In Bhavishya Phala Bhaskar ‘Graha Yoga Prakrana’ Adhyay sloka number 49 and 50 says that conjunction of malefic planets like Saturn-Rahu or Saturn-Rahu-Mars in Sagittarius (Dhanu) or Pisces (Meena) Rashi brings ‘Durbhiksha’ i.e. recession as per modern interpretation. In the same book’s ‘Shani-Chaar-Phalam’ Adhyay at sloka number 15 it is mentioned that transit of Saturn […]
Total Solar Eclipse of 20 April 2023- What it foretells for India and the world ?
Although the total solar eclipse that will occur on the coming 20th April will not be visible in India and its Sutak (religious ritual) will not be observed, but since Rahu-Ketu (nodes) are making connections with some major planets and constellations during the time of this eclipse, so its general effects should be assessed carefully […]
Raj Yoga’s in the horoscopes of top corporate leaders
As per the classical text Maansagri Moon (Chandra) is Beeja (seed), birth chart is tree and Navamsha along with other divisional charts are the fruits of that tree. In Sage Parashara’s Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, the ‘Chandra Yoga Adhayaa’ is given just before the ‘Raja Yoga Adhayaa’ (Chapter number 40) with some important clues about […]
Forecasting commodities prices and financial markets in mundane astrology
In Brihat Samhita of Acharya Varahmihira the principals of financial astrology or commodities pricing and on career guidance through astrology has been discussed in many chapters. In the Chapter number 15 named ‘Nakshatra Vyuh Adhyay’, the Acharya has mention various commodities and professions that are signified by all the 27 Nakshatra’s from Kritika to Bharani. […]
Astrology and Crisis in Career-Timing the big change in life
India is facing an economic slowdown post demonetization (November 2016) and GST (July 2017) which were poorly implemented resulting in lots of job losses in both formal and informal sector of our economy. Globally Europe and China are suffering from slowdown for various reasons. The USA-China trade wars and Iran-Saudi Arabia military tensions can also […]