After the 26/11 Mumbai terror attack in 2008 there is a significant change in the strategy of ISI and Pakistan army which now instead of inflicting violence on general public in India has started targeting its security forces. The ‘stone-pelting’ incidents in Kashmir has increased since 2008 and also the suicide-bombers attacks on security forces. As per astrological analysis of the horoscope of Kashmir the situation can become worst and uncontrollable in 2020. The terror attacks on Indian security forces in Pathankot and Uri in 2016 and the recent terror attack on 14 February 2019 in Pulwama in Kashmir killing more than 40 CRPF solders was another heinous crime of Pakistan against humanity. Pakistan is now deliberately choosing to attack armed forces in Kashmir to draw the attention of the international community towards the anger of Kashmiri youth against the heavy presence of Indian security personals in the valley. Astrologically the situation in Kashmir is likely to become worst in coming months which will eventually result in an India-Pakistan war in 2020.
The situation could affect the assembly elections in Jammu & Kashmir which are due this year. Last year on 21st of November the Jammu & Kashmir Vidhan Sabha was dissolve by the governor in a controversial overnight drama after BJP withdraw support from the PDP. The Congress and National Conference joined hands together for staging a claim to form the new government but before they approached the governor with formal proposal the assembly was dissolved. The BJP and PDP alliance was earlier formed post assembly elections in 2014 (November-December) in which they had got 25 and 28 seats respectively in the 87 member’s legislative assembly. PDP’s chief Mufti Muhammad Sayeed had then become the chief minister and BJP’s Kavinder Gupta was sworn-in as the deputy chief minister. Later after the death of Mufti Muhammad Sayeed her daughter Mehbooba Mufti took the oath of chief-ministership on 4th of April 2016 with BJP’s Nirmal Singh becoming the deputy chief minister afterwards. On the issue of Kathua gang rape and anti-terror operations by army the rift between the PDP-BJP coalition, which was wobbly from the beginning, become widen and by the end of 2018 the BJP had to dump Mehbooba Mufti.
Horoscope of Kashmir Accession
27 October 1947, 13:21 hours at Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir
Longitude: 74E 48’ and Latitude: 34N 05’
Source: From Data of K.N.Rao

Balance of Dasa in Vimshottari: Saturn 10 Years 7 Months and 23 Days
The horoscope cast at the time of Jammu & Kashmir’s accession with India is very inauspicious. In the Makar lagna chart the Mars and Saturn are in the 7th house of war. Mars and Saturn are in the Sarpa Dreskkan and so is the Jupiter and Ketu{ Note: 2nd and 3rd Dreskkan of Cancer, 1st and 2nd Dreskkan of Scorpio and 3rd Dreskkan of Pisces is a Sarpa Dreskkan }. Rahu is in 1st Dreskkan of Taurus in Paash Dreskkan. Apart from this the 1st and 3rd Dreskkan of Libra is also a Paash Dreskkan where Sun, Venus and Mercury are placed. So all the planets in the horoscope of Kashmir Accession, except Moon which is in Kemadruma, are in inauspicious Dreskkan’s. The state of Kashmir is destined to destroy during the ongoing maha Dasa of Mars from June 2018 to June 2025. The current Mars-Rahu period from November 2018 to December 2019 is showing acceleration of violence in the Kashmir region. Notice the weak situation of Mars and Rahu in the Dasamasha chart. Mars is in the 12th house and Rahu is with 10th lord Sun in the 3rd house getting the aspects of Mars, Mercury and Jupiter. This shows instability in the matters related with forming the government. The ascendant of the Dasamasha chart is sandwiched between malefic planets Saturn and Mars. In Dashamsha chart of Kashmir horoscope the ascendant Scorpio is rising with Saturn in the 2nd house and Mars in the 12th house. Mars as the 6th lord in the Dashmasha chart shows political instability in Kashmir state during its dasha now.
Saturn is transiting from Sagittarius at present in the twelfth house from the Makar lagna Kashmir accession horoscope. In the month of May-JUne it will be in the opposition with Mars which will be in Gemini then in Rahu-Ketu axis. This situation will lead to a war like scenario due to increase violence in the valley, possibly after general elections, by the disturbances from Pakistan supported militancy. Then a lunar eclipse on July 16 in Sagittarius sign and a solar eclipse on 26 December this year again in the same sign, both visible in India, will bring unimaginable volatile situation in Kammu and Kashmir. These two eclipses in the sign Sagittarius will be falling at the 10th house from the natal Moon of Jammu & Kashmir state which is in Pisces in Kemadruma yoga. The situation will become such bad that India will have to snap diplomatic relations with Pakistan. Then in year 2020 during April to June when the transiting Saturn and Jupiter will be at close degrees in Makar Rasi, hovering over the ascendant of Kashmir accession chart, a great war between India and Pakistan might destroy a large part of Jammu & Kashmir region. The Vimshottari Dasa at that time would be of Mars-Jupiter in the horoscope of Kashmir accession. Jupiter the Bhukti lord is taking the inauspicious 3rd and 12th lordship here thus becoming a functional malefic.
Dwisaptati Sama Dasha is also applicable in the horoscope of Kashmir. Dwisaptati Sama Dasha is a conditional dasha of Sage Parashra which is applicable in the horoscopes where the lagna lord is in the 7th house or the 7th lord is in the lagna. In the horoscope of Kashmir the lagna lord Saturn is in the 7th house. In Dwisaptati Sama Dasha the period of Rahu-Mars from March 2019 to May 2020 shows a danger of war like situation. If assembly elections took place during this period there will be lots of violence. There will also be protest against delimitation of constituencies in the state of Jammu & Kashmir. The BJP led central government can also dilute article 35A which gives special powers to the Jammu and Kashmir government in the matter of giving special status to the Kashmiri people in right to own property, jobs , scholarship etc. Any attempt to dilute article 35A will create violence in Kashmir and India-Pakistan relations will also become very volatile by 2020.
Will BJP scrap article 370 and article 35A ?
BJP is committed to scrap the article 370 and 35A which gives special powers to Jammu and Kashmir state. This has been in the political agenda of the party since decade. Now when they are in full majority in the Lok Sabha and by the mid of 2020 they will also get majority in upper house (Rajya Sabha) the question arises will they bring a legislation to scrap article 370 or article 35A ? The article 370 was created to protect the clause 7 of the instrument of accession of Kashmir signed by Maharaja Hari Singh which declare that state could not be compelled to accept any future constitution of India. Neither Indian government or Kashmir State can unilaterally amend or abrogate the article 370 except in accordance to the term of the article. The BJP government may try to amend some provision of the article 370 and 35A but this matter is likely to be challenged in the supreme court when transiting Saturn and Jupiter will be in Makar Rashi in 2020-2021. Astrologically only a war between India and Pakistan in Kashmir can create a situation where some amendment in article 35A and 370 will be enforced by presidential order.