Since June this year China has been engaged in psychological warfare with India on the issue of Dokalam which is a tri-junction of India-China-Bhutan border. The state- controlled Chinese media is repeatedly issuing war threats with audio-visuals and photographs of PLA (people liberation army) military exercises. By remanding India about its humiliating defeat in 1962 war the Chinese side is trying to intimidate Indian citizens and demoralized its army. China is demanding that Indian army should retreat from its positions in Dokalam so that they can construct a road at that place. However, India is firm on its sand by protecting the interest of Bhutan with whom it has a friendship treaty. The Bhutan communicate with China though the Indian embassy only. The area of Dokalam is also strategically important for India as from here the Siliguri corridor is very near. If the Chinese are allowed to capture the Dokalam then in the scenario of a war the Chinese military may cutoff the North-Eastern part of India very easily.
Now astrologically the horoscope of China is suggesting that it may start a small military operation against India in next few days. The results of this could be economically disastrous for China who depend upon import of oil which sail through the Indian ocean mainly. The Indian navy can start blocking the Chinese oil import through the Indian ocean which is about 80% of its total oil requirements. India can also put China under-pressure by joining hands with USA and Japan in South-China sea dispute. Since last couple of years i have been writing about the “Chinese aggression” and threat of a big war in year 2020 .

Now see the image given above and understand why the small region of Dokalam has put the two major powers of the world at loggerhead with each other. Dokalam is very near to the Siliguri corridor which connect the mainland of India with the rest of the North East. At its narrowest point the Siliguri corridor is just 27 kilometers wide. Through this small area the Indian mainland is connected with entire north-eastern region by rain and road. If the China is allowed to construct a road at Dokalam Plateau then in the scenario of India-China war the Chinese artillery can easily destroy the rail and road network at Siliguri corridor of India. This will cutoff India’s supplies to the entire north-east and the China may then claim whole of Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim as its territory.
However, the warfare in the high altitude area like Dokalam is extremely difficult. The lowest point in this valley is nearly at 10000 feet and the highest altitude is about 14000 feet. The extremely cold weather in this area make it a logistical nightmare to run supplies and maintain troops. So even if the China win this strategically important piece of land it would be highly costly for her to keep it under its control. There is a very high possibility that Chinese side may not wage a full scale war in this area. But they may put India under pressure in Laddhak and Arunacal Pradesh region.
Foundation Horoscope of China
01- October- 1949 at 15:15 hours , Peking (China)
Balance of Dasha in Vimshottari: Moon 8 years 11 months 29 days
The most striking feature in the ‘Makar’ lagna horoscope of China is the influence of Mars on the 10th house of Rashi, Navamsha and Dashamsha charts. Mars is giving aspect to the 10th house and its lord in Rashi chart. In the Navamsha and Dashamsha it is placed in the 10th house itself. It shows the autocratic nature of the communist regime of China. The Mars is also giving aspect to the ascendant of Rashi, Navamsha and Dashamsha charts. It makes China a very aggressive and assertive nation which is not having border disputes with almost all of its neighboring countries.
At present China is under Saturn-Jupiter-Saturn period in Vimshottari from 14 July 2017 to 7 December 2017. The Saturn is falling in the 8th house from lagna and Moon. The Jupiter is badly placed in the 12th house of war losses. In Dashamsha chart the Saturn and Jupiter both are at 6/8 axis which is not favorable for China. The aspect of Jupiter on the dasha lord Saturn shows that country may not indulge itself into a full scale war at present. The period of Saturn-Jupiter running till 24 September 2019 will give China lots of small territorial military conflicts though.
The transit of Saturn from Sagittarius will ruin the international image of China and put its economy under stress. The growth rate of Chinese economy has dropped from 10% to 6.7% now. It will further see a fall after October this year when the prices of crude oil will increase and the Chinese import to other countries will start declining. The Donald Trump has already issued a warning to US companies to cut down outsourcing of manufacturing work to China.
Mercury Dasha of China and danger of war in 2020
Later the Mercury maha dasha starting from September 2019 will make China more hostile in terms of military action. The Mercury is along with Ketu and 8th lord Sun in the Rashi chart. In Navamsha it is the 3rd and 6th lord in mutual aspect with lagna and 8th lord Mars showing war. In Dashamsha Mercury is under the bad aspect of Saturn. The transiting Saturn and Jupiter will be in Capricorn over the ascendant and natal Moon of China in the first half of 2020. This gives an astrological indications that China will then wage of war against many countries in year 2020. The Chinese army may enter Kashmir on the behest of Pakistan in year 2020. In South-China sea region the China will get involve in a war with USA and its allies then.
Foundation Horoscope of India
15 August 1947 at 00:00 hours , Delhi (India)
Balance of Dasha in Vimshottari: Saturn 18 years 0 months 25 days
In the foundation chart of India the maha dasha of 3rd lord Moon is running from 9 October 2015 to 9 September 2025. The Moon is a functional malefic here for the Taurus lagna horoscope as per the sage Parashara. The Moon is waning as the foundation of India took place on the day of Krishna Triodashi i.e. 13th day of darker half. This Moon is bound to behave like a mild malefic planet. However, since it is involve in a Gajakesari yoga in Rashi and Navamsha so it will give India a good reputation at global stages during its period. Interestingly Indian prime minister Shri Narendra Modi is also running under the maha dasha of Moon in his Scorpio lagna horoscope. It is no surprise that in the maha dasha of 9th lord Moon Modi is travelling across the globe to improve India’s bilateral relations with foreign countries. He had travel to the countries where no other Indian prime minister has set foot in decades. Modi is also seen as a global leader who can counter China’s growing influence in the south-Asia. Under his leadership Indian government has proposed a new outlook called ‘Act East Policy’ following on from the ‘Look East Policy’ of Narasimha Rao’s Government in early 1990’s.
During this dasha of 3rd lord Moon India is establishing strong commercial, cultural and military ties with Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam and Cambodia. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) form Japan and South-Korea has also increased during the tenure of prime minister Modi. India’s more proactive role in the region has ignited China which is now directly threatening India for dare consequences.
Astrologically this situation is going to become more alarming in coming days. After the solar eclipse of 21st of August 2017 USA might involve in a war with North-Korea. This destructive war will also trap south-Korea and Japan. The USA and Japan are the top two foreign direct investor countries for India. India is also doing join naval and military exercises with Japan and USA since last couple of years. So a big war in Korean Peninsular will also seriously affect India’s strategic interest in south-east-Asia and also its economy. The overvalued stock exchange of India will start falling badly.
Now see the foundation chart of India again. The current Vimshottari dasha of Moon-Rahu-Saturn from 13 July 2017 to 8 October 2017 is showing difficulties for the Indian government. Rahu is well placed in the ascendant of Rashi chart but in Navamsha and Dashamsha it is badly placed in the 12th house of losses. In a scenario of India-China territorial war during this period there could be logistic troubles for the Indian army.
Rise of anti-China sentiments in India
Due to the effect of Rahu sub period running under the major period of Moon there will be lots of confusion in the mind of Indian citizens and the leaders of central government on the issue of relations with China. The right-wing organizations of the country are already instigating a campaign to call for boycott of Chinese goods. The growing nationalist sentiments against China will further gain momentum in next two years which will eventually hurt the business interests of many in India.
Later in the Moon-Jupiter period from August 2018 to December 2019 there will be more border skirmishes with China which will eventually result into a full-scale war in year 2020. India will have to face a two front attack from China and Pakistan then which would be the most difficult time for the country since its independence in 1947. The dasha of Moon-Saturn in 2020 and unfavorable transit of Saturn-Jupiter from Makar can put India under a disastrous situation. We can also reconfirm it astrologically from the Chara dasha of Jaimini. Indian is running with Pisces period from August 2015 to August 2020. The Pisces is the rashi of Karakamsha i.e. the Navamsha of Atamakaraka. The planets in the 5th house from Pisces are giving aspect to the 12th house from it. There is no benefic in Kendra from Pisces only Ganatikaraka Mars aspect this rashi which is not good. The Amatayakaraka Jupiter falls in the 8th house from Pisces. So in Jaimini Chara dasha also it get reconfirmed that India is heading towards a big war in 2020.