Since the attack on the Iranian Consulate in Damascus, Syria by Israel on 1st of April this year, the tension between the two countries is not decreasing. In the second week of April, Iran had attacked Israel with more than 300 drones and missiles, which were foiled by Israel’s and US air defense system. At that time the large scale war between the two countries had been averted, but recently in late July, the death of two school children in a missile attack at the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights has once again increased the tension in the Middle East Asia. Iranian backed Hezbollah was behind the death of two school children in Israel. Israel, taking revenge for this terrorist attack by Hezbollah, first carried out a missile attack in Beirut, Lebanon, killing several terrorist commanders and immediately after that, Mossad in Iran, in a secret operation, bombed Hamas Chief Ismail Haniyya in his own house, creating a wide spread tensions and fear across the middle-east.
Ismail Haniyeh was the senior most leader of Hamas political wing who was on a visit in Iran at the invitation of its newly elected president Masoud Pezeshkian. Now if we see the situation from astrological point of view the planetary disposition at the time of New Moon of 4th of August is showing a danger for both Israel and Iran. Although ,there will not be any big war but some exchange of deadly missile and drone attacks can’t be ruled out.
Chart 1. Horoscope of New Moon
4 August 2024, 13:14 hours at Tel Aviv, Israel
If we look at the current planetary position, then there is a sign of danger for Israel after the upcoming Shravan Amavasya (New Moon in the lunar month of Shravana) of 4th of August. In the horoscope of the New Moon, the conjunction of Mars and Jupiter is taking place in the seventh house of war. On the day of Shravana Amavasya, the position of Saturn in Aquarius, Jupiter-Mars in Taurus and Mercury-Venus in Leo is taking place. Since the number of benefic planets in fixed zodiac signs being more than the malefic planets, so there will be no threat of any major war, but a strong attack on Israel by Iran-backed Yemen’s Houthi rebels and Hezbollah together can happen anytime in the next 15 days.
Rahu Maha Dasha will bring more troubles for Israel

Strict sanctions can be imposed on Iran
Chart 3. Foundation Horoscope of Iran
Rahu-Saturn Dasha will give full fledged war
In the Maha Dasha of Rahu and Anter Dasha of Saturn from March 2028 to January 2031 the Israel will face a danger of a full fledged war with Iran when the transiting Saturn will be in Taurus in Rohini Nakshatra right over her natal Mercury which is the lord of lagna (char 2.). Until 2030 we don’t foresee a full scale war between Israel and Iran as per the study of the foundation chart of Israel.