This year, the biggest lunar eclipse of the last three years will be seen in America at the midnight of 13/14 March, during which the color of the Moon will appear somewhat red. According to the astronomy experts , this lunar eclipse is the biggest total lunar eclipse after the lunar eclipse visible in the […]
Solar Ingress of Libra 2024 – What it foretells ?
When the Sun enters the next zodiac sign after thirty days, the horoscope formed at that time is called the Sankranti horoscope of that particular zodiac sign. For example, this year, the Sun will enter Libra on the October 17th, 2024 at 7:42 am Indian Standard time, then at that time Libra ascendant will be […]
Annual Horoscope of Narendra Modi for completed year 74 -What it foretells ?
In the ‘Varshaphal’ or ‘Tajik’ branch of Hindu astrology, the horoscope cast at the time when the transit Sun reaches at the same degrees of the birth chart of a natives natal position the chart so cast is called the ‘Varsha Kundli’ or ‘Annual horoscope’. The transit Sun reaches at the radical Sun around the […]
The Samsaptaka Yog of Sun-Saturn and the conjunction of Jupiter-Mars in Mrigasira Nakshatra – What it foretells ?
This year, at the time of Sun’s entry into Leo (16 August 2024, 7:45 PM, Delhi), all the major planets like Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and the Sun were in mutual Kendra (Square) which is an astrological indication of some major political upheaval as well as natural disasters in the country. According to the Avakhada Chakra […]
Horoscope of Sun Enters into Cancer and major decisions of the apex court foreseen
In mundane astrology the horoscope for the Sun’s entry into a sign (Rashi) gives important indications for coming next 30 days. The solar ingress from movable sign’s Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn is particularly more important as its impact may remain for about 90 days time each. This year the Sun has entered into Cancer […]